/* eslint key-spacing:0 */ // Imports // First we need to import the libraries we require. // Load in the file system libraries import { promises as fsPromises } from 'fs' const { readdir, readFile, writeFile } = fsPromises import { resolve, join, dirname } from 'path' // Errlop used for wrapping errors import Errlop from 'errlop' // CSON is used for loading in our configuration files import { parse as parseCSON } from 'cson-parser' // [TypeChecker](https://github.com/bevry/typechecker) is used for checking data types import { isString, isPlainObject, isEmptyPlainObject } from 'typechecker' // Fellow handling, and contributor fetching import Fellow from 'fellow' // Badges import type { BadgesField } from 'badges' // Load in our other project files import { getContributeSection, getBackerFile, getBackerSection, } from './backer.js' import { getBadgesSection } from './badge.js' import { getHistorySection } from './history.js' import { getInstallInstructions } from './install.js' import { getLicenseFile, getLicenseSection } from './license.js' import { getGithubSlug, getPeopleTextArray, replaceSection, trim, } from './util.js' // Types import type { FilenamesForPackageFiles, FilenamesForReadmeFiles, DataForReadmeFiles, DataForPackageFiles, EnhancedPackagesData, Github, PackageEnhanced, Editions, EnhancedPackagesDataWithGitHub, EnhancedReadmesData, } from './types.js' async function parseFile(path: string): Promise { try { const str = await readFile(path, 'utf-8') const data = parseCSON(str) return data } catch (err) { return Promise.reject(new Errlop(`failed parsing the file: ${path}`, err)) } } interface Options { /** the directory that we wish to do our work on, defaults to `process.cwd()` */ cwd?: string /** the log function to use, first argument being the log level */ log?: Function } // Definition // Projects is defined as a class to ensure we can run multiple instances of it export class Projectz { /** our log function to use (logLevel, ...messages) */ protected readonly log: Function = function () {} /** the current working directory (the path) that projectz is working on */ protected readonly cwd: string /** * The absolute paths for all the package files. * Should be arranged in the order of merging preference. */ protected readonly filenamesForPackageFiles: FilenamesForPackageFiles = { component: null, bower: null, jquery: null, package: null, projectz: null, } /** the data for each of our package files */ protected readonly dataForPackageFiles: DataForPackageFiles = {} /** the absolute paths for all the meta files */ protected readonly filenamesForReadmeFiles: FilenamesForReadmeFiles = { // gets filled in with relative paths readme: null, history: null, contributing: null, backers: null, license: null, } /** the data for each of our readme files */ protected readonly dataForReadmeFiles: DataForReadmeFiles = {} // Apply options constructor(opts: Options) { this.cwd = opts.cwd ? resolve(opts.cwd) : process.cwd() if (opts.log) this.log = opts.log } /** Compile the project */ public async compile() { // Load readme and package data await this.loadPaths() // Enhance our package data const enhancedPackagesData = await this.enhancePackagesData() // Enhance our readme data const enhancedReadmesData = await this.enhanceReadmesData( enhancedPackagesData ) // Save await this.save(enhancedPackagesData, enhancedReadmesData) } /** Load in the paths we have specified */ protected async loadPaths() { // Apply our determined paths for packages const packages = Object.keys(this.filenamesForPackageFiles) const ReadmeFiles = Object.keys(this.filenamesForReadmeFiles) // Load const files = await readdir(this.cwd) for (const file of files) { const filePath = join(this.cwd, file) for (const key of packages) { const basename = file.toLowerCase().split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.') if (basename === key) { this.log('info', `Reading package file: ${filePath}`) const data = await parseFile>(filePath) this.filenamesForPackageFiles[key] = file this.dataForPackageFiles[key] = data } } for (const key of ReadmeFiles) { if (file.toLowerCase().startsWith(key)) { this.log('info', `Reading meta file: ${filePath}`) const data = await readFile(filePath, 'utf-8') this.filenamesForReadmeFiles[key] = file this.dataForReadmeFiles[key] = data.toString() } } } } /** Merge and enhance the packages data */ protected async enhancePackagesData() { // ---------------------------------- // Combine // Combine the package data const mergedPackagesData: any = { keywords: [], editions: [], badges: { list: [], config: {}, }, bugs: {}, readmes: {}, packages: {}, repository: {}, github: {}, dependencies: {}, devDependencies: {}, } for (const key of Object.keys(this.filenamesForPackageFiles)) { Object.assign(mergedPackagesData, this.dataForPackageFiles[key]) } // ---------------------------------- // Validation // Validate keywords field if (isString(mergedPackagesData.keywords)) { return Promise.reject( new Error('projectz: keywords field must be array instead of CSV') ) } // Validate sponsors array if (mergedPackagesData.sponsor) { return Promise.reject( new Error('projectz: sponsor field is deprecated, use sponsors field') ) } if (isString(mergedPackagesData.sponsors)) { return Promise.reject( new Error('projectz: sponsors field must be array instead of CSV') ) } // Validate maintainers array if (mergedPackagesData.maintainer) { return Promise.reject( new Error( 'projectz: maintainer field is deprecated, use maintainers field' ) ) } if (isString(mergedPackagesData.maintainers)) { return Promise.reject( new Error('projectz: maintainers field must be array instead of CSV') ) } // Validate license SPDX string if (isPlainObject(mergedPackagesData.license)) { return Promise.reject( new Error( 'projectz: license field must now be a valid SPDX string: https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#license' ) ) } if (isPlainObject(mergedPackagesData.licenses)) { return Promise.reject( new Error( 'projectz: licenses field is deprecated, you must now use the license field as a valid SPDX string: https://docs.npmjs.com/files/package.json#license' ) ) } // Validate enhanced fields const objs = ['badges', 'readmes', 'packages', 'github', 'bugs'] for (const key of objs) { if (!isPlainObject(mergedPackagesData[key])) { return Promise.reject( new Error(`projectz: ${key} property must be an object`) ) } } // Validate package values for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(mergedPackagesData.packages)) { if (!isPlainObject(value)) { return Promise.reject( new Error( `projectz: custom package data for package ${key} must be an object` ) ) } } // Validate badges field if ( !Array.isArray(mergedPackagesData.badges.list) || (mergedPackagesData.badges.config && !isPlainObject(mergedPackagesData.badges.config)) ) { return Promise.reject( new Error( 'projectz: badges field must be in the format of: {list: [], config: {}}\nSee https://github.com/bevry/badges for details.' ) ) } // ---------------------------------- // Ensure // Ensure repository is an object if (typeof mergedPackagesData.repository === 'string') { const githubSlug = getGithubSlug(mergedPackagesData) if (githubSlug) { mergedPackagesData.repository = { type: 'git', url: `https://github.com/${githubSlug}.git`, } } } // Fallback name if (!mergedPackagesData.name) { mergedPackagesData.name = dirname(this.cwd) } // Fallback version if (!mergedPackagesData.version) { mergedPackagesData.version = '0.1.0' } // Fallback demo field, by scanning homepage if (!mergedPackagesData.demo && mergedPackagesData.homepage) { mergedPackagesData.demo = mergedPackagesData.homepage } // Fallback title from name if (!mergedPackagesData.title) { mergedPackagesData.title = mergedPackagesData.name } // Fallback description if (!mergedPackagesData.description) { mergedPackagesData.description = 'no description was provided' } // Fallback browsers field, by checking if `component` or `bower` package files exists, or if the `browser` or `jspm` fields are defined if (mergedPackagesData.browsers == null) { mergedPackagesData.browsers = Boolean( this.filenamesForPackageFiles.bower || this.filenamesForPackageFiles.component || mergedPackagesData.browser || mergedPackagesData.jspm ) } // ---------------------------------- // Enhance Respository // Converge and extract repository information let github: Github | undefined if (mergedPackagesData.repository) { const githubSlug = getGithubSlug(mergedPackagesData) if (githubSlug) { // Extract parts const [githubUsername, githubRepository] = githubSlug.split('/') const githubUrl = 'https://github.com/' + githubSlug const githubRepositoryUrl = githubUrl + '.git' // Github data github = { username: githubUsername, repository: githubRepository, slug: githubSlug, url: githubUrl, repositoryUrl: githubRepositoryUrl, } // Badges Object.assign(mergedPackagesData.badges.config, { githubUsername, githubRepository, githubSlug, }) // Fallback bugs field by use of repo if (!mergedPackagesData.bugs) { mergedPackagesData.bugs = github && { url: `https://github.com/${github.slug}/issues`, } } // Fetch contributors // await getContributorsFromRepo(githubSlug) } } // ---------------------------------- // Enhance People // Fellows const authors = Fellow.add( mergedPackagesData.authors || mergedPackagesData.author ) const contributors = Fellow.add(mergedPackagesData.contributors).filter( (fellow) => fellow.name.includes('[bot]') === false ) const maintainers = Fellow.add(mergedPackagesData.maintainers).filter( (fellow) => fellow.name.includes('[bot]') === false ) const sponsors = Fellow.add(mergedPackagesData.sponsors) // ---------------------------------- // Enhance Packages // Create the data for the `package.json` format const pkg: PackageEnhanced = Object.assign( // New Object {}, // Old Data this.dataForPackageFiles.package || {}, // Enhanced Data { name: mergedPackagesData.name, version: mergedPackagesData.version, license: mergedPackagesData.license, description: mergedPackagesData.description, keywords: mergedPackagesData.keywords, author: getPeopleTextArray(authors, { displayEmail: true, displayYears: true, }).join(', '), maintainers: getPeopleTextArray(maintainers, { displayEmail: true, urlFields: ['githubUrl', 'url'], }), contributors: getPeopleTextArray(contributors, { displayEmail: true, urlFields: ['githubUrl', 'url'], }), repository: mergedPackagesData.repository, bugs: mergedPackagesData.bugs, engines: mergedPackagesData.engines, dependencies: mergedPackagesData.dependencies, devDependencies: mergedPackagesData.devDependencies, main: mergedPackagesData.main, }, // Explicit data mergedPackagesData.packages.package || {} ) // Trim // @ts-ignore if (isEmptyPlainObject(pkg.dependencies)) delete pkg.dependencies // @ts-ignore if (isEmptyPlainObject(pkg.devDependencies)) delete pkg.devDependencies // Badges if (!mergedPackagesData.badges.config.npmPackageName && pkg.name) { mergedPackagesData.badges.config.npmPackageName = pkg.name } // Create the data for the `jquery.json` format, which is essentially the same as the `package.json` format so just extend that const jquery = Object.assign( // New Object {}, // Old Data this.dataForPackageFiles.jquery || {}, // Enhanced Data pkg, // Explicit data mergedPackagesData.packages.jquery || {} ) // Create the data for the `component.json` format const component = Object.assign( // New Object {}, // Old Data this.dataForPackageFiles.component || {}, // Enhanced Data { name: mergedPackagesData.name, version: mergedPackagesData.version, license: mergedPackagesData.license, description: mergedPackagesData.description, keywords: mergedPackagesData.keywords, demo: mergedPackagesData.demo, main: mergedPackagesData.main, scripts: [mergedPackagesData.main], }, // Explicit data mergedPackagesData.packages.component || {} ) // Create the data for the `bower.json` format const bower = Object.assign( // New Object {}, // Old Data this.dataForPackageFiles.bower || {}, // Enhanced Data { name: mergedPackagesData.name, version: mergedPackagesData.version, license: mergedPackagesData.license, description: mergedPackagesData.description, keywords: mergedPackagesData.keywords, authors: getPeopleTextArray(authors, { displayYears: true, displayEmail: true, }), main: mergedPackagesData.main, }, // Explicit data mergedPackagesData.packages.bower || {} ) // ---------------------------------- // Enhance Combination // Merge together const enhancedPackagesData: EnhancedPackagesData = Object.assign( {}, mergedPackagesData as { name: string title: string version: string description: string browsers: boolean keywords: string[] editions: Editions badges: BadgesField readmes: Record projectz: Record packages: Record dependencies: Record devDependencies: Record }, { // Add paths so that our helpers have access to them filenamesForPackageFiles: this.filenamesForPackageFiles, filenamesForReadmeFiles: this.filenamesForReadmeFiles, // Other github, // Fellows authors, contributors, maintainers, sponsors, // Create the data for the `package.json` format package: pkg, jquery, component, bower, } ) // Return return enhancedPackagesData } /** Merge and enhance the readmes data */ protected async enhanceReadmesData(data: EnhancedPackagesData) { const enhancedReadmesData: EnhancedReadmesData = {} /* eslint prefer-const: 0 */ for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(this.dataForReadmeFiles)) { if (!value) { this.log('debug', `Enhancing readme value: ${key} — skipped`) continue } value = replaceSection(['TITLE', 'NAME'], value, `


`) value = replaceSection( ['BADGES', 'BADGE'], value, getBadgesSection.bind(null, data) ) value = replaceSection(['DESCRIPTION'], value, data.description) value = replaceSection( ['INSTALL'], value, getInstallInstructions.bind(null, data) ) value = replaceSection( ['CONTRIBUTE', 'CONTRIBUTING'], value, data.github ? getContributeSection.bind( null, data as EnhancedPackagesDataWithGitHub ) : '' ) value = replaceSection( ['BACKERS', 'BACKER'], value, data.github ? getBackerSection.bind(null, data as EnhancedPackagesDataWithGitHub) : '' ) value = replaceSection( ['BACKERSFILE', 'BACKERFILE'], value, data.github ? getBackerFile.bind(null, data as EnhancedPackagesDataWithGitHub) : '' ) value = replaceSection( ['HISTORY', 'CHANGES', 'CHANGELOG'], value, data.github ? getHistorySection.bind(null, data as EnhancedPackagesDataWithGitHub) : '' ) value = replaceSection( ['LICENSE', 'LICENSES'], value, data.github ? getLicenseSection.bind(null, data as EnhancedPackagesDataWithGitHub) : '' ) value = replaceSection( ['LICENSEFILE'], value, getLicenseFile.bind(null, data) ) enhancedReadmesData[key] = trim(value) + '\n' this.log('info', `Enhanced readme value: ${key}`) } return enhancedReadmesData } /** Save the data we've loaded into the files */ protected async save( enhancedPackagesData: EnhancedPackagesData, enhancedReadmesData: EnhancedReadmesData ) { // Prepare this.log('info', 'Writing changes...') await Promise.all([ // save package files ...Object.entries(this.filenamesForPackageFiles).map( async ([key, filename]) => { if (!filename || key === 'projectz') return const filepath = join(this.cwd, filename) this.log('info', `Saving package file: ${filepath}`) const data = JSON.stringify(enhancedPackagesData[key], null, ' ') + '\n' return writeFile(filepath, data) } ), // save readme files ...Object.entries(this.filenamesForReadmeFiles).map( async ([key, filename]) => { if (!filename) return const filepath = join(this.cwd, filename) this.log('info', `Saving readme file: ${filepath}`) const data = enhancedReadmesData[key] return writeFile(filepath, data) } ), ]) // log this.log('info', 'Wrote changes') } }