import React from "react"; import { addDays } from "date-fns"; import { dateButton, app, gridcell } from "@/test/elements"; import { renderApp } from "@/test/renderApp"; import { user } from "@/test/user"; import { ModifiersToday } from "./ModifiersToday"; const today = new Date(2022, 5, 10); beforeAll(() => jest.setSystemTime(today)); afterAll(() => jest.useRealTimers()); beforeEach(() => { renderApp(); }); describe("when rendering a month that contains today", () => { test("it should add the default class name for today", () => { expect(gridcell(today, true)).toHaveClass("rdp-today"); }); test('it should have exactly one ".day_today" class', () => { const todays = app().querySelectorAll(".rdp-today"); expect(todays).toHaveLength(1); }); }); describe("when the today date is clicked", () => { beforeEach(async () => { await; }); test("should update the footer", () => { expect(app()).toHaveTextContent("You clicked the today’s date"); }); }); describe("when another date is clicked", () => { const date = addDays(today, 1); beforeEach(async () =>; test("should update the footer", () => { expect(app()).toHaveTextContent("This is not the today’s date."); }); });