import { FieldValues } from '../fields'; import { BrowserNativeObject, IsAny, IsEqual, Primitive } from '../utils'; import { ArrayKey, IsTuple, TupleKeys } from './common'; /** * Helper function to break apart T1 and check if any are equal to T2 * * See {@link IsEqual} */ type AnyIsEqual = T1 extends T2 ? IsEqual extends true ? true : never : never; /** * Helper type for recursively constructing paths through a type. * This actually constructs the strings and recurses into nested * object types. * * See {@link Path} */ type PathImpl = V extends Primitive | BrowserNativeObject ? `${K}` : true extends AnyIsEqual ? `${K}` : `${K}` | `${K}.${PathInternal}`; /** * Helper type for recursively constructing paths through a type. * This obscures the internal type param TraversedTypes from exported contract. * * See {@link Path} */ type PathInternal = T extends ReadonlyArray ? IsTuple extends true ? { [K in TupleKeys]-?: PathImpl; }[TupleKeys] : PathImpl : { [K in keyof T]-?: PathImpl; }[keyof T]; /** * Type which eagerly collects all paths through a type * @typeParam T - type which should be introspected * @example * ``` * Path<{foo: {bar: string}}> = 'foo' | '' * ``` */ export type Path = T extends any ? PathInternal : never; /** * See {@link Path} */ export type FieldPath = Path; /** * Helper type for recursively constructing paths through a type. * This actually constructs the strings and recurses into nested * object types. * * See {@link ArrayPath} */ type ArrayPathImpl = V extends Primitive | BrowserNativeObject ? IsAny extends true ? string : never : V extends ReadonlyArray ? U extends Primitive | BrowserNativeObject ? IsAny extends true ? string : never : true extends AnyIsEqual ? never : `${K}` | `${K}.${ArrayPathInternal}` : true extends AnyIsEqual ? never : `${K}.${ArrayPathInternal}`; /** * Helper type for recursively constructing paths through a type. * This obscures the internal type param TraversedTypes from exported contract. * * See {@link ArrayPath} */ type ArrayPathInternal = T extends ReadonlyArray ? IsTuple extends true ? { [K in TupleKeys]-?: ArrayPathImpl; }[TupleKeys] : ArrayPathImpl : { [K in keyof T]-?: ArrayPathImpl; }[keyof T]; /** * Type which eagerly collects all paths through a type which point to an array * type. * @typeParam T - type which should be introspected. * @example * ``` * Path<{foo: {bar: string[], baz: number[]}}> = '' | 'foo.baz' * ``` */ export type ArrayPath = T extends any ? ArrayPathInternal : never; /** * See {@link ArrayPath} */ export type FieldArrayPath = ArrayPath; /** * Type to evaluate the type which the given path points to. * @typeParam T - deeply nested type which is indexed by the path * @typeParam P - path into the deeply nested type * @example * ``` * PathValue<{foo: {bar: string}}, ''> = string * PathValue<[number, string], '1'> = string * ``` */ export type PathValue | ArrayPath> = T extends any ? P extends `${infer K}.${infer R}` ? K extends keyof T ? R extends Path ? PathValue : never : K extends `${ArrayKey}` ? T extends ReadonlyArray ? PathValue> : never : never : P extends keyof T ? T[P] : P extends `${ArrayKey}` ? T extends ReadonlyArray ? V : never : never : never; /** * See {@link PathValue} */ export type FieldPathValue> = PathValue; /** * See {@link PathValue} */ export type FieldArrayPathValue> = PathValue; /** * Type to evaluate the type which the given paths point to. * @typeParam TFieldValues - field values which are indexed by the paths * @typeParam TPath - paths into the deeply nested field values * @example * ``` * FieldPathValues<{foo: {bar: string}}, ['foo', '']> * = [{bar: string}, string] * ``` */ export type FieldPathValues[] | readonly FieldPath[]> = {} & { [K in keyof TPath]: FieldPathValue>; }; /** * Type which eagerly collects all paths through a fieldType that matches a give type * @typeParam TFieldValues - field values which are indexed by the paths * @typeParam TValue - the value you want to match into each type * @example * ```typescript * FieldPathByValue<{foo: {bar: number}, baz: number, bar: string}, number> * = '' | 'baz' * ``` */ export type FieldPathByValue = { [Key in FieldPath]: FieldPathValue extends TValue ? Key : never; }[FieldPath]; export {}; //#