import { DropdownOption } from "../components/Dropdown.js"; import type { Locale } from "../lib/dateLib.js"; import type { DateLib, Formatters } from "../types/index.js"; /** Return the months to show in the dropdown. */ export function getMonthOptions( displayMonth: Date, navStart: Date | undefined, navEnd: Date | undefined, formatters: Pick, locale: Locale | undefined, dateLib: DateLib ): DropdownOption[] | undefined { if (!navStart) return undefined; if (!navEnd) return undefined; const { addMonths, startOfMonth, isBefore, Date } = dateLib; const year = displayMonth.getFullYear(); const months: number[] = []; let month = navStart; while (months.length < 12 && isBefore(month, addMonths(navEnd, 1))) { months.push(month.getMonth()); month = addMonths(month, 1); } const sortedMonths = months.sort((a, b) => { return a - b; }); const options = => { const label = formatters.formatMonthDropdown(value, locale); const disabled = (navStart && new Date(year, value) < startOfMonth(navStart)) || (navEnd && new Date(year, value) > startOfMonth(navEnd)) || false; return { value, label, disabled }; }); return options; }