export type ContainerType = Element | ShadowRoot; export type Prepend = boolean | 'queue'; export type AppendType = 'prependQueue' | 'append' | 'prepend'; interface Options { attachTo?: ContainerType; csp?: { nonce?: string; }; prepend?: Prepend; /** * Config the `priority` of `prependQueue`. Default is `0`. * It's useful if you need to insert style before other style. */ priority?: number; mark?: string; styles?: HTMLElement[]; } export declare function injectCSS(css: string, option?: Options): HTMLStyleElement; export declare function removeCSS(key: string, option?: Options): void; /** * manually clear container cache to avoid global cache in unit testes */ export declare function clearContainerCache(): void; export declare function updateCSS(css: string, key: string, originOption?: Options): HTMLElement; export {};