import { CalendarDay } from "../classes/index.js"; import type { DateLib, DayPickerProps, MoveFocusBy, MoveFocusDir } from "../types/index.js"; import { dateMatchModifiers } from "../utils/dateMatchModifiers.js"; import { getFocusableDate } from "./getFocusableDate.js"; export function getNextFocus( moveBy: MoveFocusBy, moveDir: MoveFocusDir, /** The date that is currently focused. */ refDay: CalendarDay, calendarStartMonth: Date | undefined, calendarEndMonth: Date | undefined, props: Pick< DayPickerProps, "disabled" | "hidden" | "modifiers" | "locale" | "ISOWeek" | "weekStartsOn" >, dateLib: DateLib, attempt: number = 0 ): CalendarDay | undefined { if (attempt > 365) { // Limit the recursion to 365 attempts return undefined; } const focusableDate = getFocusableDate( moveBy, moveDir,, // should be refDay? or calendarStartMonth, calendarEndMonth, props, dateLib ); const isDisabled = Boolean( props.disabled && dateMatchModifiers(focusableDate, props.disabled, dateLib) ); const isHidden = Boolean( props.hidden && dateMatchModifiers(focusableDate, props.hidden, dateLib) ); const targetMonth = focusableDate; const focusDay = new CalendarDay(focusableDate, targetMonth, dateLib); if (!isDisabled && !isHidden) { return focusDay; } // Recursively attempt to find the next focusable date return getNextFocus( moveBy, moveDir, focusDay, calendarStartMonth, calendarEndMonth, props, dateLib, attempt + 1 ); }