const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const packageJson = require("./package.json"); const getLocalIdent = require("./scripts/getLocalIdent.cjs"); const SCRIPT_INJECT_SRC = path.resolve(__dirname, "./scripts/inject/setAttributeDynamic.js"); const SCRIPT_INJECT = SCRIPT_INJECT_SRC.replace(/\.js$/, "_generated.js"); class _class { static DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { enabled: true, entryName: undefined, localIdentName: "[md4:hash:base64:5]", attributes: /^(class)$/, exclusionTags: /(path)/i, exclusionValues: /^(css|sc|icon)-/i, scope: "", inject: { src: SCRIPT_INJECT_SRC, out: SCRIPT_INJECT } }; constructor(options) { this.plugin = { name:, version: packageJson.version }; this.options = { ..._class.DEFAULT_OPTIONS, ...options }; } apply(compiler) { const _this = this; const {options} = _this; if (options.enabled !== true) { return; } compiler.hooks.afterEnvironment.tap(, () => { const rules = compiler.options.module.rules; //Inject options into css-loader const cssRule = rules.find((rule) => rule.test.test(".css")); if (!cssRule) { throw new Error(".css rule not found"); } const cssLoader = cssRule.use.find((loader) => loader.loader === "css-loader"); if (!cssLoader) { throw new Error("css-loader not found"); } const cssLoaderOptions = cssLoader.options || {}; const cssLoaderOptionsModules = cssLoaderOptions.modules || {}; cssLoaderOptionsModules.localIdentName = options.localIdentName; cssLoaderOptionsModules.getLocalIdent = getLocalIdent(options); cssLoaderOptions.modules = cssLoaderOptionsModules; cssLoader.options = cssLoaderOptions; //console.log(rules); //Inject string-replace-loader to hook into react-dom setAttribute rules.unshift({ //react-dom.development.js //react-dom.production.min.js test: /react-dom\..+\.js$/, loader: "string-replace-loader", options: { search: /(\w+)\.setAttribute\(/g, replace: `window['${options.scope}setAttributeDynamic'].call($1,` } }); //console.log(rules); //Inject the setAttributeDynamic function into the bundle const entry = compiler.options.entry; const entryName = options.entryName || Object.keys(entry)[0]; const entryBundle = entry[entryName]; if (!entryBundle) { throw new Error("Entry bundle not found"); } const hasImport = typeof entryBundle.import !== typeof undefined; let entryBundleImport = hasImport ? entryBundle.import : entryBundle; if (!Array.isArray(entryBundleImport)) { entryBundleImport = [entryBundleImport]; } _this._generateInjectScript(options); entryBundleImport.unshift(options.inject.out); if (hasImport) { entryBundle.import = entryBundleImport; } else { entry[entryName] = entryBundleImport; } //console.log(entry); //process.exit(1); }); } _generateInjectScript(options) { const _this = this; const {src, out} = options.inject; const data = fs.readFileSync(src, "utf8"); const tokens = _this._computeTokens(options); const output = _this._replaceTokens(data, tokens); fs.writeFileSync(out, output, "utf8"); } _computeTokens(options) { return { __PACKAGE_NAME__: packageJson["name"], __PACKAGE_VERSION__: packageJson["version"], __LOCAL_IDENT_NAME__: options.localIdentName, __ATTRIBUTES__: options.attributes, __EXCLUSION_TAGS__: options.exclusionTags, __EXCLUSION_VALUES__: options.exclusionValues, __SCOPE__: options.scope }; } _replaceTokens(input, tokens) { return Object.entries(tokens).reduce((output, [key, value]) => { const pattern = typeof value === "string" ? key : `["']?${key}["']?`; return output.replace(new RegExp(pattern, "g"), value); }, input); } } module.exports = _class;