import * as React from 'react'; import * as MapboxGL from 'mapbox-gl'; const isEqual = require('deep-equal'); //tslint:disable-line import diff from './util/diff'; import { generateID } from './util/uid'; import { Sources, LayerType } from './util/types'; import { withMap } from './context'; const types = ['symbol', 'line', 'fill', 'fill-extrusion', 'circle']; const toCamelCase = (str: string) => str .replace( /(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g, (letter, index) => index === 0 ? letter.toLowerCase() : letter.toUpperCase() ) .replace(/[\s+]|-/g, ''); const eventToHandler = { mousemove: 'OnMouseMove', mouseenter: 'OnMouseEnter', mouseleave: 'OnMouseLeave', mousedown: 'OnMouseDown', mouseup: 'OnMouseUp', click: 'OnClick' }; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any export type MouseEvent = (evt: any) => any; export interface LineProps { linePaint?: MapboxGL.LinePaint; lineLayout?: MapboxGL.LineLayout; lineOnMouseMove?: MouseEvent; lineOnMouseEnter?: MouseEvent; lineOnMouseLeave?: MouseEvent; lineOnMouseDown?: MouseEvent; lineOnMouseUp?: MouseEvent; lineOnClick?: MouseEvent; } export interface CircleProps { circlePaint?: MapboxGL.CirclePaint; circleLayout?: MapboxGL.CircleLayout; circleOnMouseMove?: MouseEvent; circleOnMouseEnter?: MouseEvent; circleOnMouseLeave?: MouseEvent; circleOnMouseDown?: MouseEvent; circleOnMouseUp?: MouseEvent; circleOnClick?: MouseEvent; } export interface SymbolProps { symbolLayout?: MapboxGL.SymbolLayout; symbolPaint?: MapboxGL.SymbolPaint; symbolOnMouseMove?: MouseEvent; symbolOnMouseEnter?: MouseEvent; symbolOnMouseLeave?: MouseEvent; symbolOnMouseDown?: MouseEvent; symbolOnMouseUp?: MouseEvent; symbolOnClick?: MouseEvent; } export interface FillProps { fillLayout?: MapboxGL.FillLayout; fillPaint?: MapboxGL.FillPaint; fillOnMouseMove?: MouseEvent; fillOnMouseEnter?: MouseEvent; fillOnMouseLeave?: MouseEvent; fillOnMouseDown?: MouseEvent; fillOnMouseUp?: MouseEvent; fillOnClick?: MouseEvent; } export interface FillExtrusionProps { fillExtrusionLayout?: MapboxGL.FillExtrusionLayout; fillExtrusionPaint?: MapboxGL.FillExtrusionPaint; fillExtrusionOnMouseMove?: MouseEvent; fillExtrusionOnMouseEnter?: MouseEvent; fillExtrusionOnMouseLeave?: MouseEvent; fillExtrusionOnMouseDown?: MouseEvent; fillExtrusionOnMouseUp?: MouseEvent; fillExtrusionOnClick?: MouseEvent; } export interface Props extends LineProps, CircleProps, SymbolProps, FillProps, FillExtrusionProps { id?: string; data: | GeoJSON.Feature | GeoJSON.FeatureCollection | string; layerOptions?: MapboxGL.Layer; sourceOptions?: | MapboxGL.VectorSource | MapboxGL.RasterSource | MapboxGL.GeoJSONSource | MapboxGL.GeoJSONSourceRaw; before?: string; map: MapboxGL.Map; } type MapboxEventTypes = Array; type Paints = | MapboxGL.LinePaint | MapboxGL.SymbolPaint | MapboxGL.CirclePaint | MapboxGL.FillExtrusionPaint; type Layouts = | MapboxGL.FillLayout | MapboxGL.LineLayout | MapboxGL.CircleLayout | MapboxGL.FillExtrusionLayout; export class GeoJSONLayer extends React.Component { private id: string = || `geojson-${generateID()}`; // TODO: Refactor to use defaultProps private source: Sources = { type: 'geojson', ...this.props.sourceOptions, data: // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any } as any; private layerIds: string[] = []; private buildLayerId = (type: string) => { return `${}-${type}`; }; private createLayer = (type: LayerType) => { const { before, layerOptions, map } = this.props; const layerId = this.buildLayerId(type); this.layerIds.push(layerId); const paint: Paints = this.props[`${toCamelCase(type)}Paint`] || {}; // default undefined layers to invisible const visibility = Object.keys(paint).length ? 'visible' : 'none'; const layout: Layouts = this.props[`${toCamelCase(type)}Layout`] || { visibility }; const layer: MapboxGL.Layer = { id: layerId, source:, // TODO: Fix mapbox-gl types // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any type: type as any, // TODO: Fix mapbox-gl types // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any paint: paint as any, layout, ...layerOptions }; map.addLayer(layer, before); this.mapLayerMouseHandlers(type); }; private mapLayerMouseHandlers = (type: string) => { const { map } = this.props; const layerId = this.buildLayerId(type); const events = Object.keys(eventToHandler) as MapboxEventTypes; events.forEach(event => { const handler = this.props[`${toCamelCase(type)}${eventToHandler[event]}`] || null; if (handler) { map.on(event, layerId, handler); } }); }; private onStyleDataChange = () => { // if the style of the map has been updated and we don't have layer anymore, // add it back to the map and force re-rendering to redraw it if (! { this.unbind(); this.initialize(); this.forceUpdate(); } }; private initialize() { const { map } = this.props; map.addSource(, this.source); this.createLayer('symbol'); this.createLayer('line'); this.createLayer('fill'); this.createLayer('fill-extrusion'); this.createLayer('circle'); } private unbind() { const { map } = this.props; if (map.getSource( { const { layers } = map.getStyle(); if (layers) { layers .filter(layer => layer.source === .forEach(layer => map.removeLayer(; } map.removeSource(; } types.forEach(type => { const events = Object.keys(eventToHandler) as MapboxEventTypes; events.forEach(event => { const prop = toCamelCase(type) + eventToHandler[event]; if (this.props[prop]) {, this.buildLayerId(type), this.props[prop]); } }); }); this.layerIds.forEach(lId => { if (map.getLayer(lId)) { map.removeLayer(lId); } }); } public componentDidMount() { const { map } = this.props; this.initialize(); map.on('styledata', this.onStyleDataChange); } public componentWillUnmount() { const { map } = this.props; if (!map || !map.getStyle()) { return; }'styledata', this.onStyleDataChange); this.unbind(); } public isGeoJSONSource = ( source?: Sources ): source is MapboxGL.GeoJSONSource => !!source && typeof (source as MapboxGL.GeoJSONSource).setData === 'function'; public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { data, before, layerOptions, map } = prevProps; const source = map.getSource(; if (!this.isGeoJSONSource(source)) { return; } if ( !== data) { source.setData(; this.source = { type: 'geojson', ...this.props.sourceOptions, data: // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any } as any; } const layerFilterChanged = this.props.layerOptions && layerOptions && !isEqual(this.props.layerOptions.filter, layerOptions.filter); types.forEach(type => { const layerId = this.buildLayerId(type); if (this.props.layerOptions && layerFilterChanged) { map.setFilter(layerId, this.props.layerOptions.filter || []); } const paintProp = toCamelCase(type) + 'Paint'; if (!isEqual(prevProps[paintProp], this.props[paintProp])) { const paintDiff = diff(prevProps[paintProp], this.props[paintProp]); Object.keys(paintDiff).forEach(key => { map.setPaintProperty(layerId, key, paintDiff[key]); }); } const layoutProp = toCamelCase(type) + 'Layout'; if (!isEqual(prevProps[layoutProp], this.props[layoutProp])) { const layoutDiff = diff(prevProps[layoutProp], this.props[layoutProp]); Object.keys(layoutDiff).forEach(key => { map.setLayoutProperty(layerId, key, layoutDiff[key]); }); } const events = Object.keys(eventToHandler) as MapboxEventTypes; events.forEach(event => { const prop = toCamelCase(type) + eventToHandler[event]; if (prevProps[prop] !== this.props[prop]) { if (prevProps[prop]) {, layerId, prevProps[prop]); } if (this.props[prop]) { map.on(event, layerId, this.props[prop]); } } }); if (before !== this.props.before) { map.moveLayer(layerId, this.props.before); } }); } public render() { return null; } } export default withMap(GeoJSONLayer);