import React from "react"; import { addDays } from "date-fns"; import { dateButton, gridcell } from "@/test/elements"; import { render, screen } from "@/test/render"; import { user } from "@/test/user"; import { Range } from "./Range"; const defaultMonth = new Date(2020, 5, 15); let container: HTMLElement; const days = [ defaultMonth, addDays(defaultMonth, 1), addDays(defaultMonth, 2), addDays(defaultMonth, 3), addDays(defaultMonth, 4) ]; beforeEach(() => (container = render().container)); test("should match the snapshot", () => { expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test.each(days)("%s should be selected", (day) => { expect(gridcell(day, true)).toHaveAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); }); describe("when a day in the range is clicked", () => { const day = days[2]; beforeEach(async () =>; test.each([days[0], days[1], day])("%s should be selected", (day) => { expect(gridcell(day, true)).toHaveAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); }); test.each([days[3], days[4]])("%s should not be selected", (day) => { expect(gridcell(day, true)).not.toHaveAttribute("aria-selected"); }); describe("when the day is clicked again", () => { const day = days[2]; beforeEach(async () =>; test("only one day should be selected", () => { expect(getAllSelected()).toHaveLength(1); }); test("only a day in the range should be selected", () => { expect(gridcell(day, true)).toHaveAttribute("aria-selected", "true"); }); describe("when a day in the range is clicked again", () => { const day = days[2]; beforeEach(async () =>; test("no day should be selected", () => { expect(getAllSelected()).toHaveLength(0); }); test("should match the snapshot", () => { expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); }); }); function getAllSelected() { const gridcells = screen.getAllByRole("gridcell"); return Array.from(gridcells).filter( (gridcell) => gridcell.getAttribute("aria-selected") === "true" ); }