/* eslint-disable jest/no-disabled-tests */ import React from "react"; import { format } from "date-fns"; import { render, screen } from "@/test/render"; import { user } from "@/test/user"; import { Input } from "./Input"; function textbox() { return screen.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Date:" }) as HTMLInputElement; } function gridcells() { return screen.queryAllByRole("gridcell") as HTMLTableCellElement[]; } function selectedCells() { return gridcells().filter((cell) => cell.hasAttribute("aria-selected")); } test("renders a textbox", () => { render(); expect(textbox()).toBeInTheDocument(); }); test("updates the calendar when a date is typed in", async () => { render(); const testDate = new Date(2022, 11, 31); // Dec 31, 2022 await user.type(textbox(), format(testDate, "MM/dd/yyyy")); expect( screen.getByText(`Selected: ${testDate.toDateString()}`) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(selectedCells()).toHaveLength(1); expect(selectedCells()[0]).toHaveTextContent(`${testDate.getDate()}`); }); test("updates the input when a day is picked from the calendar", async () => { render(); const testDate = new Date(2022, 11, 31); // Dec 31, 2022 await user.type(textbox(), format(testDate, "MM/dd/yyyy")); expect( screen.getByText(`Selected: ${testDate.toDateString()}`) ).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(selectedCells()).toHaveLength(1); expect(selectedCells()[0]).toHaveTextContent(`${testDate.getDate()}`); }); test("clears the selected days when an invalid date is entered", async () => { render(); await user.type(textbox(), "invalid date"); expect(selectedCells()).toHaveLength(0); }); test("updates the month when a date is typed in", async () => { render(); const testDate = new Date(2022, 11, 31); // Dec 31, 2022 await user.type(textbox(), format(testDate, "MM/dd/yyyy")); expect(screen.getByText(`December 2022`)).toBeInTheDocument(); }); test("reset the selected date when the field is emptied", async () => { render(); const testDate = new Date(2022, 11, 31); // Dec 31, 2022 await user.type(textbox(), format(testDate, "MM/dd/yyyy")); await user.clear(textbox()); expect(selectedCells()).toHaveLength(0); });