import type { CalendarDay } from "./classes/index.js"; import type { MoveFocusBy, MoveFocusDir, DateLib, DayPickerProps, Modifiers } from "./types/index.js"; import { Calendar } from "./useCalendar.js"; export type UseFocus = { /** The date that is currently focused. */ focused: CalendarDay | undefined; /** Check if the given day is the focus target when entering the calendar. */ isFocusTarget: (day: CalendarDay) => boolean; /** Focus the given day. */ setFocused: (day: CalendarDay | undefined) => void; /** Blur the focused day. */ blur: () => void; /** Move the current focus to the next day according to the given direction. */ moveFocus: (moveBy: MoveFocusBy, moveDir: MoveFocusDir) => void; }; /** @private */ export declare function useFocus(props: T, calendar: Calendar, getModifiers: (day: CalendarDay) => Modifiers, isSelected: (date: Date) => boolean, dateLib: DateLib): UseFocus;