import React from 'react'; import { FieldValues, FormProviderProps, UseFormReturn } from './types'; /** * This custom hook allows you to access the form context. useFormContext is intended to be used in deeply nested structures, where it would become inconvenient to pass the context as a prop. To be used with {@link FormProvider}. * * @remarks * [API]( • [Demo]( * * @returns return all useForm methods * * @example * ```tsx * function App() { * const methods = useForm(); * const onSubmit = data => console.log(data); * * return ( * *
* * * *
* ); * } * * function NestedInput() { * const { register } = useFormContext(); // retrieve all hook methods * return ; * } * ``` */ export declare const useFormContext: () => UseFormReturn; /** * A provider component that propagates the `useForm` methods to all children components via [React Context]( API. To be used with {@link useFormContext}. * * @remarks * [API]( • [Demo]( * * @param props - all useForm methods * * @example * ```tsx * function App() { * const methods = useForm(); * const onSubmit = data => console.log(data); * * return ( * *
* * * *
* ); * } * * function NestedInput() { * const { register } = useFormContext(); // retrieve all hook methods * return ; * } * ``` */ export declare const FormProvider: (props: FormProviderProps) => React.JSX.Element; //#