import * as Globby from 'globby'; export declare type Filepath = string | string[]; /** * creates a directory if it does not exist * this will automatically join the paths if you pass multiple strings with path.join() */ export declare function mkdirp(...filepaths: (string | string[])[]): Promise; export declare namespace mkdirp { function sync(...filepaths: (string | string[])[]): void; } /** * glob matcher (find files) */ export declare function globby(patterns: string | string[], options?: Globby.GlobbyOptions): Promise; /** * output string to file * creates directory if not exists */ export declare function write(filepaths: string | string[], data: any, options?: {}): Promise; /** * read file into string */ export declare function read(filepaths: string | string[], options?: {}): Promise; /** * list files in directory */ export declare function ls(filepaths?: string | string[], options?: { fullpath?: boolean; }): Promise; export declare function fileType(fp: string | string[]): Promise<'file' | 'directory' | 'symlink' | undefined>; /** * copy files with fs.copy * can copy directories */ export declare function cp(source: string | string[], destinationpaths: string | string[], options?: {}): Promise; /** * rm -rf */ export declare function rm(...filesArray: (string | string[])[]): Promise; export declare function rmIfEmpty(...filesArray: (string | string[])[]): Promise; export declare function mv(source: string | string[], dest: string | string[]): Promise; export declare function exists(filepath: string | string[]): Promise; export declare namespace exists { function sync(filepath: string | string[]): boolean; } export declare function chmod(filepath: string | string[], mode: number): Promise; export declare function ln(from: Filepath, to: Filepath): Promise; /** * create a new temporary directory * uses tmp */ export declare function tmpDir(): Promise; export declare function emptyDir(filepath: string | string[]): Promise; export declare function hash(algo: string, fp: string | string[]): Promise;