import { getPeopleHTML, getFileUrl, getLink } from './util.js' import { getBadgesInCategory } from './badge.js' import type { Github, FilenamesForReadmeFiles } from './types' import type Fellow from 'fellow' import type { BadgesField } from 'badges' function getSponsorsText(data: { badges: BadgesField sponsors: Fellow[] github: Github }): string { let result = '' if (data.sponsors.length === 0) { // ignore result += 'No sponsors yet! Will you be the first?\n\n' + getBadgesInCategory('funding', data) } else { result += 'These amazing people have contributed finances to this project:\n\n' + getPeopleHTML(data.sponsors) + `\n\nBecome a sponsor!\n\n${getBadgesInCategory('funding', data)}` } return result } function getMaintainersText(data: { maintainers: Fellow[] github: Github }): string { let result = '' if (data.maintainers.length === 0) { // ignore result += 'No maintainers yet! Will you be the first?' } else { result += 'These amazing people are maintaining this project:\n\n' + getPeopleHTML(data.maintainers, { displayContributions: true, githubRepoSlug: data.github.slug, }) } return result } function getContributeLink( data: { filenamesForReadmeFiles: FilenamesForReadmeFiles; github: Github }, optional = false ): string { // Prepare const file = data.filenamesForReadmeFiles.contributing if (!file) { if (optional) { return '' } else { throw new Error( 'Contributing section requires a CONTRIBUTING file to exist' ) } } const url = getFileUrl(data, file) const text = `Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the ${file} file.` // Return return getLink({ url, text }) } function getContributorsText(data: { filenamesForReadmeFiles: FilenamesForReadmeFiles contributors: Fellow[] github: Github }): string { let result = '' if (data.contributors.length === 0) { // ignore result += 'No contributors yet! Will you be the first?' + `\n\n${getContributeLink(data, true)}` } else { result += 'These amazing people have contributed code to this project:\n\n' + getPeopleHTML(data.contributors, { displayContributions: true, githubRepoSlug: data.github.slug, }) + `\n\n${getContributeLink(data, true)}` } return result } interface BackerOptions { filenamesForReadmeFiles: FilenamesForReadmeFiles badges: BadgesField maintainers: Fellow[] sponsors: Fellow[] contributors: Fellow[] github: Github } export function getBackerSection(data: BackerOptions): string { // Prepare const result = [ '


', '', '


', '', getMaintainersText(data), '', '


', '', getSponsorsText(data), '', '


', '', getContributorsText(data), ].join('\n') // Return return result } export function getBackerFile(data: BackerOptions): string { // Prepare const result = [ '


', '', '


', '', getMaintainersText(data), '', '


', '', getSponsorsText(data), '', '


', '', getContributorsText(data), ].join('\n') // Return return result } export function getContributeSection(data: { filenamesForReadmeFiles: FilenamesForReadmeFiles github: Github }): string { // Prepare const result = ['


', '', getContributeLink(data)].join('\n') // Return return result }