import { Component, ComponentType, ComponentClass } from 'react'; import { Identifier } from 'dnd-core'; import { DropTargetMonitor, DragSourceMonitor, DragLayerMonitor, ConnectDragPreview, ConnectDropTarget, ConnectDragSource } from '../types'; import { NonReactStatics } from 'hoist-non-react-statics'; /** * Options for the Drag Sources, Drop Targets, and Drag Layers decorators */ export interface DndOptions { arePropsEqual?: (first: Props, second: Props) => boolean; } /** * A DnD interactive component */ export interface DndComponent extends Component { getDecoratedComponentInstance(): Component | null; getHandlerId(): Identifier; } /** * Interface for the DropTarget specification object */ export interface DropTargetSpec { /** * Optional. * Called when a compatible item is dropped on the target. You may either return undefined, or a plain object. * If you return an object, it is going to become the drop result and will be available to the drag source in its * endDrag method as monitor.getDropResult(). This is useful in case you want to perform different actions * depending on which target received the drop. If you have nested drop targets, you can test whether a nested * target has already handled drop by checking monitor.didDrop() and monitor.getDropResult(). Both this method and * the source's endDrag method are good places to fire Flux actions. This method will not be called if canDrop() * is defined and returns false. */ drop?: (props: Props, monitor: DropTargetMonitor, component: any) => DropResult | undefined; /** * Optional. * Called when an item is hovered over the component. You can check monitor.isOver({ shallow: true }) to test whether * the hover happens over just the current target, or over a nested one. Unlike drop(), this method will be called even * if canDrop() is defined and returns false. You can check monitor.canDrop() to test whether this is the case. */ hover?: (props: Props, monitor: DropTargetMonitor, component: any) => void; /** * Optional. Use it to specify whether the drop target is able to accept the item. If you want to always allow it, just * omit this method. Specifying it is handy if you'd like to disable dropping based on some predicate over props or * monitor.getItem(). Note: You may not call monitor.canDrop() inside this method. */ canDrop?: (props: Props, monitor: DropTargetMonitor) => boolean; } export interface DragSourceSpec { /** * Required. * When the dragging starts, beginDrag is called. You must return a plain JavaScript object describing the * data being dragged. What you return is the only information available to the drop targets about the drag * source so it's important to pick the minimal data they need to know. You may be tempted to put a reference * to the component into it, but you should try very hard to avoid doing this because it couples the drag * sources and drop targets. It's a good idea to return something like { id: } from this method. */ beginDrag: (props: Props, monitor: DragSourceMonitor, component: any) => DragObject; /** * Optional. * When the dragging stops, endDrag is called. For every beginDrag call, a corresponding endDrag call is guaranteed. * You may call monitor.didDrop() to check whether or not the drop was handled by a compatible drop target. If it was handled, * and the drop target specified a drop result by returning a plain object from its drop() method, it will be available as * monitor.getDropResult(). This method is a good place to fire a Flux action. Note: If the component is unmounted while dragging, * component parameter is set to be null. */ endDrag?: (props: Props, monitor: DragSourceMonitor, component: any) => void; /** * Optional. * Use it to specify whether the dragging is currently allowed. If you want to always allow it, just omit this method. * Specifying it is handy if you'd like to disable dragging based on some predicate over props. Note: You may not call * monitor.canDrag() inside this method. */ canDrag?: (props: Props, monitor: DragSourceMonitor) => boolean; /** * Optional. * By default, only the drag source that initiated the drag operation is considered to be dragging. You can * override this behavior by defining a custom isDragging method. It might return something like === monitor.getItem().id. * Do this if the original component may be unmounted during the dragging and later “resurrected” with a different parent. * For example, when moving a card across the lists in a Kanban board, you want it to retain the dragged appearance—even though * technically, the component gets unmounted and a different one gets mounted every time you move it to another list. * * Note: You may not call monitor.isDragging() inside this method. */ isDragging?: (props: Props, monitor: DragSourceMonitor) => boolean; } /** * DragSourceConnector is an object passed to a collecting function of the DragSource. * Its methods return functions that let you assign the roles to your component's DOM nodes. */ export interface DragSourceConnector { /** * Returns a function that must be used inside the component to assign the drag source role to a node. By * returning { connectDragSource: connect.dragSource() } from your collecting function, you can mark any React * element as the draggable node. To do that, replace any element with this.props.connectDragSource(element) inside * the render function. */ dragSource(): ConnectDragSource; /** * Optional. Returns a function that may be used inside the component to assign the drag preview role to a node. By * returning { connectDragPreview: connect.dragPreview() } from your collecting function, you can mark any React element * as the drag preview node. To do that, replace any element with this.props.connectDragPreview(element) inside the render * function. The drag preview is the node that will be screenshotted by the HTML5 backend when the drag begins. For example, * if you want to make something draggable by a small custom handle, you can mark this handle as the dragSource(), but also * mark an outer, larger component node as the dragPreview(). Thus the larger drag preview appears on the screenshot, but * only the smaller drag source is actually draggable. Another possible customization is passing an Image instance to dragPreview * from a lifecycle method like componentDidMount. This lets you use the actual images for drag previews. (Note that IE does not * support this customization). See the example code below for the different usage examples. */ dragPreview(): ConnectDragPreview; } /** * DropTargetConnector is an object passed to a collecting function of the DropTarget. Its only method dropTarget() returns a function * that lets you assign the drop target role to one of your component's DOM nodes. */ export interface DropTargetConnector { /** * Returns a function that must be used inside the component to assign the drop target role to a node. * By returning { connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget() } from your collecting function, you can mark any React element * as the droppable node. To do that, replace any element with this.props.connectDropTarget(element) inside the render function. */ dropTarget(): ConnectDropTarget; } export declare type DragSourceCollector = (connect: DragSourceConnector, monitor: DragSourceMonitor, props: TargetProps) => CollectedProps; export declare type DropTargetCollector = (connect: DropTargetConnector, monitor: DropTargetMonitor, props: TargetProps) => CollectedProps; export declare type DragLayerCollector = (monitor: DragLayerMonitor, props: TargetProps) => CollectedProps; export declare type Omit = Pick>; /** * A property P will be present if: * - it is present in DecorationTargetProps * * Its value will be dependent on the following conditions * - if property P is present in InjectedProps and its definition extends the definition * in DecorationTargetProps, then its definition will be that of DecorationTargetProps[P] * - if property P is not present in InjectedProps then its definition will be that of * DecorationTargetProps[P] * - if property P is present in InjectedProps but does not extend the * DecorationTargetProps[P] definition, its definition will be that of InjectedProps[P] */ export declare type Matching = { [P in keyof DecorationTargetProps]: P extends keyof InjectedProps ? InjectedProps[P] extends DecorationTargetProps[P] ? DecorationTargetProps[P] : InjectedProps[P] : DecorationTargetProps[P]; }; /** * a property P will be present if : * - it is present in both DecorationTargetProps and InjectedProps * - InjectedProps[P] can satisfy DecorationTargetProps[P] * ie: decorated component can accept more types than decorator is injecting * * For decoration, inject props or ownProps are all optionally * required by the decorated (right hand side) component. * But any property required by the decorated component must be satisfied by the injected property. */ export declare type Shared = { [P in Extract]?: InjectedProps[P] extends DecorationTargetProps[P] ? DecorationTargetProps[P] : never; }; /** * Gets the props interface of a component using inference */ export declare type GetProps = C extends ComponentType ? P : never; export declare type DndComponentEnhancer = >>>(component: C) => DndComponentClass, keyof Shared>>>; export declare type DndComponentClass, P> = ComponentClass> & NonReactStatics & { DecoratedComponent: C; };