import type FileState from '../FileState.js'; import type { ComponentNodePath, ResolverClass } from './index.js'; interface FindExportedDefinitionsResolverOptions { limit?: number; } /** * Given an AST, this function tries to find the exported component definitions. * * The component definitions are either the ObjectExpression passed to * `React.createClass` or a `class` definition extending `React.Component` or * having a `render()` method. * * If a definition is part of the following statements, it is considered to be * exported: * * modules.exports = Definition; * = Definition; * export default Definition; * export var Definition = ...; * * limit can be used to limit the components to be found. When the limit is reached an error will be thrown */ export default class FindExportedDefinitionsResolver implements ResolverClass { limit: number; constructor({ limit }?: FindExportedDefinitionsResolverOptions); resolve(file: FileState): ComponentNodePath[]; } export {};