Source: RallyMethods.js

 * Created by 212571071 on 7/21/16.
 * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014 GE Global Research. All rights reserved.
 * The copyright to the computer software herein is the property of
 * GE Global Research. The software may be used and/or copied only
 * with the written permission of GE Global Research or in accordance
 * with the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement/contract
 * under which the software has been supplied.

(function () {
    var logger = require('./Logger.js');
    var request = require('request-promise');
    var RallyHelper = require('./RallyHelper.js');
    var RallyLogger = require('./RallyLogger.js');
    var build_num,postOnlyTS;
    if (process.env.build_no != undefined)
        build_num = process.env.build_no;
    else build_num = 1;
    var name, status, duration, keyword, description, glb_test_case_id, glb_test_result_id , test_case_name,
        test_case_description, line, glb_j_length, glb_k_length, User_Story, json, i, error_message ='';
    var stepsArray = [];
    var RallyMethods = function () {
        var stat; var duration1;
        function queryUSTS(USTS, ws, proj,type, callbck) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                RallyLogger.getUSTSRef(USTS, ws, proj, type, resolve)
        function queryRH(type, obj, callbck) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                RallyLogger.UserPermissions(type, obj, resolve)
        function queryTC(type, test_case_name, project, ws, callbck) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                RallyLogger.getObjectRef(type, test_case_name, project, ws, resolve)
        function createTC(opts, ws, proj, callbck_create) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                RallyLogger.createTestcase(opts, ws, proj, resolve)
        function createTCR(opts, ws, proj, callbck) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                RallyLogger.createTestcaseResult(opts, ws, proj, resolve)
        function createTP(test_plan, ws, proj, callbck) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                RallyLogger.createTestPlan(test_plan, ws, proj, resolve)
        function updateTS(tcObj, resp, callbck) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                RallyLogger.updateTestSet(tcObj, resp, resolve)
        function updateTC(obj, ws, proj, callbck) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                RallyLogger.updateTestCase(obj, ws, proj, resolve)
        function updateTCR(opts, ws, proj, callbck) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                RallyLogger.updateTestCaseResult(opts, ws, proj, resolve)
        function TCR(tcObj, resp, callback) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                require('./RallyMethods.js').TestCaseResult(tcObj, resp, resolve)

        var k_loop = function(resp,callbck) {
            duration1 = 0; stepsArray = []; var failure = false; var statUndefined = false;
            for (k = 0; k < resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps.length; k++) {
                glb_k_length = resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps.length;
                if ((resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].result.duration != undefined) && (resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].result.duration != 'undefined')) {
                    duration1 = duration1 + resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].result.duration;
                } else {
                    duration1 = duration1 + 0;
                keyword = resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].keyword;
                if(resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].description != undefined) {
                    description = resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].description;
                } else {
                    description = "";
                if(resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].result.error_message != undefined) {
                    error_message = resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].result.error_message;
                    error_message = error_message.substring(0,400);
                } else {
                    error_message = "";
                if ((resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].match != undefined))
                    line = resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].match.location;
                    line = 0;
                if ((resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].keyword != "Before") || (resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].keyword != "After")) {
                    name = resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].name;
                    if (name != undefined) {
                        stepsArray.push('<br>' + parseInt(k+1) + '. ' + name);
                        //name = name.split(' ').join('_');
                    } else {
                if(resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].result.status == undefined ||
                    resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].result.status == 'undefined'){
                } else {
                    stat = resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps[k].result.status;
                if (stat == 'failed') {
            if((k == resp.resp.json[resp.i].elements[resp.j].steps.length-1) ) {
                if(k == 0) {
                    duration1 = ((duration1) / 1000000000.0).toFixed(2);
                    if(failure) stat='failed';
                    else if (statUndefined) stat=undefined;
                } else {
                    duration1 = ((duration1 / k) / 1000000000.0).toFixed(2);
                    if(failure) stat='failed';
                    else if (statUndefined) stat=undefined;
                return callbck(resp);
        function kloop(resp, callbck) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                k_loop(resp, resolve)
        var test_case_array = [];
        return {
             * Query Revision History, User Story, TestSet, calls methods TestCaseResult
             * @param tcObj             object w/  User_Story, resp, j, test_case_name, test_case_description, glb_folder_id,
             * build_num, testset, glb_test_case_id, glb_test_result_id, last_run, glb_i_length, glb_j_length
             * @param callback          callback on error or when reach end of j loop ( test cases )
            TestCaseFound: function(tcObj, callback) {
                var owner_url = tcObj.resp.revision_history_ref;
                var duration, status;
                queryRH('', '')
                    .then(function (resp) {
                        var owner = resp.owner_id;
                            .then(function (response) {
                                tcObj.stepsArray = stepsArray
                                if(process.env.overwrite_US != undefined && process.env.overwrite_US == "true"){
                                    tcObj.User_Story = process.env.user_story;
                                queryUSTS(tcObj.User_Story,, tcObj.proj, 'hierarchicalrequirement')
                                    .then(function (resp) {
                                        updateTC({resp: resp, owner:owner, tcObj:tcObj, error:error_message},, tcObj.proj)
                                            .then(function (resp) {
                                                queryUSTS(tcObj.testset,, tcObj.proj, 'testset')
                                                    .then(function (resp) {
                                                        resp.status = stat;resp.duration = duration1;resp.i = i;
                                                        resp.j = tcObj.j; resp.json = json;
                                                        updateTS(tcObj, resp)
                                                            .then(function (resp) {
                                                                TCR(tcObj, resp)
                                                                    .then( function(resp) {
                                                                        if (resp == 'step i')
                                                                            return callback('step i');
                                                                        else if (resp == 'step j')
                                                                            return callback('step j');
                                                                            return callback('callback');
                            }).catch(function (error) {
             * Query User Story, create TestCase, query TestSet, update TestSet, create TestCaseResult
             * @param tcObj             object w/  User_Story, resp, j, test_case_name, test_case_description,
             * glb_folder_id, build_num, testset, glb_test_case_id, glb_test_result_id, last_run, glb_i_length, glb_j_length
             * @param kObj              object w/ duration, status, and response from create test plan
             * @param callback          callback on error or when reach end of j loop ( test cases )
            noTestCaseFound: function(tcObj, kObj, callback) {
                if(process.env.overwrite_US != undefined && process.env.overwrite_US == "true"){
                    tcObj.User_Story = process.env.user_story;
                queryUSTS(tcObj.User_Story,, tcObj.proj, 'hierarchicalrequirement')
                    .then(function (resp) {
                        tcObj.User_Story =;
                        queryRH('', '')
                            .then(function(resp) {
                                tcObj.owner = resp.owner_id;
                                var obj = {tcObj:tcObj, kObj: kObj, error:error_message};
                                createTC(obj,, tcObj.proj)
                                    .then(function (response) {
                                        glb_test_case_id =;
                                        response.json = json;response.i=i; response.j = tcObj.j;
                                        response.duration = kObj.duration; response.status = kObj.status;
                                        tcObj.glb_test_case_id =;
                                        queryUSTS(tcObj.testset,, tcObj.proj, 'testset')
                                            .then(function (resp) {
                                                resp.status = stat;
                                                resp.duration = duration1;
                                                resp.i = i; resp.j = tcObj.j; resp.json = json;
                                                updateTS(tcObj, resp)
                                                    .then(function (response) {
                                                        tcObj.last_run = false;
                                                        var RallyMethods = require('./RallyMethods.js');
                                                        TCR(tcObj, response)
                                                            .then( function(resp) {
                                                                if (resp == 'step i')
                                                                    callback('step i');
                                                                else if (resp == 'step j')
                                                                    callback('step j');
             * Query Test Cases - contains method to call TestCaseFound and noTestCaseFound
             * @param tpObj             object with TestSet, and length of json file
             * @param response          Response from Query Test Folders (found, json, i,folderID, test_plan)
             * @param callback          callback on error or when reach end of j loop ( test cases )
            TestFolderFound: function(tpObj, response, callback) {
                json = response.json;
                i = response.i;
                glb_folder_id =;
                var step2 = function (j, done) {
                    if (j < response.json[response.i].elements.length) {
                        glb_j_length = response.json[response.i].elements.length;
                        test_case_name = response.json[response.i].elements[j].name;
                        temp = test_case_name.split(':');
                        if ((temp[1] != undefined)) {
                            User_Story = temp[0];
                            test_case_name = temp[1];
                        } else {
                            if (process.env.user_story != undefined)
                                User_Story = process.env.user_story;
                            else User_Story = '';
                            //test_case_name = test_case_name.split(' ').join('_');
                        test_case_description = response.json[response.i].elements[j].description;
                        var test_case_line = response.json[response.i].elements[j].line;
                        var loop2 = function (j, done) {
                            var temp = 0;
                            queryTC('testcase', test_case_name, tpObj.proj,
                                .then(function (resp) {
                                    glb_test_case_id =;
                                    var last_run = resp.last_run;
                                    glb_test_result_id = resp.test_case_result_id;
                                    if (resp != 'NOT_FOUND') {                                  // found test case
                                        resp.json = json; resp.i = i; resp.j = j;
                                        var tcObj = { User_Story: User_Story, resp: resp, j:j, test_case_name: test_case_name,
                                            test_case_description: test_case_description, glb_folder_id: glb_folder_id,
                                            build_num: build_num, testset: tpObj.testset, glb_test_case_id: glb_test_case_id,
                                            glb_test_result_id: glb_test_result_id, last_run: last_run, glb_i_length: tpObj.glb_i_length,
                                            glb_j_length: glb_j_length, i: i,, proj:tpObj.proj,
                                            testset_defined_env:tpObj.testset_defined_env, stepsArray:stepsArray };
                                        require('./RallyMethods.js').TestCaseFound(tcObj, function(response) {
                                            if(response == 'step i')
                                                callback('step i');
                                            else if (response == 'step j')
                                                step2(j + 1, done);
                                    } else {                                                   // did not find test case
                                        resp = { json:json, i: i, j: j };
                                        var tcObj = { User_Story: User_Story, resp: resp, j:j, test_case_name: test_case_name,
                                            test_case_description: test_case_description, glb_folder_id: glb_folder_id,
                                            build_num: build_num, testset: tpObj.testset, glb_test_case_id: glb_test_case_id,
                                            glb_test_result_id: glb_test_result_id, last_run: last_run, glb_i_length: tpObj.glb_i_length,
                                            glb_j_length: glb_j_length, i: i,, proj:tpObj.proj,
                                            .then(function (response) {
                                                var kObj = { duration: duration, status: stat, response:response, stepsArray:stepsArray };
                                                tcObj.stepsArray = stepsArray;
                                                require('./RallyMethods.js').noTestCaseFound(tcObj, kObj, function (response) {
                                                    if(response == 'step i')
                                                        callback('step i');
                                                    else if (response == 'step j')
                                                        step2(j + 1, done);
                                }).catch(function (error) {
                                console.log('error: ' + error);
                        loop2(j, done);
             * Create Test Folder, Test Case, & Test Case Result
             * @param tpObj             object with TestSet, and length of json file
             * @param response          Response from Query Test Folders (found, json, i,folderID, test_plan)
             * @param callback          callback on error or when reach end of j loop ( test cases )
            noTestFolderFound: function(tpObj, response, callback) {
                //console.log('no test folder found - creating');
                json = response.json;
                i = response.i;
                var test_plan = response.test_plan;
                var test_plan_description = response.json[response.i].description;
                //test_plan = test_plan.split(' ').join('_');
                createTP(test_plan,, tpObj.proj)
                    .then(function (resp) {
                        resp.json = json; resp.i=i;
                        var step3 = function (j, done) {
                            if (j < resp.json[resp.i].elements.length) {
                                glb_j_length = resp.json[resp.i].elements.length;
                                glb_folder_id =;
                                test_case_name = resp.json[resp.i].elements[j].name;
                                temp = test_case_name.split(':');
                                if ((temp[1] != undefined)) {
                                    User_Story = temp[0];
                                    test_case_name = temp[1];
                                } else {
                                    if (process.env.user_story != undefined)
                                        User_Story = process.env.user_story;
                                    else User_Story = '';
                                    //test_case_name = test_case_name.split(' ').join('_');
                                test_case_description = json[resp.i].elements[j].description;
                                var test_case_line = json[resp.i].elements[j].line;
                                var tcObj = {User_Story: User_Story, test_case_name: test_case_name,
                                    test_case_description: test_case_description, glb_folder_id:, resp:resp,
                                    build_num: build_num, testset: tpObj.testset, glb_i_length: tpObj.glb_i_length,
                                    glb_j_length: glb_j_length, j:j, i:i,, proj:tpObj.proj,
                                    testset_defined_env:tpObj.testset_defined_env, stepsArray:stepsArray };
                                var loop3 = function (j, done) {
                                    resp.j = j;
                                        .then(function (resp1) {
                                            tcObj.stepsArray = stepsArray;
                                            var RallyMethods = require('./RallyMethods.js');
                                            var kObj = { duration: duration1, status: stat, response: resp1, stepsArray:stepsArray };
                                            RallyMethods.noTestCaseFound(tcObj, kObj, function (response) {
                                                if (response == 'step i')
                                                    callback('step i');
                                                else if (response == 'step j')
                                                    step3(j + 1, done);
                                loop3(j, done);
             * Update Test Case Result, Create Test Case Result, or EOF
             * @param tcObj             object w/  User_Story, resp, j, test_case_name, test_case_description, glb_folder_id,
             * build_num, testset, glb_test_case_id, glb_test_result_id, last_run, glb_i_length, glb_j_length
             * @param callback          callback on error or when reach end of j loop ( test cases )
            TestCaseResult: function(tcObj, resp, callback) {
                if ((resp.status == undefined) || (resp.status == "undefined")) {
                    if ((resp.i == tcObj.glb_i_length - 1) && (resp.j == tcObj.glb_j_length - 1)) {
              'Rally Results Posted');
                        console.log('Rally Results Posted');
                    } else if ((resp.j == tcObj.glb_j_length - 1)) {
                        callback('step i');
                    } else {
                        callback('step j');
                } else if ((tcObj.last_run == true)) {
                    //console.log('update test case result');
                    resp.duration = duration1; resp.status = stat;
                    var opts = {tcObj:tcObj, resp:resp};
                    updateTCR(opts,, tcObj.proj)
                        .then(function (resp) {
                            if ((i == tcObj.glb_i_length - 1) && (tcObj.j == tcObj.glb_j_length - 1)) {
                      'Rally Results Posted');
                                console.log('Rally Results Posted');
                                return callback('callback');
                            } else if ((tcObj.j == tcObj.glb_j_length - 1)) {
                                callback('step i');
                            } else {
                                callback('step j');
                } else {
                    //console.log('going to create test case result');
                    var opts = {tcObj:tcObj, resp:resp};
                    createTCR(opts,, tcObj.proj)
                        .then(function (resp) {
                            resp.i = i; resp.j = tcObj.j;
                            if ((resp.i == tcObj.glb_i_length - 1) && (resp.j == tcObj.glb_j_length - 1)) {
                      'Rally Results Posted');
                                console.log('Rally Results Posted');
                                return callback('callback');
                            } else if ((resp.j == tcObj.glb_j_length - 1)) {
                                return callback('step i');
                            } else {
                                return callback('step j');
                        }).catch(function (error) {
                        console.log('error: ' + error);
                        callback('callback'); //TODO: check if callback or continue iterating j
    module.exports = new RallyMethods();