export { PackageJson } from 'zod-package-json'; import QuickLRU from 'quick-lru'; import { z } from 'zod'; /** Internal cache for all requests. @see {@link https://github.com/sindresorhus/quick-lru} @internal */ declare const cache: QuickLRU; declare const DownloadPeriod: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodLiteral<"last-day">, z.ZodLiteral<"last-week">, z.ZodLiteral<"last-month">, z.ZodLiteral<"last-year">, z.ZodString]>; /** `DownloadPeriod` represents a time period for which downloads should be counted. The following time periods are supported by npm: - `last-day` - Last day available, not necessarily yesterday. - `last-week` - Last seven days available. - `last-month` - Last 30 days available. - `last-year` - Last 365 days available. - `YYYY-MM-DD` - Date in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. - `YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD` - Inclusive date range in the format `YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD`. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/download-counts.md} */ type DownloadPeriod = /** Last day available, not necessarily yesterday. */ "last-day" /** Last seven days available. */ | "last-week" /** Last 30 days available. */ | "last-month" /** Last 365 days available. */ | "last-year" /** Date in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. */ | `${number}-${number}-${number}` /** Inclusive date range in the format `YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD`. */ | `${number}-${number}-${number}:${number}-${number}-${number}`; declare const AbbreviatedPackument: z.ZodObject<{ /** Package name. */ name: z.ZodString; /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ modified: z.ZodString; /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ "dist-tags": z.ZodObject<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodString, z.objectOutputType<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, z.ZodString, "strip">, z.objectInputType<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, z.ZodString, "strip">>; /** Mapping of semver version numbers to the required metadata for installing a package version. */ versions: z.ZodRecord; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, "name" | "version" | "bin" | "directories" | "dependencies" | "devDependencies" | "peerDependencies" | "peerDependenciesMeta" | "bundleDependencies" | "optionalDependencies" | "engines" | "os" | "cpu" | "deprecated" | "dist" | "_hasShrinkwrap">, { /** True if the package contains an `install` script. */ hasInstallScript: z.ZodOptional; }>, "passthrough", z.ZodTypeAny, z.objectOutputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, "name" | "version" | "bin" | "directories" | "dependencies" | "devDependencies" | "peerDependencies" | "peerDependenciesMeta" | "bundleDependencies" | "optionalDependencies" | "engines" | "os" | "cpu" | "deprecated" | "dist" | "_hasShrinkwrap">, { /** True if the package contains an `install` script. */ hasInstallScript: z.ZodOptional; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, z.objectInputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, "name" | "version" | "bin" | "directories" | "dependencies" | "devDependencies" | "peerDependencies" | "peerDependenciesMeta" | "bundleDependencies" | "optionalDependencies" | "engines" | "os" | "cpu" | "deprecated" | "dist" | "_hasShrinkwrap">, { /** True if the package contains an `install` script. */ hasInstallScript: z.ZodOptional; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; modified: string; "dist-tags": { latest: string; next?: string | undefined; alpha?: string | undefined; beta?: string | undefined; rc?: string | undefined; canary?: string | undefined; dev?: string | undefined; } & { [k: string]: string; }; versions: Record; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, "name" | "version" | "bin" | "directories" | "dependencies" | "devDependencies" | "peerDependencies" | "peerDependenciesMeta" | "bundleDependencies" | "optionalDependencies" | "engines" | "os" | "cpu" | "deprecated" | "dist" | "_hasShrinkwrap">, { /** True if the package contains an `install` script. */ hasInstallScript: z.ZodOptional; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>; }, { name: string; modified: string; "dist-tags": { latest: string; next?: string | undefined; alpha?: string | undefined; beta?: string | undefined; rc?: string | undefined; canary?: string | undefined; dev?: string | undefined; } & { [k: string]: string; }; versions: Record; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, "name" | "version" | "bin" | "directories" | "dependencies" | "devDependencies" | "peerDependencies" | "peerDependenciesMeta" | "bundleDependencies" | "optionalDependencies" | "engines" | "os" | "cpu" | "deprecated" | "dist" | "_hasShrinkwrap">, { /** True if the package contains an `install` script. */ hasInstallScript: z.ZodOptional; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>; }>; /** `AbbreviatedPackument` (package document) describes the minimal metadata needed for installing a package. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/responses/package-metadata.md#abbreviated-metadata-format} */ type AbbreviatedPackument = z.infer; /** `getAbbreviatedPackument` returns the abbreviated packument (package document) containing only the metadata necessary to install a package. @remarks To get all the metadata (full packument) about a package see {@link getPackument}. @param name - package name @param registry - URL of the registry (default: npm registry) @see {@link AbbreviatedPackument} */ declare const getAbbreviatedPackument: (name: string, registry?: string) => Promise; declare const BulkDailyPackageDownloads: z.ZodRecord, "many">; }, { package: z.ZodString; }>, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { start: string; end: string; downloads: { downloads: number; day: string; }[]; package: string; }, { start: string; end: string; downloads: { downloads: number; day: string; }[]; package: string; }>]>>; /** `BulkDailyPackageDownloads` describes the total number of downloads for each day for some packages in a given time period. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/download-counts.md#bulk-queries} */ type BulkDailyPackageDownloads = z.infer; /** `getBulkDailyPackageDownloads` returns the total number of downloads for each day for some packages in the given time period. @param names - list of package names; the npm registry does not support scoped packages and handles a maximum of 128 packages at a time @param period - {@link DownloadPeriod | time period} in which downloads happened; the npm registry limits bulk data to the last 365 days @param registry - URL of the registry downloads API (default: npm registry downloads API) @see {@link BulkDailyPackageDownloads} */ declare const getBulkDailyPackageDownloads: (names: [string, string, ...string[]], period: DownloadPeriod, registry?: string) => Promise; declare const BulkPackageDownloads: z.ZodRecord, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { start: string; end: string; downloads: number; package: string; }, { start: string; end: string; downloads: number; package: string; }>]>>; /** `BulkPackageDownloads` describes the total number of downloads for some packages in a given time period. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/download-counts.md#bulk-queries} */ type BulkPackageDownloads = z.infer; /** `getBulkPackageDownloads` returns the total number of downloads for the given packages in the given time period. @param names - list of package names; the npm registry does not support scoped packages and handles a maximum of 128 packages at a time @param period - {@link DownloadPeriod | time period} in which downloads happened; the npm registry limits bulk data to the last 365 days @param registry - URL of the registry downloads API (default: npm registry downloads API) @see {@link BulkPackageDownloads} */ declare const getBulkPackageDownloads: (names: [string, string, ...string[]], period: DownloadPeriod, registry?: string) => Promise; declare const DailyPackageDownloads: z.ZodObject, "many">; }, { /** Package name. */ package: z.ZodString; }>, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { start: string; end: string; downloads: { downloads: number; day: string; }[]; package: string; }, { start: string; end: string; downloads: { downloads: number; day: string; }[]; package: string; }>; /** `DailyPackageDownloads` describes the total number of downloads for each day for a package in a given time period. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/download-counts.md#ranges} */ type DailyPackageDownloads = z.infer; /** `getDailyPackageDownloads` returns the total number of downloads for each day for a package in the given time period. @param name - package name @param period - {@link DownloadPeriod | time period} in which downloads happened; the npm registry limits data to the last 18 months @param registry - URL of the registry downloads API (default: npm registry downloads API) @see {@link DailyPackageDownloads} */ declare const getDailyPackageDownloads: (name: string, period: DownloadPeriod, registry?: string) => Promise; declare const DailyRegistryDownloads: z.ZodObject<{ /** Date of the first day (inclusive) in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. */ start: z.ZodString; /** Date of the last day (inclusive) in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. */ end: z.ZodString; /** Download counts for each day. */ downloads: z.ZodArray, "many">; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { start: string; end: string; downloads: { downloads: number; day: string; }[]; }, { start: string; end: string; downloads: { downloads: number; day: string; }[]; }>; /** `DailyRegistryDownloads` describes the total number of downloads for each day for all packages in the registry in a given time period. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/download-counts.md#ranges} */ type DailyRegistryDownloads = z.infer; /** `getDailyRegistryDownloads` returns the total number of downloads for each day for all packages in the registry in the given time period. @param period - {@link DownloadPeriod | time period} in which downloads happened; the npm registry limits data to the last 18 months @param registry - URL of the registry downloads API (default: npm registry downloads API) @see {@link DailyRegistryDownloads} */ declare const getDailyRegistryDownloads: (period: DownloadPeriod, registry?: string) => Promise; declare const PackageDownloads: z.ZodObject, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { start: string; end: string; downloads: number; package: string; }, { start: string; end: string; downloads: number; package: string; }>; /** `PackageDownloads` describes the total number of downloads for a package in a given time period. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/download-counts.md#point-values} */ type PackageDownloads = z.infer; /** `getPackageDownloads` returns the total number of downloads for a package in the given time period. @param name - package name @param period - {@link DownloadPeriod | time period} in which downloads happened; the npm registry limits data to the last 18 months @param registry - URL of the registry downloads API (default: npm registry downloads API) @see {@link PackageDownloads} */ declare const getPackageDownloads: (name: string, period: DownloadPeriod, registry?: string) => Promise; declare const PackageManifest: z.ZodObject; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional-`. */ ZodObject<{ url: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email /** Total unpacked size in bytes of the files in the tarball. */ ? /** Total unpacked size in bytes of the files in the tarball. */: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny /** URL of the package's homepage. @remarks In some old packages (like `fs-extra@0.0.1`) the `homepage` property is an array of strings and with catch it becomes `undefined`. */, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: /** Deprecation status/message. @remarks In some packages (like `react@16.14.0`) the `deprecated` property is a boolean instead of a deprecation message. */ z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { /** Package version ID in the format `@` (e.g., `foo@1.0.0`). */ _id: z.ZodString; /** Distribution metadata generated by the registry. */ dist: z.ZodObject<{ /** Tarball URL. */ tarball: z.ZodString; /** SHA1 sum of the tarball. */ shasum: z.ZodString; /** String in the format `-`. */ integrity: z.ZodOptional; /** Number of files in the tarball. */ fileCount: z.ZodOptional; /** Total unpacked size in bytes of the files in the tarball. */ unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; /** PGP signature in the format `@:`. @deprecated {@link https://docs.npmjs.com/about-registry-signatures#migrating-from-pgp-to-ecdsa-signatures} */ "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; /** ECDSA registry signatures. @see {@link https://docs.npmjs.com/about-registry-signatures} */ signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; /** Text extracted from the README file. */ readme: z.ZodOptional; /** Name of the README file. */ readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; /** Commit corresponding to the published package version. */ gitHead: z.ZodOptional; /** True if the package contains a shrinkwrap file. */ _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; /** Node.js version used to publish the package. */ _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; /** npm CLI version used to publish the package. */ _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; /** npm user who published the specific version of the package. */ _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; /** Internal npm registry data. */ _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; /** Runtime systems supported by the package. @remarks In some old packages (like `lodash@0.1.0`) the `engines` property is an array of strings instead of an object and with catch it becomes `undefined`. */ engines: z.ZodCatch>>; /** SPDX license expression or a custom license. @remarks In some old packages (like `eslint@0.0.6`) the `license` property is an object and with catch `license` becomes `undefined`. */ license: z.ZodCatch>; /** URL of the package's homepage. @remarks In some old packages (like `fs-extra@0.0.1`) the `homepage` property is an array of strings and with catch it becomes `undefined`. */ homepage: z.ZodCatch>; /** Deprecation status/message. @remarks In some packages (like `react@16.14.0`) the `deprecated` property is a boolean instead of a deprecation message. */ deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, "passthrough", z.ZodTypeAny, z.objectOutputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional-`. */ ZodObject<{ url: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email /** Total unpacked size in bytes of the files in the tarball. */ ? /** Total unpacked size in bytes of the files in the tarball. */: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny /** URL of the package's homepage. @remarks In some old packages (like `fs-extra@0.0.1`) the `homepage` property is an array of strings and with catch it becomes `undefined`. */, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: /** Deprecation status/message. @remarks In some packages (like `react@16.14.0`) the `deprecated` property is a boolean instead of a deprecation message. */ z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { /** Package version ID in the format `@` (e.g., `foo@1.0.0`). */ _id: z.ZodString; /** Distribution metadata generated by the registry. */ dist: z.ZodObject<{ /** Tarball URL. */ tarball: z.ZodString; /** SHA1 sum of the tarball. */ shasum: z.ZodString; /** String in the format `-`. */ integrity: z.ZodOptional; /** Number of files in the tarball. */ fileCount: z.ZodOptional; /** Total unpacked size in bytes of the files in the tarball. */ unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; /** PGP signature in the format `@:`. @deprecated {@link https://docs.npmjs.com/about-registry-signatures#migrating-from-pgp-to-ecdsa-signatures} */ "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; /** ECDSA registry signatures. @see {@link https://docs.npmjs.com/about-registry-signatures} */ signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; /** Text extracted from the README file. */ readme: z.ZodOptional; /** Name of the README file. */ readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; /** Commit corresponding to the published package version. */ gitHead: z.ZodOptional; /** True if the package contains a shrinkwrap file. */ _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; /** Node.js version used to publish the package. */ _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; /** npm CLI version used to publish the package. */ _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; /** npm user who published the specific version of the package. */ _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; /** Internal npm registry data. */ _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; /** Runtime systems supported by the package. @remarks In some old packages (like `lodash@0.1.0`) the `engines` property is an array of strings instead of an object and with catch it becomes `undefined`. */ engines: z.ZodCatch>>; /** SPDX license expression or a custom license. @remarks In some old packages (like `eslint@0.0.6`) the `license` property is an object and with catch `license` becomes `undefined`. */ license: z.ZodCatch>; /** URL of the package's homepage. @remarks In some old packages (like `fs-extra@0.0.1`) the `homepage` property is an array of strings and with catch it becomes `undefined`. */ homepage: z.ZodCatch>; /** Deprecation status/message. @remarks In some packages (like `react@16.14.0`) the `deprecated` property is a boolean instead of a deprecation message. */ deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, z.objectInputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional-`. */ ZodObject<{ url: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email /** Total unpacked size in bytes of the files in the tarball. */ ? /** Total unpacked size in bytes of the files in the tarball. */: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny /** URL of the package's homepage. @remarks In some old packages (like `fs-extra@0.0.1`) the `homepage` property is an array of strings and with catch it becomes `undefined`. */, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: /** Deprecation status/message. @remarks In some packages (like `react@16.14.0`) the `deprecated` property is a boolean instead of a deprecation message. */ z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { /** Package version ID in the format `@` (e.g., `foo@1.0.0`). */ _id: z.ZodString; /** Distribution metadata generated by the registry. */ dist: z.ZodObject<{ /** Tarball URL. */ tarball: z.ZodString; /** SHA1 sum of the tarball. */ shasum: z.ZodString; /** String in the format `-`. */ integrity: z.ZodOptional; /** Number of files in the tarball. */ fileCount: z.ZodOptional; /** Total unpacked size in bytes of the files in the tarball. */ unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; /** PGP signature in the format `@:`. @deprecated {@link https://docs.npmjs.com/about-registry-signatures#migrating-from-pgp-to-ecdsa-signatures} */ "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; /** ECDSA registry signatures. @see {@link https://docs.npmjs.com/about-registry-signatures} */ signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; /** Text extracted from the README file. */ readme: z.ZodOptional; /** Name of the README file. */ readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; /** Commit corresponding to the published package version. */ gitHead: z.ZodOptional; /** True if the package contains a shrinkwrap file. */ _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; /** Node.js version used to publish the package. */ _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; /** npm CLI version used to publish the package. */ _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; /** npm user who published the specific version of the package. */ _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; /** Internal npm registry data. */ _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; /** Runtime systems supported by the package. @remarks In some old packages (like `lodash@0.1.0`) the `engines` property is an array of strings instead of an object and with catch it becomes `undefined`. */ engines: z.ZodCatch>>; /** SPDX license expression or a custom license. @remarks In some old packages (like `eslint@0.0.6`) the `license` property is an object and with catch `license` becomes `undefined`. */ license: z.ZodCatch>; /** URL of the package's homepage. @remarks In some old packages (like `fs-extra@0.0.1`) the `homepage` property is an array of strings and with catch it becomes `undefined`. */ homepage: z.ZodCatch>; /** Deprecation status/message. @remarks In some packages (like `react@16.14.0`) the `deprecated` property is a boolean instead of a deprecation message. */ deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>; /** `PackageManifest` describes the manifest for a specific version of a package (e.g., `foo@1.0.0`). @remarks The manifest contains data extracted from `package.json` as well as data generated by the registry. @see {@link https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v10/configuring-npm/package-json} @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md#getpackageversion} @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/responses/package-metadata.md#abbreviated-version-object} @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/responses/package-metadata.md#full-metadata-format} @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md#version} */ type PackageManifest = z.infer; /** `getPackageManifest` returns the manifest describing a specific version of a package (e.g., `foo@1.0.0`). @param name - package name @param versionOrTag - semver version number (e.g., `1.0.0`) or distribution tag (e.g., `latest`) (default: `latest`) @param registry - URL of the registry (default: npm registry) @see {@link PackageManifest} */ declare const getPackageManifest: (name: string, versionOrTag?: string, registry?: string) => Promise; declare const PackageVersionsDownloads: z.ZodObject<{ /** Package name. */ package: z.ZodString; /** Mapping of semver version numbers to total number of downloads. */ downloads: z.ZodRecord; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { downloads: Record; package: string; }, { downloads: Record; package: string; }>; /** `PackageVersionsDownloads` describes the total number of downloads for each version of a package in the previous 7 days. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/download-counts.md#per-version-download-counts} */ type PackageVersionsDownloads = z.infer; /** `getPackageVersionsDownloads` returns the total number of downloads for each version of a package in the previous 7 days. @param name - package name @param registry - URL of the registry downloads API (default: npm registry downloads API) @see {@link PackageVersionsDownloads} */ declare const getPackageVersionsDownloads: (name: string, registry?: string) => Promise; declare const Packument: z.ZodObject; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, "description" | "keywords" | "homepage" | "bugs" | "license" | "author" | "contributors" | "maintainers" | "repository">, { /** Package name used as the ID in CouchDB. */ _id: z.ZodString; /** Package name. */ name: z.ZodString; /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ "dist-tags": z.ZodObject<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodString, z.objectOutputType<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, z.ZodString, "strip">, z.objectInputType<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, z.ZodString, "strip">>; /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ time: z.ZodObject<{ /** Timestamp of when the package was created in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ created: z.ZodString; /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ modified: z.ZodString; }, "strip", z.ZodString, z.objectOutputType<{ /** Timestamp of when the package was created in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ created: z.ZodString; /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ modified: z.ZodString; }, z.ZodString, "strip">, z.objectInputType<{ /** Timestamp of when the package was created in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ created: z.ZodString; /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ modified: z.ZodString; }, z.ZodString, "strip">>; /** Mapping of semver version numbers to package manifests. @see {@link PackageManifest} */ versions: z.ZodRecord; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, "passthrough", z.ZodTypeAny, z.objectOutputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, z.objectInputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>>; /** Revision ID of the document in CouchDB. */ _rev: z.ZodOptional; /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */ users: z.ZodOptional>; /** Text extracted from the README file. */ readme: z.ZodOptional; /** Name of the README file. */ readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; }>, "passthrough", z.ZodTypeAny, z.objectOutputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, "description" | "keywords" | "homepage" | "bugs" | "license" | "author" | "contributors" | "maintainers" | "repository">, { /** Package name used as the ID in CouchDB. */ _id: z.ZodString; /** Package name. */ name: z.ZodString; /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ "dist-tags": z.ZodObject<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodString, z.objectOutputType<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, z.ZodString, "strip">, z.objectInputType<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, z.ZodString, "strip">>; /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ time: z.ZodObject<{ /** Timestamp of when the package was created in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ created: z.ZodString; /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ modified: z.ZodString; }, "strip", z.ZodString, z.objectOutputType<{ /** Timestamp of when the package was created in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ created: z.ZodString; /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ modified: z.ZodString; }, z.ZodString, "strip">, z.objectInputType<{ /** Timestamp of when the package was created in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ created: z.ZodString; /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ modified: z.ZodString; }, z.ZodString, "strip">>; /** Mapping of semver version numbers to package manifests. @see {@link PackageManifest} */ versions: z.ZodRecord; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, "passthrough", z.ZodTypeAny, z.objectOutputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, z.objectInputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>>; /** Revision ID of the document in CouchDB. */ _rev: z.ZodOptional; /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */ users: z.ZodOptional>; /** Text extracted from the README file. */ readme: z.ZodOptional; /** Name of the README file. */ readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, z.objectInputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, "description" | "keywords" | "homepage" | "bugs" | "license" | "author" | "contributors" | "maintainers" | "repository">, { /** Package name used as the ID in CouchDB. */ _id: z.ZodString; /** Package name. */ name: z.ZodString; /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ "dist-tags": z.ZodObject<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodString, z.objectOutputType<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, z.ZodString, "strip">, z.objectInputType<{ latest: z.ZodString; next: z.ZodOptional; alpha: z.ZodOptional; beta: z.ZodOptional; rc: z.ZodOptional; canary: z.ZodOptional; dev: z.ZodOptional; }, z.ZodString, "strip">>; /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ time: z.ZodObject<{ /** Timestamp of when the package was created in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ created: z.ZodString; /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ modified: z.ZodString; }, "strip", z.ZodString, z.objectOutputType<{ /** Timestamp of when the package was created in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ created: z.ZodString; /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ modified: z.ZodString; }, z.ZodString, "strip">, z.objectInputType<{ /** Timestamp of when the package was created in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ created: z.ZodString; /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ modified: z.ZodString; }, z.ZodString, "strip">>; /** Mapping of semver version numbers to package manifests. @see {@link PackageManifest} */ versions: z.ZodRecord; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, "passthrough", z.ZodTypeAny, z.objectOutputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, z.objectInputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: /** Timestamp of when the package was last modified in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional< /** Mapping of distribution tags to semver version numbers e.g., `{ "latest": "1.0.0" }`). */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodObject<{ name: z.ZodString; email: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, { _id: z.ZodString; dist: z.ZodObject<{ tarball: z.ZodString; shasum: z.ZodString; integrity: z.ZodOptional; fileCount: z.ZodOptional; unpackedSize: z.ZodOptional; "npm-signature": z.ZodOptional; signatures: z.ZodOptional, "many">>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }, { tarball: string; shasum: string; integrity?: string | undefined; fileCount?: number | undefined; unpackedSize?: number | undefined; "npm-signature"?: string | undefined; signatures?: { keyid: string; sig: string; }[] | undefined; }>; readme: z.ZodOptional; readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; gitHead: z.ZodOptional; _hasShrinkwrap: z.ZodOptional; _nodeVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmVersion: z.ZodOptional; _npmUser: z.ZodOptional; url: /** Mapping of semver version numbers to timestamps in ISO 8601 format representing the publishing time (e.g., `{ "1.0.0": "2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z" }`). Also includes the timestamps of when the package was `created` and last `modified`. */ z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>>; _npmOperationalInternal: z.ZodOptional; tmp: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }, { host?: string | undefined; tmp?: string | undefined; }>>; engines: z.ZodCatch>>; license: z.ZodCatch>; homepage: z.ZodCatch>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional>; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>>; /** Revision ID of the document in CouchDB. */ _rev: z.ZodOptional; /** Mapping of npm usernames of users who starred the package to `true`. */ users: z.ZodOptional>; /** Text extracted from the README file. */ readme: z.ZodOptional; /** Name of the README file. */ readmeFilename: z.ZodOptional; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>; /** `Packument` (package document) describes the full metadata available about a package. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md#getpackage} @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/responses/package-metadata.md#full-metadata-format} @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md#package} */ type Packument = z.infer; /** `getPackument` returns the full packument (package document) containing all the metadata available about a package. @remarks To get only the metadata needed to install a package (abbreviated packument) see {@link getAbbreviatedPackument}. @param name - package name @param registry - URL of the registry (default: npm registry) @see {@link Packument} */ declare const getPackument: (name: string, registry?: string) => Promise; declare const RegistryDownloads: z.ZodObject<{ /** Total number of downloads. */ downloads: z.ZodNumber; /** Date of the first day (inclusive) in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. */ start: z.ZodString; /** Date of the last day (inclusive) in the format `YYYY-MM-DD`. */ end: z.ZodString; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { start: string; end: string; downloads: number; }, { start: string; end: string; downloads: number; }>; /** `RegistryDownloads` describes the total number of downloads for all packages in the registry in a given time period. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/download-counts.md#point-values} */ type RegistryDownloads = z.infer; /** `getRegistryDownloads` returns the total number of downloads for all packages in the registry in the given time period. @param period - {@link DownloadPeriod | time period} in which downloads happened; the npm registry limits data to the last 18 months @param registry - URL of the registry downloads API (default: npm registry downloads API) @see {@link RegistryDownloads} */ declare const getRegistryDownloads: (period: DownloadPeriod, registry?: string) => Promise; declare const RegistryMetadata: z.ZodObject<{ /** Database name, usually `registry` */ db_name: z.ZodOptional; doc_count: z.ZodOptional; doc_del_count: z.ZodOptional; update_seq: z.ZodOptional; purge_seq: z.ZodOptional; compact_running: z.ZodOptional; disk_size: z.ZodOptional; data_size: z.ZodOptional; instance_start_time: z.ZodOptional; disk_format_version: z.ZodOptional; committed_update_seq: z.ZodOptional; compacted_seq: z.ZodOptional; uuid: z.ZodOptional; other: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { data_size?: number | undefined; }, { data_size?: number | undefined; }>>; sizes: z.ZodOptional; active: z.ZodOptional; external: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { file?: number | undefined; active?: number | undefined; external?: number | undefined; }, { file?: number | undefined; active?: number | undefined; external?: number | undefined; }>>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { db_name?: string | undefined; doc_count?: number | undefined; doc_del_count?: number | undefined; update_seq?: number | undefined; purge_seq?: number | undefined; compact_running?: boolean | undefined; disk_size?: number | undefined; data_size?: number | undefined; instance_start_time?: string | undefined; disk_format_version?: number | undefined; committed_update_seq?: number | undefined; compacted_seq?: number | undefined; uuid?: string | undefined; other?: { data_size?: number | undefined; } | undefined; sizes?: { file?: number | undefined; active?: number | undefined; external?: number | undefined; } | undefined; }, { db_name?: string | undefined; doc_count?: number | undefined; doc_del_count?: number | undefined; update_seq?: number | undefined; purge_seq?: number | undefined; compact_running?: boolean | undefined; disk_size?: number | undefined; data_size?: number | undefined; instance_start_time?: string | undefined; disk_format_version?: number | undefined; committed_update_seq?: number | undefined; compacted_seq?: number | undefined; uuid?: string | undefined; other?: { data_size?: number | undefined; } | undefined; sizes?: { file?: number | undefined; active?: number | undefined; external?: number | undefined; } | undefined; }>; /** `RegistryMetadata` describes the metadata describing the registry itself. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md#registry} @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md#get} @see {@link https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/database/common.html} */ type RegistryMetadata = z.infer; /** `getRegistryMetadata` returns the metadata describing the registry itself. @param registry - URL of the registry (default: npm registry) @see {@link RegistryMetadata} */ declare const getRegistryMetadata: (registry?: string) => Promise; declare const RegistrySigningKeys: z.ZodObject<{ keys: z.ZodArray; /** SHA256 fingerprint of the public key. */ keyid: z.ZodString; /** Key type; only `ecdsa-sha2-nistp256` is currently supported by the npm CLI. */ keytype: z.ZodString; /** Key scheme; only `ecdsa-sha2-nistp256` is currently supported by the npm CLI. */ scheme: z.ZodString; /** Public key encoded in base64. */ key: z.ZodString; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { keyid: string; expires: string | null; keytype: string; scheme: string; key: string; }, { keyid: string; expires: string | null; keytype: string; scheme: string; key: string; }>, "many">; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { keys: { keyid: string; expires: string | null; keytype: string; scheme: string; key: string; }[]; }, { keys: { keyid: string; expires: string | null; keytype: string; scheme: string; key: string; }[]; }>; /** `RegistrySigningKeys` describes the signing keys used by the registry. @see {@link https://docs.npmjs.com/about-registry-signatures} */ type RegistrySigningKeys = z.infer; /** `getRegistrySigningKeys` returns the public signing keys used by the registry. @param registry - URL of the registry (default: npm registry) @see {@link RegistrySigningKeys} */ declare const getRegistrySigningKeys: (registry?: string) => Promise; /** Base URL for the {@link https://registry.npmjs.org | npm registry API}. */ declare const npmRegistryUrl = "https://registry.npmjs.org"; /** Base URL for the npm registry {@link https://api.npmjs.org | downloads API}. */ declare const npmRegistryDownloadsApiUrl = "https://api.npmjs.org"; declare const SearchCriteria: z.ZodObject<{ /** Query text (Required). @remarks The following special text attributes can be used to refine results: - `author:`: show packages from the given author (e.g., `author:someone`) - `maintainer:`: show packages with the given maintainer (e.g., `maintainer:someone`) - `keywords:`: show packages matching the given keyword(s); separators `,`, `+` and `,-` act respectively as `OR`, `AND` and `NOT` (e.g., use `keywords:foo,bar+baz,-quux` to include keywords `foo` OR (`bar` AND `baz`) but NOT `quux`) - `not:unstable`: exclude unstable packages (semver version `<1.0.0`) - `not:insecure`: exclude insecure packages - `is:unstable`: include only unstable packages (semver version `<1.0.0`) - `is:insecure`: include only insecure packages - `boost-exact:`: boost packages with exact name match (default: `true`) */ text: z.ZodString; /** Number of results to return (the npm registry accepts a maximum of `250` with a default of `20`). */ size: z.ZodOptional; /** Return results from this offset. */ from: z.ZodOptional; /** Package quality weight (from `0.0` to `1.0`). */ quality: z.ZodOptional; /** Package popularity weight (from `0.0` to `1.0`). */ popularity: z.ZodOptional; /** Package maintenance weight (from `0.0` to `1.0`). */ maintenance: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { text: string; size?: number | undefined; from?: number | undefined; quality?: number | undefined; popularity?: number | undefined; maintenance?: number | undefined; }, { text: string; size?: number | undefined; from?: number | undefined; quality?: number | undefined; popularity?: number | undefined; maintenance?: number | undefined; }>; /** `SearchCriteria` describes the available search criteria for searching packages. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md#get-v1search} */ type SearchCriteria = z.infer; declare const SearchResults: z.ZodObject<{ objects: z.ZodArray; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z. /** Number of results to return (the npm registry accepts a maximum of `250` with a default of `20`). */ ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional /** Package metadata. */; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional< /** Flag attributes for the package. */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodArray]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, "name" | "version" | "description" | "keywords">, { /** Timestamp of when the `latest` version of the package was published in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ date: z.ZodString; /** User who published the `latest` version of the package. */ publisher: z.ZodOptional>; /** Maintainers of the `latest` version of the package. */ maintainers: z.ZodArray, "many">; /** Links to resources associated to the package. */ links: z.ZodObject<{ /** Page for the package on npmjs.com. */ npm: z.ZodOptional; /** Homepage for the package. */ homepage: z.ZodOptional; /** Repository for the package. */ repository: z.ZodOptional; /** Issue tracker for the package. */ bugs: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { homepage?: string | undefined; bugs?: string | undefined; repository?: string | undefined; npm?: string | undefined; }, { homepage?: string | undefined; bugs?: string | undefined; repository?: string | undefined; npm?: string | undefined; }>; }>, "passthrough", z.ZodTypeAny, z.objectOutputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z. /** Number of results to return (the npm registry accepts a maximum of `250` with a default of `20`). */ ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional /** Package metadata. */; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional< /** Flag attributes for the package. */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodArray]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, "name" | "version" | "description" | "keywords">, { /** Timestamp of when the `latest` version of the package was published in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ date: z.ZodString; /** User who published the `latest` version of the package. */ publisher: z.ZodOptional>; /** Maintainers of the `latest` version of the package. */ maintainers: z.ZodArray, "many">; /** Links to resources associated to the package. */ links: z.ZodObject<{ /** Page for the package on npmjs.com. */ npm: z.ZodOptional; /** Homepage for the package. */ homepage: z.ZodOptional; /** Repository for the package. */ repository: z.ZodOptional; /** Issue tracker for the package. */ bugs: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { homepage?: string | undefined; bugs?: string | undefined; repository?: string | undefined; npm?: string | undefined; }, { homepage?: string | undefined; bugs?: string | undefined; repository?: string | undefined; npm?: string | undefined; }>; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">, z.objectInputType; keywords: z.ZodOptional>; homepage: z.ZodOptional; bugs: z.ZodOptional; email: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; license: z.ZodOptional; author: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z. /** Number of results to return (the npm registry accepts a maximum of `250` with a default of `20`). */ ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>>; contributors: z.ZodOptional; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; maintainers: z.ZodOptional /** Package metadata. */; url: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }, { name: string; url?: string | undefined; email?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">>; funding: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>, z.ZodArray; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }, { url: string; type?: string | undefined; }>]>, "many">]>>; files: z.ZodOptional>; main: z.ZodOptional; browser: z.ZodOptional>]>>; bin: z.ZodOptional]>>; man: z.ZodOptional< /** Flag attributes for the package. */ z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodString, z.ZodArray]>>; directories: z.ZodOptional>; repository: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }, { type: string; url: string; directory?: string | undefined; }>]>>; scripts: z.ZodOptional>; config: z.ZodOptional>; dependencies: z.ZodOptional>; devDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; peerDependenciesMeta: z.ZodOptional>>; bundleDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; bundledDependencies: z.ZodOptional]>>; optionalDependencies: z.ZodOptional>; overrides: z.ZodOptional>; engines: z.ZodOptional>; os: z.ZodOptional>; cpu: z.ZodOptional>; private: z.ZodOptional; publishConfig: z.ZodOptional>; workspaces: z.ZodOptional>; deprecated: z.ZodOptional; module: z.ZodOptional; type: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodLiteral<"commonjs">]>>; types: z.ZodOptional; typings: z.ZodOptional; typesVersions: z.ZodOptional>>>; packageManager: z.ZodOptional; sideEffects: z.ZodOptional]>>; imports: z.ZodOptional>; exports: z.ZodOptional, z.ZodRecord]>>; }, "name" | "version" | "description" | "keywords">, { /** Timestamp of when the `latest` version of the package was published in ISO 8601 format (e.g., `2021-11-23T19:12:24.006Z`). */ date: z.ZodString; /** User who published the `latest` version of the package. */ publisher: z.ZodOptional>; /** Maintainers of the `latest` version of the package. */ maintainers: z.ZodArray, "many">; /** Links to resources associated to the package. */ links: z.ZodObject<{ /** Page for the package on npmjs.com. */ npm: z.ZodOptional; /** Homepage for the package. */ homepage: z.ZodOptional; /** Repository for the package. */ repository: z.ZodOptional; /** Issue tracker for the package. */ bugs: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { homepage?: string | undefined; bugs?: string | undefined; repository?: string | undefined; npm?: string | undefined; }, { homepage?: string | undefined; bugs?: string | undefined; repository?: string | undefined; npm?: string | undefined; }>; }>, z.ZodTypeAny, "passthrough">>; /** Final and detailed search score values. */ score: z.ZodObject<{ /** Final search score value (from `0.0` to `1.0`), computed from the detailed scores. */ final: z.ZodNumber; /** Detailed search score values. */ detail: z.ZodObject<{ /** Quality search score value (from `0.0` to `1.0`). */ quality: z.ZodNumber; /** Popularity search score value (from `0.0` to `1.0`). */ popularity: z.ZodNumber; /** Maintenance search score value (from `0.0` to `1.0`). */ maintenance: z.ZodNumber; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { quality: number; popularity: number; maintenance: number; }, { quality: number; popularity: number; maintenance: number; }>; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { final: number; detail: { quality: number; popularity: number; maintenance: number; }; }, { final: number; detail: { quality: number; popularity: number; maintenance: number; }; }>; /** Search score value; may be different from `score.final`. */ searchScore: z.ZodNumber; /** Download counts for the package. */ downloads: z.ZodObject<{ monthly: z.ZodNumber; weekly: z.ZodNumber; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { monthly: number; weekly: number; }, { monthly: number; weekly: number; }>; /** Number of dependents for the package. */ dependents: z.ZodNumber; /** Time at which the metadata was updated. */ updated: z.ZodString; /** Flag attributes for the package. */ flags: z.ZodObject<{ /** True if the package is insecure or has vulnerable dependencies. */ insecure: z.ZodBoolean; /** True if the package semver version number is `<1.0.0`. */ unstable: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { insecure: boolean; unstable?: boolean | undefined; }, { insecure: boolean; unstable?: boolean | undefined; }>; /** SPDX license expression. */ license: z.ZodOptional; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { downloads: { monthly: number; weekly: number; }; package: { date: string; name: string; version: string; maintainers: { username: string; email: string; }[]; links: { homepage?: string | undefined; bugs?: string | undefined; repository?: string | undefined; npm?: string | undefined; }; description?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; publisher?: { username: string; email: string; } | undefined; } & { [k: string]: unknown; }; score: { final: number; detail: { quality: number; popularity: number; maintenance: number; }; }; searchScore: number; dependents: number; updated: string; flags: { insecure: boolean; unstable?: boolean | undefined; }; license?: string | undefined; }, { downloads: { monthly: number; weekly: number; }; package: { date: string; name: string; version: string; maintainers: { username: string; email: string; }[]; links: { homepage?: string | undefined; bugs?: string | undefined; repository?: string | undefined; npm?: string | undefined; }; description?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; publisher?: { username: string; email: string; } | undefined; } & { [k: string]: unknown; }; score: { final: number; detail: { quality: number; popularity: number; maintenance: number; }; }; searchScore: number; dependents: number; updated: string; flags: { insecure: boolean; unstable?: boolean | undefined; }; license?: string | undefined; }>, "many">; /** Total number of corresponding search results available; may be higher than the number of `objects` returned. */ total: z.ZodNumber; /** Date at which the search happened. */ time: z.ZodString; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { time: string; objects: { downloads: { monthly: number; weekly: number; }; package: { date: string; name: string; version: string; maintainers: { username: string; email: string; }[]; links: { homepage?: string | undefined; bugs?: string | undefined; repository?: string | undefined; npm?: string | undefined; }; description?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; publisher?: { username: string; email: string; } | undefined; } & { [k: string]: unknown; }; score: { final: number; detail: { quality: number; popularity: number; maintenance: number; }; }; searchScore: number; dependents: number; updated: string; flags: { insecure: boolean; unstable?: boolean | undefined; }; license?: string | undefined; }[]; total: number; }, { time: string; objects: { downloads: { monthly: number; weekly: number; }; package: { date: string; name: string; version: string; maintainers: { username: string; email: string; }[]; links: { homepage?: string | undefined; bugs?: string | undefined; repository?: string | undefined; npm?: string | undefined; }; description?: string | undefined; keywords?: string[] | undefined; publisher?: { username: string; email: string; } | undefined; } & { [k: string]: unknown; }; score: { final: number; detail: { quality: number; popularity: number; maintenance: number; }; }; searchScore: number; dependents: number; updated: string; flags: { insecure: boolean; unstable?: boolean | undefined; }; license?: string | undefined; }[]; total: number; }>; /** `SearchResults` describes the results returned by the registry for a search query. @see {@link https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md#get-v1search} */ type SearchResults = z.infer; /** `searchPackages` returns the packages corresponding to a given query. @param criteria - one or more search criteria @param registry - URL of the registry (default: npm registry) @see {@link SearchCriteria} @see {@link SearchResults} */ declare const searchPackages: (criteria: SearchCriteria, registry?: string) => Promise; export { AbbreviatedPackument, BulkDailyPackageDownloads, BulkPackageDownloads, DailyPackageDownloads, DailyRegistryDownloads, DownloadPeriod, PackageDownloads, PackageManifest, PackageVersionsDownloads, Packument, RegistryDownloads, RegistryMetadata, RegistrySigningKeys, SearchCriteria, SearchResults, cache, getAbbreviatedPackument, getBulkDailyPackageDownloads, getBulkPackageDownloads, getDailyPackageDownloads, getDailyRegistryDownloads, getPackageDownloads, getPackageManifest, getPackageVersionsDownloads, getPackument, getRegistryDownloads, getRegistryMetadata, getRegistrySigningKeys, npmRegistryDownloadsApiUrl, npmRegistryUrl, searchPackages };