import React, { PureComponent, createRef } from 'react'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import './ReactCrop.scss'; const defaultCrop: Crop = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, unit: 'px', }; function clamp(num: number, min: number, max: number) { return Math.min(Math.max(num, min), max); } function isCropValid(crop: Partial) { return crop && crop.width && !isNaN(crop.width) && crop.height && !isNaN(crop.height); } function makeAspectCrop(crop: Crop, imageWidth: number, imageHeight: number) { if (!crop.aspect || isNaN(crop.aspect)) { console.warn('`crop.aspect` should be a number in order to make an aspect crop', crop); return { ...defaultCrop, ...crop }; } const completeCrop: Crop = { unit: 'px', x: crop.x || 0, y: crop.y || 0, width: crop.width || 0, height: crop.height || 0, aspect: crop.aspect, }; if (crop.width) { completeCrop.height = completeCrop.width / crop.aspect; } if (crop.height) { completeCrop.width = completeCrop.height * crop.aspect; } if (completeCrop.y + completeCrop.height > imageHeight) { completeCrop.height = imageHeight - completeCrop.y; completeCrop.width = completeCrop.height * crop.aspect; } if (completeCrop.x + completeCrop.width > imageWidth) { completeCrop.width = imageWidth - completeCrop.x; completeCrop.height = completeCrop.width / crop.aspect; } return completeCrop; } function convertToPercentCrop(crop: Partial, imageWidth: number, imageHeight: number): Crop { if (crop.unit === '%') { return { ...defaultCrop, ...crop }; } return { unit: '%', aspect: crop.aspect, x: crop.x ? (crop.x / imageWidth) * 100 : 0, y: crop.y ? (crop.y / imageHeight) * 100 : 0, width: crop.width ? (crop.width / imageWidth) * 100 : 0, height: crop.height ? (crop.height / imageHeight) * 100 : 0, }; } function convertToPixelCrop(crop: Partial, imageWidth: number, imageHeight: number): Crop { if (!crop.unit) { return { ...defaultCrop, ...crop, unit: 'px' }; } if (crop.unit === 'px') { return { ...defaultCrop, ...crop }; } return { unit: 'px', aspect: crop.aspect, x: crop.x ? (crop.x * imageWidth) / 100 : 0, y: crop.y ? (crop.y * imageHeight) / 100 : 0, width: crop.width ? (crop.width * imageWidth) / 100 : 0, height: crop.height ? (crop.height * imageHeight) / 100 : 0, }; } function resolveCrop(pixelCrop: Crop, imageWidth: number, imageHeight: number) { if (pixelCrop.aspect && (!pixelCrop.width || !pixelCrop.height)) { return makeAspectCrop(pixelCrop, imageWidth, imageHeight); } return pixelCrop; } function containCrop(prevCrop: Partial, crop: Partial, imageWidth: number, imageHeight: number) { const pixelCrop = convertToPixelCrop(crop, imageWidth, imageHeight); const prevPixelCrop = convertToPixelCrop(prevCrop, imageWidth, imageHeight); // Non-aspects are simple if (!pixelCrop.aspect) { if (pixelCrop.x < 0) { pixelCrop.x = 0; pixelCrop.width += pixelCrop.x; } else if (pixelCrop.x + pixelCrop.width > imageWidth) { pixelCrop.width = imageWidth - pixelCrop.x; } if (pixelCrop.y + pixelCrop.height > imageHeight) { pixelCrop.height = imageHeight - pixelCrop.y; } return pixelCrop; } let adjustedForX = false; if (pixelCrop.x < 0) { pixelCrop.x = 0; pixelCrop.width += pixelCrop.x; pixelCrop.height = pixelCrop.width / pixelCrop.aspect; adjustedForX = true; } else if (pixelCrop.x + pixelCrop.width > imageWidth) { pixelCrop.width = imageWidth - pixelCrop.x; pixelCrop.height = pixelCrop.width / pixelCrop.aspect; adjustedForX = true; } // If sizing in up direction we need to pin Y at the point it // would be at the boundary. if (adjustedForX && prevPixelCrop.y > pixelCrop.y) { pixelCrop.y = pixelCrop.y + (pixelCrop.height - pixelCrop.height); } let adjustedForY = false; if (pixelCrop.y + pixelCrop.height > imageHeight) { pixelCrop.height = imageHeight - pixelCrop.y; pixelCrop.width = pixelCrop.height * pixelCrop.aspect; adjustedForY = true; } // If sizing in left direction we need to pin X at the point it // would be at the boundary. if (adjustedForY && prevPixelCrop.x > pixelCrop.x) { pixelCrop.x = pixelCrop.x + (pixelCrop.width - pixelCrop.width); } return pixelCrop; } const DOC_MOVE_OPTS = { capture: true, passive: false }; type XOrds = 'e' | 'w'; type YOrds = 'n' | 's'; type XYOrds = 'nw' | 'ne' | 'se' | 'sw'; type Ords = XOrds | YOrds | XYOrds; export interface Crop { aspect?: number; x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; unit: 'px' | '%'; } interface EVData { clientStartX: number; clientStartY: number; cropStartWidth: number; cropStartHeight: number; cropStartX: number; cropStartY: number; xDiff: number; yDiff: number; xInversed: boolean; yInversed: boolean; xCrossOver: boolean; yCrossOver: boolean; lastYCrossover: boolean; startXCrossOver: boolean; startYCrossOver: boolean; isResize: boolean; ord: Ords; } export interface ReactCropProps { /** A string of classes to add to the main `ReactCrop` element. */ className?: string; /** A React Node that will be inserted into the `ReactCrop` element */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** Show the crop area as a circle. If your aspect is not 1 (a square) then the circle will be warped into an oval shape. Defaults to false. */ circularCrop?: boolean; /** All crop params are initially optional. See for more info. */ crop: Partial; /** Allows setting the crossorigin attribute on the image. */ crossorigin?: React.DetailedHTMLProps, HTMLImageElement>['crossOrigin']; /** If true then the user cannot resize or draw a new crop. A class of `ReactCrop--disabled` is also added to the container for user styling. */ disabled?: boolean; /** If true then the user cannot create or resize a crop, but can still drag the existing crop around. A class of `ReactCrop--locked` is also added to the container for user styling. */ locked?: boolean; /** Add an alt attribute to the image element. */ imageAlt?: string; /** Inline styles object to be passed to the image element. */ imageStyle?: React.CSSProperties; /** If true is passed then selection can't be disabled if the user clicks outside the selection area. */ keepSelection?: boolean; /** A minimum crop width, in pixels. */ minWidth?: number; /** A minimum crop height, in pixels. */ minHeight?: number; /** A maximum crop width, in pixels. */ maxWidth?: number; /** A maximum crop height, in pixels. */ maxHeight?: number; /** A callback which happens for every change of the crop. You should set the crop to state and pass it back into the library via the `crop` prop. */ onChange: (crop: Crop, percentageCrop: Crop) => void; /** A callback which happens after a resize, drag, or nudge. Passes the current crop state object in pixels and percent. */ onComplete?: (crop: Crop, percentageCrop: Crop) => void; /** This event is called if the image had an error loading. */ onImageError?: React.DOMAttributes['onError']; /** A callback which happens when the image is loaded. Passes the image DOM element. Return false if you set the crop with setState in there as otherwise the subsequent onChange + onComplete will not have your updated crop. */ onImageLoaded?: (image: HTMLImageElement) => void | boolean; /** A callback which happens when a user starts dragging or resizing. It is convenient to manipulate elements outside this component. */ onDragStart?: (e: PointerEvent) => void; /** A callback which happens when a user releases the cursor or touch after dragging or resizing. */ onDragEnd?: (e: PointerEvent) => void; /** Render a custom HTML element in place of an image. Useful if you want to support videos. */ renderComponent?: React.ReactNode; /** Render a custom element in crop selection. */ renderSelectionAddon?: (state: ReactCropState) => React.ReactNode; /** Rotates the image, you should pass a value between -180 and 180. Defaults to 0. */ rotate?: number; /** Show rule of thirds lines in the cropped area. Defaults to false. */ ruleOfThirds?: boolean; /** Scales the image. Defaults to 1 (normal scale). */ scale?: number; /** The image source (can be base64 or a blob just like a normal image). */ src: string; /** Inline styles object to be passed to the image wrapper element. */ style?: React.CSSProperties; /** A non-visual prop to keep pointer coords accurate when a parent element is scaled. Not to be confused with the `scale` prop which scales the image itself. Defaults to 1. */ zoom?: number; /** A non-visual prop to keep pointer coords accurate when a parent element is rotated. Not to be confused with the `rotate` prop which rotates the image itself. Defaults to 0, range is from -180 to 180. */ spin?: number; } export interface ReactCropState { cropIsActive: boolean; newCropIsBeingDrawn: boolean; } class ReactCrop extends PureComponent { static xOrds = ['e', 'w']; static yOrds = ['n', 's']; static xyOrds = ['nw', 'ne', 'se', 'sw']; static nudgeStep = 1; static nudgeStepMedium = 10; static nudgeStepLarge = 100; keysDown = new Set(); docMoveBound = false; mouseDownOnCrop = false; dragStarted = false; evData: EVData = { clientStartX: 0, clientStartY: 0, cropStartWidth: 0, cropStartHeight: 0, cropStartX: 0, cropStartY: 0, xDiff: 0, yDiff: 0, xInversed: false, yInversed: false, xCrossOver: false, yCrossOver: false, lastYCrossover: false, startXCrossOver: false, startYCrossOver: false, isResize: true, ord: 'nw', }; componentRef = createRef(); mediaWrapperRef = createRef(); imageRef = createRef(); cropSelectRef = createRef(); state: ReactCropState = { cropIsActive: false, newCropIsBeingDrawn: false, }; componentDidMount() { if (this.componentRef.current) { this.componentRef.current.addEventListener('medialoaded', this.onMediaLoaded); } } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.componentRef.current) { this.componentRef.current.removeEventListener('medialoaded', this.onMediaLoaded); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: ReactCropProps) { const { crop, onChange, onComplete } = this.props; if ( this.imageRef.current && crop && prevProps.crop !== crop && crop.aspect && ((crop.width && !crop.height) || (!crop.width && crop.height)) ) { const { width, height } = this.imageRef.current; const newCrop = this.makeNewCrop(); const completedCrop = makeAspectCrop(newCrop, width, height); const pixelCrop = convertToPixelCrop(completedCrop, width, height); const percentCrop = convertToPercentCrop(completedCrop, width, height); onChange(pixelCrop, percentCrop); if (onComplete) { onComplete(pixelCrop, percentCrop); } } } bindDocMove() { if (this.docMoveBound) { return; } document.addEventListener('pointermove', this.onDocPointerMove, DOC_MOVE_OPTS); document.addEventListener('pointerup', this.onDocPointerDone, DOC_MOVE_OPTS); document.addEventListener('pointercancel', this.onDocPointerDone, DOC_MOVE_OPTS); this.docMoveBound = true; } unbindDocMove() { if (!this.docMoveBound) { return; } document.removeEventListener('pointermove', this.onDocPointerMove, DOC_MOVE_OPTS); document.removeEventListener('pointerup', this.onDocPointerDone, DOC_MOVE_OPTS); document.removeEventListener('pointercancel', this.onDocPointerDone, DOC_MOVE_OPTS); this.docMoveBound = false; } onCropPointerDown = (e: React.PointerEvent) => { const { crop, disabled } = this.props; const { width, height } = this.mediaDimensions; const pixelCrop = convertToPixelCrop(crop, width, height); if (disabled) { return; } if (e.cancelable) e.preventDefault(); // Stop drag selection. // Bind to doc to follow movements outside of element. this.bindDocMove(); // Focus for detecting keypress. (this.componentRef.current as HTMLDivElement).focus({ preventScroll: true }); // All other browsers const { ord } = ( as HTMLElement).dataset; const xInversed = ord === 'nw' || ord === 'w' || ord === 'sw'; const yInversed = ord === 'nw' || ord === 'n' || ord === 'ne'; this.evData = { clientStartX: e.clientX, clientStartY: e.clientY, cropStartWidth: pixelCrop.width, cropStartHeight: pixelCrop.height, cropStartX: xInversed ? pixelCrop.x + pixelCrop.width : pixelCrop.x, cropStartY: yInversed ? pixelCrop.y + pixelCrop.height : pixelCrop.y, xDiff: 0, yDiff: 0, xInversed, yInversed, xCrossOver: xInversed, yCrossOver: yInversed, lastYCrossover: yInversed, startXCrossOver: xInversed, startYCrossOver: yInversed, isResize: Boolean(ord), ord: (ord || 'ne') as Ords, }; this.mouseDownOnCrop = true; this.setState({ cropIsActive: true }); }; onComponentPointerDown = (e: React.PointerEvent) => { const { crop, disabled, locked, keepSelection, onChange, zoom = 1, spin = 0 } = this.props; const componentEl = (this.mediaWrapperRef.current as HTMLDivElement).firstChild; if ( !== componentEl || !componentEl.contains( as Node)) { return; } if (disabled || locked || (keepSelection && isCropValid(crop))) { return; } if (e.cancelable) e.preventDefault(); // Stop drag selection. // Bind to doc to follow movements outside of element. this.bindDocMove(); // Focus for detecting keypress. (this.componentRef.current as HTMLDivElement).focus({ preventScroll: true }); // All other browsers const rect = (this.mediaWrapperRef.current as HTMLDivElement).getBoundingClientRect(); let x = 0; let y = 0; let scaledX = (e.clientX - rect.left) / zoom; let scaledY = (e.clientY - / zoom; let degrees = spin; let radians = Math.abs((degrees * Math.PI) / 180.0); if ((degrees > -45 && degrees <= 45) || (Math.abs(degrees) > 135 && Math.abs(degrees) <= 180)) { // Top and Bottom x = scaledX * Math.cos(radians); y = scaledY * Math.cos(radians); } else if (degrees > 45 && degrees <= 135) { // Left x = scaledY * Math.sin(radians); y = scaledX * Math.sin(radians) * -1; } else if (degrees > -135 && degrees <= -45) { // Right x = scaledY * Math.sin(radians) * -1; y = scaledX * Math.sin(radians); } const nextCrop: Crop = { unit: 'px', aspect: crop ? crop.aspect : undefined, x, y, width: 0, height: 0, }; this.evData = { clientStartX: e.clientX, clientStartY: e.clientY, cropStartWidth: nextCrop.width, cropStartHeight: nextCrop.height, cropStartX: nextCrop.x, cropStartY: nextCrop.y, xDiff: 0, yDiff: 0, xInversed: false, yInversed: false, xCrossOver: false, yCrossOver: false, lastYCrossover: false, startXCrossOver: false, startYCrossOver: false, isResize: true, ord: 'nw', }; this.mouseDownOnCrop = true; const { width, height } = this.mediaDimensions; onChange(convertToPixelCrop(nextCrop, width, height), convertToPercentCrop(nextCrop, width, height)); this.setState({ cropIsActive: true, newCropIsBeingDrawn: true }); }; onDocPointerMove = (e: PointerEvent) => { const { crop, disabled, onChange, onDragStart, zoom = 1, spin = 0 } = this.props; if (disabled) { return; } if (!this.mouseDownOnCrop) { return; } if (e.cancelable) e.preventDefault(); // Stop drag selection. if (!this.dragStarted) { this.dragStarted = true; if (onDragStart) { onDragStart(e); } } const { evData } = this; let scaledX = (e.clientX - evData.clientStartX) / zoom; let scaledY = (e.clientY - evData.clientStartY) / zoom; let degrees = spin; let radians = Math.abs((degrees * Math.PI) / 180.0); if ((degrees > -45 && degrees <= 45) || (Math.abs(degrees) > 135 && Math.abs(degrees) <= 180)) { // Top and Bottom evData.xDiff = scaledX * Math.cos(radians); evData.yDiff = scaledY * Math.cos(radians); } else if (degrees > 45 && degrees <= 135) { // Left evData.xDiff = scaledY * Math.sin(radians); evData.yDiff = scaledX * Math.sin(radians) * -1; } else if (degrees > -135 && degrees <= -45) { // Right evData.xDiff = scaledY * Math.sin(radians) * -1; evData.yDiff = scaledX * Math.sin(radians); } let nextCrop; if (evData.isResize) { nextCrop = this.resizeCrop(); } else { nextCrop = this.dragCrop(); } if (nextCrop !== crop) { const { width, height } = this.mediaDimensions; onChange(convertToPixelCrop(nextCrop, width, height), convertToPercentCrop(nextCrop, width, height)); } }; onComponentKeyDown = (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => { const { crop, disabled, onChange, onComplete } = this.props; if (disabled) { return; } this.keysDown.add(e.key); let nudged = false; if (!isCropValid(crop)) { return; } const nextCrop = this.makeNewCrop(); const ctrlCmdPressed = navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey; const nudgeStep = ctrlCmdPressed ? ReactCrop.nudgeStepLarge : e.shiftKey ? ReactCrop.nudgeStepMedium : ReactCrop.nudgeStep; if (this.keysDown.has('ArrowLeft')) { nextCrop.x -= nudgeStep; nudged = true; } if (this.keysDown.has('ArrowRight')) { nextCrop.x += nudgeStep; nudged = true; } if (this.keysDown.has('ArrowUp')) { nextCrop.y -= nudgeStep; nudged = true; } if (this.keysDown.has('ArrowDown')) { nextCrop.y += nudgeStep; nudged = true; } if (nudged) { if (e.cancelable) e.preventDefault(); // Stop drag selection. const { width, height } = this.mediaDimensions; nextCrop.x = clamp(nextCrop.x, 0, width - nextCrop.width); nextCrop.y = clamp(nextCrop.y, 0, height - nextCrop.height); const pixelCrop = convertToPixelCrop(nextCrop, width, height); const percentCrop = convertToPercentCrop(nextCrop, width, height); onChange(pixelCrop, percentCrop); if (onComplete) { onComplete(pixelCrop, percentCrop); } } }; onComponentKeyUp = (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => { this.keysDown.delete(e.key); }; onDocPointerDone = (e: PointerEvent) => { const { crop, disabled, onComplete, onDragEnd } = this.props; this.unbindDocMove(); if (disabled) { return; } if (this.mouseDownOnCrop) { this.mouseDownOnCrop = false; this.dragStarted = false; const { width, height } = this.mediaDimensions; onDragEnd && onDragEnd(e); onComplete && onComplete(convertToPixelCrop(crop, width, height), convertToPercentCrop(crop, width, height)); this.setState({ cropIsActive: false, newCropIsBeingDrawn: false }); } }; // When the image is loaded or when a custom component via `renderComponent` prop fires // a custom "medialoaded" event. createNewCrop() { const { width, height } = this.mediaDimensions; const crop = this.makeNewCrop(); const resolvedCrop = resolveCrop(crop, width, height); const pixelCrop = convertToPixelCrop(resolvedCrop, width, height); const percentCrop = convertToPercentCrop(resolvedCrop, width, height); return { pixelCrop, percentCrop }; } // Custom components (using `renderComponent`) should fire a custom event // called "medialoaded" when they are loaded. onMediaLoaded = () => { const { onComplete, onChange } = this.props; const { pixelCrop, percentCrop } = this.createNewCrop(); onChange(pixelCrop, percentCrop); onComplete && onComplete(pixelCrop, percentCrop); }; onImageLoad = (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => { const { onComplete, onChange, onImageLoaded } = this.props; // Return false from onImageLoaded if you set the crop with setState in there as otherwise // the subsequent onChange + onComplete will not have your updated crop. const res = onImageLoaded ? onImageLoaded(e.currentTarget) : true; if (res !== false) { const { pixelCrop, percentCrop } = this.createNewCrop(); onChange(pixelCrop, percentCrop); onComplete && onComplete(pixelCrop, percentCrop); } }; get mediaDimensions() { let width = 0; let height = 0; if (this.mediaWrapperRef.current) { width = this.mediaWrapperRef.current.clientWidth; height = this.mediaWrapperRef.current.clientHeight; } return { width, height }; } getCropStyle() { const crop = this.makeNewCrop(this.props.crop ? this.props.crop.unit : 'px'); return { top: `${crop.y}${crop.unit}`, left: `${crop.x}${crop.unit}`, width: `${crop.width}${crop.unit}`, height: `${crop.height}${crop.unit}`, }; } getNewSize() { const { crop, minWidth = 0, maxWidth, minHeight = 0, maxHeight } = this.props; const { evData } = this; const { width, height } = this.mediaDimensions; // New width. let newWidth = evData.cropStartWidth + evData.xDiff; if (evData.xCrossOver) { newWidth = Math.abs(newWidth); } newWidth = clamp(newWidth, minWidth, maxWidth || width); // New height. let newHeight; if (crop.aspect) { newHeight = newWidth / crop.aspect; } else { newHeight = evData.cropStartHeight + evData.yDiff; } if (evData.yCrossOver) { // Cap if polarity is inversed and the height fills the y space. newHeight = Math.min(Math.abs(newHeight), evData.cropStartY); } newHeight = clamp(newHeight, minHeight, maxHeight || height); if (crop.aspect) { newWidth = clamp(newHeight * crop.aspect, 0, width); } return { width: newWidth, height: newHeight, }; } dragCrop() { const nextCrop = this.makeNewCrop(); const { evData } = this; const { width, height } = this.mediaDimensions; nextCrop.x = clamp(evData.cropStartX + evData.xDiff, 0, width - nextCrop.width); nextCrop.y = clamp(evData.cropStartY + evData.yDiff, 0, height - nextCrop.height); return nextCrop; } resizeCrop() { const { evData } = this; const { crop, minWidth = 0, minHeight = 0 } = this.props; const nextCrop = this.makeNewCrop(); const { ord } = evData; // On the inverse change the diff so it's the same and // the same algo applies. if (evData.xInversed) { evData.xDiff -= evData.cropStartWidth * 2; } if (evData.yInversed) { evData.yDiff -= evData.cropStartHeight * 2; } // New size. const newSize = this.getNewSize(); // Adjust x/y to give illusion of 'staticness' as width/height is increased // when polarity is inversed. let newX = evData.cropStartX; let newY = evData.cropStartY; if (evData.xCrossOver) { newX = nextCrop.x + (nextCrop.width - newSize.width); } if (evData.yCrossOver) { // This has a more favorable behavior for aspect crops crossing over on the // diagonal, else it flips over from the bottom corner and looks jumpy. if (evData.lastYCrossover === false) { newY = nextCrop.y - newSize.height; } else { newY = nextCrop.y + (nextCrop.height - newSize.height); } } const { width, height } = this.mediaDimensions; const containedCrop = containCrop( this.props.crop, { unit: nextCrop.unit, x: newX, y: newY, width: newSize.width, height: newSize.height, aspect: nextCrop.aspect, }, width, height ); // Apply x/y/width/height changes depending on ordinate (fixed aspect always applies both). if (nextCrop.aspect || ReactCrop.xyOrds.indexOf(ord) > -1) { nextCrop.x = containedCrop.x; nextCrop.y = containedCrop.y; nextCrop.width = containedCrop.width; nextCrop.height = containedCrop.height; } else if (ReactCrop.xOrds.indexOf(ord) > -1) { nextCrop.x = containedCrop.x; nextCrop.width = containedCrop.width; } else if (ReactCrop.yOrds.indexOf(ord) > -1) { nextCrop.y = containedCrop.y; nextCrop.height = containedCrop.height; } evData.lastYCrossover = evData.yCrossOver; this.crossOverCheck(); // Contain crop can result in crops that are too // small to meet minimums. Fixes #425. if (nextCrop.width < minWidth) { return crop; } if (nextCrop.height < minHeight) { return crop; } return nextCrop; } getRotatedCursor(handle: string, degrees: number) { if ((degrees > -135 && degrees <= -45) || (degrees > 45 && degrees <= 135)) { // Left and Right switch (handle) { case 'nw': return { cursor: 'ne-resize' }; case 'n': return { cursor: 'w-resize' }; case 'ne': return { cursor: 'nw-resize' }; case 'e': return { cursor: 's-resize' }; case 'se': return { cursor: 'sw-resize' }; case 's': return { cursor: 'e-resize' }; case 'sw': return { cursor: 'se-resize' }; case 'w': return { cursor: 'n-resize' }; } } } createCropSelection() { const { disabled, locked, renderSelectionAddon, ruleOfThirds, crop, spin = 0 } = this.props; const style = this.getCropStyle(); return (
{!disabled && !locked && (
)} {renderSelectionAddon && isCropValid(crop) && (
e.stopPropagation()}> {renderSelectionAddon(this.state)}
)} {ruleOfThirds && ( <>
); } makeNewCrop(unit = 'px') { const crop = { ...defaultCrop, ...(this.props.crop || {}) }; const { width, height } = this.mediaDimensions; return unit === 'px' ? convertToPixelCrop(crop, width, height) : convertToPercentCrop(crop, width, height); } crossOverCheck() { const { evData } = this; const { minWidth, minHeight } = this.props; if ( !minWidth && ((!evData.xCrossOver && -Math.abs(evData.cropStartWidth) - evData.xDiff >= 0) || (evData.xCrossOver && -Math.abs(evData.cropStartWidth) - evData.xDiff <= 0)) ) { evData.xCrossOver = !evData.xCrossOver; } if ( !minHeight && ((!evData.yCrossOver && -Math.abs(evData.cropStartHeight) - evData.yDiff >= 0) || (evData.yCrossOver && -Math.abs(evData.cropStartHeight) - evData.yDiff <= 0)) ) { evData.yCrossOver = !evData.yCrossOver; } } render() { const { children, circularCrop, className, crossorigin, crop, disabled, imageStyle, locked, imageAlt, onImageError, renderComponent, scale = 1, src, style, rotate = 0, ruleOfThirds, } = this.props; const { cropIsActive, newCropIsBeingDrawn } = this.state; const cropSelection = isCropValid(crop) && this.componentRef ? this.createCropSelection() : null; const componentClasses = clsx('ReactCrop', className, { 'ReactCrop--active': cropIsActive, 'ReactCrop--disabled': disabled, 'ReactCrop--locked': locked, 'ReactCrop--new-crop': newCropIsBeingDrawn, 'ReactCrop--fixed-aspect': crop && crop.aspect, 'ReactCrop--circular-crop': crop && circularCrop, 'ReactCrop--rule-of-thirds': crop && ruleOfThirds, 'ReactCrop--invisible-crop': !this.dragStarted && crop && !crop.width && !crop.height, }); return (
{renderComponent || ( {imageAlt} )}
{children} {cropSelection}
); } } export { ReactCrop as default, ReactCrop as Component, makeAspectCrop, containCrop };