import * as React from 'react'; import { IntlShape } from '../types'; declare global { interface Window { /** * Set this to `true` prior to mounting to bypass using a globally-exposed context. */ __REACT_INTL_BYPASS_GLOBAL_CONTEXT__: boolean | undefined; __REACT_INTL_CONTEXT__: React.Context | undefined; } } export declare const Provider: React.Provider; export declare const Context: React.Context; export interface Opts { intlPropName?: IntlPropName; forwardRef?: ForwardRef; enforceContext?: boolean; } export type WrappedComponentProps = { [k in IntlPropName]: IntlShape; }; /** * Utility type to help deal with the fact that `Omit` doesn't play well with unions: * - * - * * @example * DistributedOmit --> Omit | Omit */ export type DistributedOmit = T extends unknown ? Omit : never; export type WithIntlProps

= DistributedOmit & { forwardedRef?: React.Ref; }; export default function injectIntl = WrappedComponentProps>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType

, options?: Opts): React.FC> & { WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType

; }; export default function injectIntl = WrappedComponentProps, T extends React.ComponentType

= any>(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType

, options?: Opts): React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>> & React.RefAttributes> & { WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType

; };