import { AbbreviatedPackument } from '../types/abbreviated-packument'; import { normalizeRawAbbreviatedPackument } from '../utils/normalize-raw-abbreviated-packument'; import { getRawAbbreviatedPackument } from './get-raw-abbreviated-packument'; /** * `getAbbreviatedPackument` returns the abbreviated packument (package document) * containing only the metadata necessary to install a package present on the registry. * * @remarks * To get all the metadata (full packument) about a package see {@link getPackument}. * * @param name - package name * @param registry - URL of the registry (default: npm registry) * @param mirrors - URLs of the registry mirrors (default: npm registry mirrors) * @param cached - accept cached responses (default: `true`) * * @example * Get the abbreviated packument for package `query-registry` from the npm registry: * * ```typescript * import { getAbbreviatedPackument } from 'query-registry'; * * (async () => { * const packument = await getAbbreviatedPackument({ name: 'query-registry' }); * * // Output: 'query-registry' * console.log(; * })(); * ``` * * @see {@link AbbreviatedPackument} * @see {@link RawAbbreviatedPackument} * @see {@link npmRegistry} * @see {@link npmRegistryMirrors} */ export async function getAbbreviatedPackument({ name, registry, mirrors, cached, }: { name: string; registry?: string; mirrors?: string[]; cached?: boolean; }): Promise { const rawAbbreviatedPackument = await getRawAbbreviatedPackument({ name, registry, mirrors, cached, }); return normalizeRawAbbreviatedPackument({ rawAbbreviatedPackument }); }