import { EmitterWebhookEvent as WebhookEvent } from "@octokit/webhooks"; import merge from "deepmerge"; import type { Logger } from "pino"; import { ProbotOctokit } from "./octokit/probot-octokit"; import { DeprecatedLogger } from "./types"; import { EmitterWebhookEventName as WebhookEvents } from "@octokit/webhooks/dist-types/types"; export declare type MergeOptions = merge.Options; /** * The context of the event that was triggered, including the payload and * helpers for extracting information can be passed to GitHub API calls. * * ```js * module.exports = app => { * app.on('push', context => { *'Code was pushed to the repo, what should we do with it?'); * }); * }; * ``` * * @property {octokit} octokit - An Octokit instance * @property {payload} payload - The webhook event payload * @property {log} log - A pino instance */ export declare class Context { name: WebhookEvents; id: string; payload: WebhookEvent["payload"]; octokit: InstanceType; log: DeprecatedLogger; constructor(event: WebhookEvent, octokit: InstanceType, log: Logger); /** * Return the `owner` and `repo` params for making API requests against a * repository. * * ```js * const params = context.repo({path: '.github/config.yml'}) * // Returns: {owner: 'username', repo: 'reponame', path: '.github/config.yml'} * ``` * * @param object - Params to be merged with the repo params. * */ repo(object?: T): { owner: any; repo: any; } & T; /** * Return the `owner`, `repo`, and `issue_number` params for making API requests * against an issue. The object passed in will be merged with the repo params. * * * ```js * const params = context.issue({body: 'Hello World!'}) * // Returns: {owner: 'username', repo: 'reponame', issue_number: 123, body: 'Hello World!'} * ``` * * @param object - Params to be merged with the issue params. */ issue(object?: T): { issue_number: any; } & { owner: any; repo: any; } & T; /** * Return the `owner`, `repo`, and `pull_number` params for making API requests * against a pull request. The object passed in will be merged with the repo params. * * * ```js * const params = context.pullRequest({body: 'Hello World!'}) * // Returns: {owner: 'username', repo: 'reponame', pull_number: 123, body: 'Hello World!'} * ``` * * @param object - Params to be merged with the pull request params. */ pullRequest(object?: T): { pull_number: any; } & { owner: any; repo: any; } & T; /** * Returns a boolean if the actor on the event was a bot. * @type {boolean} */ get isBot(): boolean; /** * Reads the app configuration from the given YAML file in the `.github` * directory of the repository. * * For example, given a file named `.github/config.yml`: * * ```yml * close: true * comment: Check the specs on the rotary girder. * ``` * * Your app can read that file from the target repository: * * ```js * // Load config from .github/config.yml in the repository * const config = await context.config('config.yml') * * if (config.close) { * context.octokit.issues.comment(context.issue({body: config.comment})) * context.octokit.issues.edit(context.issue({state: 'closed'})) * } * ``` * * You can also use a `defaultConfig` object: * * ```js * // Load config from .github/config.yml in the repository and combine with default config * const config = await context.config('config.yml', {comment: 'Make sure to check all the specs.'}) * * if (config.close) { * context.octokit.issues.comment(context.issue({body: config.comment})); * context.octokit.issues.edit(context.issue({state: 'closed'})) * } * ``` * * Config files can also specify a base that they extend. `deepMergeOptions` can be used * to configure how the target config, extended base, and default configs are merged. * * For security reasons, configuration is only loaded from the repository's default branch, * changes made in pull requests from different branches or forks are ignored. * * If you need more lower-level control over reading and merging configuration files, * you can `context.octokit.config.get(options)`, see * * @param fileName - Name of the YAML file in the `.github` directory * @param defaultConfig - An object of default config options * @param deepMergeOptions - Controls merging configs (from the [deepmerge]( module) * @return Configuration object read from the file */ config(fileName: string, defaultConfig?: T, deepMergeOptions?: MergeOptions): Promise; }