import { CSSProperties } from "react"; /** * The UI elements composing DayPicker. These elements are mapped to * {@link CustomComponents}, the {@link ClassNames} and the {@link Styles} used by * DayPicker. * * Some of these elements are extended by flags and modifiers. */ export declare enum UI { /** The root component displaying the months and the navigation bar. */ Root = "root", /** The Chevron SVG element used by navigation buttons and dropdowns. */ Chevron = "chevron", /** * The grid cell with the day's date. Extended by {@link DayFlag} and * {@link SelectionFlag}. */ Day = "day", /** The button containing the formatted day's date, inside the grid cell. */ DayButton = "day_button", /** The caption label of the month (when not showing the dropdown navigation). */ CaptionLabel = "caption_label", /** The container of the dropdown navigation (when enabled). */ Dropdowns = "dropdowns", /** The dropdown element to select for years and months. */ Dropdown = "dropdown", /** The container element of the dropdown. */ DropdownRoot = "dropdown_root", /** The root element of the footer. */ Footer = "footer", /** The month grid. */ MonthGrid = "month_grid", /** Contains the dropdown navigation or the caption label. */ MonthCaption = "month_caption", /** The dropdown with the months. */ MonthsDropdown = "months_dropdown", /** Wrapper of the month grid. */ Month = "month", /** The container of the displayed months. */ Months = "months", /** The navigation bar with the previous and next buttons. */ Nav = "nav", /** * The next month button in the navigation. * * * @since 9.1.0 */ NextMonthButton = "button_next", /** * The previous month button in the navigation. * * @since 9.1.0 */ PreviousMonthButton = "button_previous", /** The row containing the week. */ Week = "week", /** The group of row weeks in a month (`tbody`). */ Weeks = "weeks", /** The column header with the weekday. */ Weekday = "weekday", /** The row grouping the weekdays in the column headers. */ Weekdays = "weekdays", /** The cell containing the week number. */ WeekNumber = "week_number", /** The cell header of the week numbers column. */ WeekNumberHeader = "week_number_header", /** The dropdown with the years. */ YearsDropdown = "years_dropdown" } /** The flags for the {@link UI.Day}. */ export declare enum DayFlag { /** The day is disabled. */ disabled = "disabled", /** The day is hidden. */ hidden = "hidden", /** The day is outside the current month. */ outside = "outside", /** The day is focused. */ focused = "focused", /** The day is today. */ today = "today" } /** * The state that can be applied to the {@link UI.Day} element when in selection * mode. */ export declare enum SelectionState { /** The day is at the end of a selected range. */ range_end = "range_end", /** The day is at the middle of a selected range. */ range_middle = "range_middle", /** The day is at the start of a selected range. */ range_start = "range_start", /** The day is selected. */ selected = "selected" } /** CSS classes used for animating months and captions. */ /** * Enum representing different animation states for transitioning between * months. */ export declare enum Animation { /** The entering weeks when they appear before the exiting month. */ weeks_before_enter = "weeks_before_enter", /** The exiting weeks when they disappear before the entering month. */ weeks_before_exit = "weeks_before_exit", /** The entering weeks when they appear after the exiting month. */ weeks_after_enter = "weeks_after_enter", /** The exiting weeks when they disappear after the entering month. */ weeks_after_exit = "weeks_after_exit", /** The entering caption when it appears after the exiting month. */ caption_after_enter = "caption_after_enter", /** The exiting caption when it disappears after the entering month. */ caption_after_exit = "caption_after_exit", /** The entering caption when it appears before the exiting month. */ caption_before_enter = "caption_before_enter", /** The exiting caption when it disappears before the entering month. */ caption_before_exit = "caption_before_exit" } /** * Deprecated UI elements and flags. * * These elements were used in previous version of DayPicker and are kept here * to help the transition to the new {@link UI | UI elements}. * * ```diff * * ``` * * @deprecated * @since 9.0.1 * @see * @see */ export type DeprecatedUI = { /** * This element was applied to the style of any button in DayPicker and it is * replaced by {@link UI.PreviousMonthButton} and {@link UI.NextMonthButton}. * * @deprecated */ button: T; /** * This element was resetting the style of any button in DayPicker and it is * replaced by {@link UI.PreviousMonthButton} and {@link UI.NextMonthButton}. * * @deprecated */ button_reset: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.MonthCaption}. * * @deprecated */ caption: T; /** * This element has been removed. Captions are styled via * {@link UI.MonthCaption}. * * @deprecated */ caption_between: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.Dropdowns}. * * @deprecated */ caption_dropdowns: T; /** * This element has been removed. Captions are styled via * {@link UI.MonthCaption}. * * @deprecated */ caption_end: T; /** * This element has been removed. * * @deprecated */ caption_start: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.Day}. * * @deprecated */ cell: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link DayFlag.disabled}. * * @deprecated */ day_disabled: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link DayFlag.hidden}. * * @deprecated */ day_hidden: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link DayFlag.outside}. * * @deprecated */ day_outside: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link SelectionState.range_end}. * * @deprecated */ day_range_end: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link SelectionState.range_middle}. * * @deprecated */ day_range_middle: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link SelectionState.range_start}. * * @deprecated */ day_range_start: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link SelectionState.selected}. * * @deprecated */ day_selected: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link}. * * @deprecated */ day_today: T; /** * This element has been removed. The dropdown icon is now {@link UI.Chevron} * inside a {@link UI.CaptionLabel}. * * @deprecated */ dropdown_icon: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.MonthsDropdown}. * * @deprecated */ dropdown_month: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.YearsDropdown}. * * @deprecated */ dropdown_year: T; /** * This element has been removed. * * @deprecated */ head: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.Weekday}. * * @deprecated */ head_cell: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.Weekdays}. * * @deprecated */ head_row: T; /** * This flag has been removed. Use `data-multiple-months` in your CSS * selectors. * * @deprecated */ multiple_months: T; /** * This element has been removed. To style the navigation buttons, use * {@link UI.PreviousMonthButton} and {@link UI.NextMonthButton}. * * @deprecated */ nav_button: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.NextMonthButton}. * * @deprecated */ nav_button_next: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.PreviousMonthButton}. * * @deprecated */ nav_button_previous: T; /** * This element has been removed. The dropdown icon is now {@link UI.Chevron} * inside a {@link UI.NextMonthButton} or a {@link UI.PreviousMonthButton}. * * @deprecated */ nav_icon: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.Week}. * * @deprecated */ row: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.MonthGrid}. * * @deprecated */ table: T; /** * This element has been renamed to {@link UI.Weeks}. * * @deprecated */ tbody: T; /** * This element has been removed. The {@link UI.Footer} is now a single element * below the months. * * @deprecated */ tfoot: T; /** * This flag has been removed. There are no "visually hidden" elements in * DayPicker 9. * * @deprecated */ vhidden: T; /** * This element has been renamed. Use {@link UI.WeekNumber} instead. * * @deprecated */ weeknumber: T; /** * This flag has been removed. Use `data-week-numbers` in your CSS. * * @deprecated */ with_weeknumber: T; };