import * as React from 'react'; import { IntlConfig, IntlShape } from '../types'; import { IntlCache, CreateIntlFn } from '@formatjs/intl'; interface State { /** * Explicit intl cache to prevent memory leaks */ cache: IntlCache; /** * Intl object we created */ intl?: IntlShape; /** * list of memoized config we care about. * This is important since creating intl is * very expensive */ prevConfig: IntlConfig; } /** * Create intl object * @param config intl config * @param cache cache for formatter instances to prevent memory leak */ export declare const createIntl: CreateIntlFn; export default class IntlProvider extends React.PureComponent, State> { static displayName: string; static defaultProps: Pick; private cache; state: State; static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: Readonly, { prevConfig, cache }: State): Partial | null; render(): JSX.Element; } export {}; //#