/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | qewd-server: Start-up file for Dockerised version of QEWD | | | | Copyright (c) 2017-19 M/Gateway Developments Ltd, | | Redhill, Surrey UK. | | All rights reserved. | | | | http://www.mgateway.com | | Email: rtweed@mgateway.com | | | | | | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | | you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | | You may obtain a copy of the License at | | | | http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | | | | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | | WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | | See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | | limitations under the License. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 March 2019 */ var fs = require('fs'); var module_exists = require('module-exists'); var child_process = require('child_process'); var qewd = require('qewd'); const gtm_version = 'V6.3-004'; const ydb_versionp = 'r1.22'; const ydb_version = 'r122'; const ydb_arch = 'x86_64'; function setEnv(params) { for (var name in params) { process.env[name] = params[name]; } } function installModule(moduleName, modulePath) { if (!module_exists(moduleName) && !fs.existsSync('/opt/qewd/mapped/node_modules/' + moduleName)) { var prefix = ''; if (typeof modulePath !== 'undefined') { prefix = ' --prefix ' + modulePath; } child_process.execSync('npm install --unsafe-perm ' + moduleName + prefix, {stdio:[0,1,2]}); console.log('\n' + moduleName + ' installed'); } else { console.log(moduleName + ' already installed'); } } process.env.USER = 'root'; process.env.HOME = '/opt/qewd'; var startup; var qewd_up = false; var qewd_up_config_path = '/opt/qewd/mapped/configuration/config.json'; var qewd_up_path = '/opt/qewd/node_modules/qewd/up'; if (fs.existsSync(qewd_up_config_path)) { var config = require(qewd_up_config_path); qewd_up = (config.qewd_up === true); } if (qewd_up) { if (process.env.microservice) { console.log('starting up microservice ' + process.env.microservice); //startup = require(qewd_up_path + '/docker_ms_startup')(); startup = require(qewd_up_path + '/run')(true); } else { console.log('starting up Docker Orchestrator service'); //startup = qewd.up_run_orchestrator(); startup = require(qewd_up_path + '/run')(true); } if (!startup) { console.log('Unable to start QEWD'); return; } } else { startup = require('/opt/qewd/mapped/startup'); } var userDefined = startup.userDefined; if (!userDefined && fs.existsSync('/opt/qewd/mapped/userDefined.json')) { userDefined = require('/opt/qewd/mapped/userDefined.json'); } if (userDefined && userDefined.startup_commands) { console.log('Running custom startup commands:'); userDefined.startup_commands.forEach(function(cmnd) { console.log(cmnd); child_process.execSync(cmnd, {stdio:[0,1,2]}); }); } var npmModules; var modulePath; if (fs.existsSync('/opt/qewd/mapped/install_modules.json')) { if (!fs.existsSync('/opt/qewd/mapped/node_modules')) { fs.mkdirSync('/opt/qewd/mapped/node_modules'); } modulePath = '/opt/qewd/mapped'; process.env.NODE_PATH = '/opt/qewd/mapped/node_modules:' + process.env.NODE_PATH; require('module').Module._initPaths(); npmModules = require('/opt/qewd/mapped/install_modules.json'); npmModules.forEach(function(moduleName) { console.log('\nInstalling module ' + moduleName + ' to ' + modulePath); installModule(moduleName, modulePath); }); console.log('** NODE_PATH = ' + process.env.NODE_PATH); } var config = startup.config; if (!config.database) { config.database = { type: 'gtm' }; } else if (!config.database.type) { config.database.type = 'gtm'; } if (config.database && config.database.type === 'gtm') { // Define YottaDB Environment Variables for Worker Processes console.log('Setting up YottaDB Environment'); var ydb_path = ydb_versionp + '_' + ydb_arch; var gtm_path = gtm_version + '_' + ydb_arch; config.database = { type: 'gtm', params:{ ydb_env: { ydb_retention: 42, gtm_retention: 42, LD_LIBRARY_PATH: '/usr/local/lib/yottadb/' + ydb_version, ydb_log: '/tmp/yottadb/' + ydb_path, gtm_log: '/tmp/yottadb/' + ydb_path, gtm_repl_instance: '/root/.yottadb/' + ydb_path + '/g/yottadb.repl', ydb_repl_instance: '/root/.yottadb/' + ydb_path + '/g/yottadb.repl', ydb_gbldir: '/root/.yottadb/' + ydb_path + '/g/yottadb.gld', ydb_etrap: 'Write:(0=$STACK) "Error occurred: ",$ZStatus,!', ydb_dir: '/root/.yottadb', gtmver: gtm_path, ydb_rel: ydb_path, gtmgbldir: '/root/.yottadb/' + ydb_path + '/g/yottadb.gld', ydb_routines: '/opt/qewd/node_modules/nodem/src /root/.yottadb/' + ydb_path + '/o*(/root/.yottadb/' + ydb_path + '/r /root/.yottadb/r) /usr/local/lib/yottadb/' + ydb_version + '/libyottadbutil.so', gtmroutines: '/opt/qewd/node_modules/nodem/src /root/.yottadb/' + ydb_path + '/o*(/root/.yottadb/' + ydb_path + '/r /root/.yottadb/r) /usr/local/lib/yottadb/' + ydb_version + '/libyottadbutil.so', GTMCI: '/opt/qewd/node_modules/nodem/resources/nodem.ci', ydb_ci: '/opt/qewd/node_modules/nodem/resources/nodem.ci', gtmdir: '/root/.fis-gtm', gtm_etrap: 'Write:(0=$STACK) "Error occurred: ",$ZStatus,!', ydb_tmp: '/tmp/yottadb/' + ydb_path, gtm_tmp: '/tmp/yottadb/' + ydb_path, gtm_dist: '/usr/local/lib/yottadb/' + ydb_version, ydb_dist: '/usr/local/lib/yottadb/' + ydb_version } } }; setEnv(config.database.params.ydb_env); // workaround NPM5 bug try { var nm = require('nodem'); } catch(err) { installModule('nodem'); } // rundown the default region database (all globals except CacheTempEWDSession) // it may return an error, so wrap in a try/catch try { console.log('Running down YottaDB...'); child_process.execSync(config.database.params.ydb_env.ydb_dist + '/mupip rundown -region DEFAULT', {stdio:[0,1,2]}); child_process.execSync(config.database.params.ydb_env.ydb_dist + '/mupip rundown -region qewdreg', {stdio:[0,1,2]}); console.log('Rundown completed'); } catch(err) { console.log('Error running down YottaDB: ' + err); console.log('Recovering journal...'); child_process.execSync(config.database.params.ydb_env.ydb_dist + '/mupip journal -recover -backward /root/.yottadb/' + ydb_path + '/g/yottadb.mjl', {stdio:[0,1,2]}); console.log('Journal recovered'); } } // ready to start QEWD now var qewd_master = qewd.master; console.log('Starting QEWD'); var q = qewd_master.start(config, startup.routes); if (userDefined) { for (var name in userDefined) { q.userDefined[name] = userDefined[name]; } } if (q.userDefined && q.userDefined.config) { q.userDefined.config.qewd_up = qewd_up; } var xp = qewd_master.intercept(); // invoke user-specific startup code if (startup.onStarted) { startup.onStarted.call(q, config, xp.app, xp.qx.router, xp.qx); }