import type { $Subtract, $Tuple } from './helpers.js'; import type { ReactOptions, i18n, Resource, FlatNamespace, Namespace, TypeOptions, TFunction, KeyPrefix, } from 'i18next'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Trans, TransProps, ErrorCode, ErrorArgs } from './TransWithoutContext.js'; export { initReactI18next } from './initReactI18next.js'; export const TransWithoutContext: typeof Trans; export { Trans, TransProps, ErrorArgs, ErrorCode }; export function setDefaults(options: ReactOptions): void; export function getDefaults(): ReactOptions; export function setI18n(instance: i18n): void; export function getI18n(): i18n; export function composeInitialProps(ForComponent: any): (ctx: unknown) => Promise; export function getInitialProps(): { initialI18nStore: { [ns: string]: {}; }; initialLanguage: string; }; export interface ReportNamespaces { addUsedNamespaces(namespaces: Namespace): void; getUsedNamespaces(): string[]; } declare module 'i18next' { // interface i18n { // reportNamespaces?: ReportNamespaces; // } interface CustomInstanceExtensions { reportNamespaces?: ReportNamespaces; } } type ObjectOrNever = TypeOptions['allowObjectInHTMLChildren'] extends true ? Record : never; type ReactI18NextChildren = React.ReactNode | ObjectOrNever; declare module 'react' { namespace JSX { interface IntrinsicAttributes { i18nIsDynamicList?: boolean; } } interface HTMLAttributes { // This union is inspired by the typings for React.ReactNode. We do this to fix "This JSX tag's 'children' prop // expects a single child of type 'ReactI18NextChildren', but multiple children were provided": // children?: ReactI18NextChildren | Iterable; } } type _DefaultNamespace = TypeOptions['defaultNS']; export function useSSR(initialI18nStore: Resource, initialLanguage: string): void; export interface UseTranslationOptions { i18n?: i18n; useSuspense?: boolean; keyPrefix?: KPrefix; bindI18n?: string | false; nsMode?: 'fallback' | 'default'; lng?: string; // other of these options might also work: } export type UseTranslationResponse = [ t: TFunction, i18n: i18n, ready: boolean, ] & { t: TFunction; i18n: i18n; ready: boolean; }; // Workaround to make code completion to work when suggesting namespaces. // This is a typescript limitation when using generics with default values, // it'll be addressed in this issue: export type FallbackNs = Ns extends undefined ? _DefaultNamespace : Ns extends Namespace ? Ns : _DefaultNamespace; export function useTranslation< Ns extends FlatNamespace | $Tuple | undefined = undefined, KPrefix extends KeyPrefix> = undefined, >( ns?: Ns, options?: UseTranslationOptions, ): UseTranslationResponse, KPrefix>; // Need to see usage to improve this export function withSSR(): (WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType) => { ({ initialI18nStore, initialLanguage, }: { initialI18nStore: Resource; initialLanguage: string; } & Props): React.FunctionComponentElement; getInitialProps: (ctx: unknown) => Promise; }; export interface WithTranslation< Ns extends FlatNamespace | $Tuple | undefined = undefined, KPrefix extends KeyPrefix> = undefined, > { t: TFunction, KPrefix>; i18n: i18n; tReady: boolean; } export interface WithTranslationProps { i18n?: i18n; useSuspense?: boolean; } export function withTranslation< Ns extends FlatNamespace | $Tuple | undefined = undefined, KPrefix extends KeyPrefix> = undefined, >( ns?: Ns, options?: { withRef?: boolean; keyPrefix?: KPrefix; }, ): < C extends React.ComponentType & WithTranslationProps>, ResolvedProps = React.JSX.LibraryManagedAttributes< C, $Subtract, WithTranslationProps> >, >( component: C, ) => React.ComponentType> & WithTranslationProps>; export interface I18nextProviderProps { children?: React.ReactNode; i18n: i18n; defaultNS?: string | string[]; } export const I18nextProvider: React.FunctionComponent; export const I18nContext: React.Context<{ i18n: i18n }>; export interface TranslationProps< Ns extends FlatNamespace | $Tuple | undefined = undefined, KPrefix extends KeyPrefix> = undefined, > { children: ( t: TFunction, KPrefix>, options: { i18n: i18n; lng: string; }, ready: boolean, ) => React.ReactNode; ns?: Ns; i18n?: i18n; useSuspense?: boolean; keyPrefix?: KPrefix; nsMode?: 'fallback' | 'default'; } export function Translation< Ns extends FlatNamespace | $Tuple | undefined = undefined, KPrefix extends KeyPrefix> = undefined, >(props: TranslationProps): any;