import * as React from 'react'; import * as MapboxGL from 'mapbox-gl'; const isEqual = require('deep-equal'); //tslint:disable-line import diff from './util/diff'; import { Props as FeatureProps } from './feature'; export type Paint = | MapboxGL.BackgroundPaint | MapboxGL.FillPaint | MapboxGL.FillExtrusionPaint | MapboxGL.SymbolPaint | MapboxGL.LinePaint | MapboxGL.RasterPaint | MapboxGL.CirclePaint; export type Layout = | MapboxGL.BackgroundLayout | MapboxGL.FillLayout | MapboxGL.FillExtrusionLayout | MapboxGL.LineLayout | MapboxGL.SymbolLayout | MapboxGL.RasterLayout | MapboxGL.CircleLayout; export interface ImageOptions { width?: number; height?: number; pixelRatio?: number; } export type ImageDefinition = [string, HTMLImageElement]; export type ImageDefinitionWithOptions = [ string, HTMLImageElement, ImageOptions ]; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any export type MouseEvent = (evt: any) => any; export interface LayerEvents { onMouseMove?: MouseEvent; onMouseEnter?: MouseEvent; onMouseLeave?: MouseEvent; onMouseDown?: MouseEvent; onMouseUp?: MouseEvent; onClick?: MouseEvent; onTouchStart?: MouseEvent; onTouchEnd?: MouseEvent; onTouchCancel?: MouseEvent; } export interface LayerCommonProps { type?: | 'symbol' | 'line' | 'fill' | 'circle' | 'raster' | 'fill-extrusion' | 'background' | 'heatmap'; sourceId?: string; images?: | ImageDefinition | ImageDefinition[] | ImageDefinitionWithOptions | ImageDefinitionWithOptions[]; before?: string; paint?: Paint; layout?: Layout; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any metadata?: any; sourceLayer?: string; minZoom?: number; maxZoom?: number; geoJSONSourceOptions?: MapboxGL.GeoJSONSourceOptions; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any filter?: any[]; children?: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]; } export interface OwnProps { id: string; draggedChildren?: JSX.Element[]; map: MapboxGL.Map; } export type Props = LayerCommonProps & LayerEvents & OwnProps; type EventToHandlersType = { [key in keyof MapboxGL.MapLayerEventType]?: keyof LayerEvents }; const eventToHandler: EventToHandlersType = { touchstart: 'onTouchStart', touchend: 'onTouchEnd', touchcancel: 'onTouchCancel', mousemove: 'onMouseMove', mouseenter: 'onMouseEnter', mouseleave: 'onMouseLeave', mousedown: 'onMouseDown', mouseup: 'onMouseUp', click: 'onClick' }; export default class Layer extends React.Component { public static defaultProps = { type: 'symbol' as 'symbol', layout: {}, paint: {} }; private source: MapboxGL.GeoJSONSourceRaw = { type: 'geojson', ...this.props.geoJSONSourceOptions, data: { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: [] } }; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any private geometry = (coordinates: any): GeoJSON.Geometry => { switch (this.props.type) { case 'symbol': case 'circle': return { type: 'Point', coordinates }; case 'fill': if (Array.isArray(coordinates[0][0][0])) { return { type: 'MultiPolygon', coordinates }; } return { type: 'Polygon', coordinates }; case 'line': return { type: 'LineString', coordinates }; default: return { type: 'Point', coordinates }; } }; private makeFeature = ( props: FeatureProps, id: number ): GeoJSON.Feature => ({ type: 'Feature', geometry: this.geometry(props.coordinates), properties: {, id } }); private initialize = () => { const { type, layout, paint, sourceId, before, images, id, metadata, sourceLayer, minZoom, maxZoom, filter } = this.props; const { map } = this.props; const layer: MapboxGL.Layer = { id, source: sourceId || id, // TODO: Fix mapbox-gl types // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any type: type as any, layout, // TODO: Fix mapbox-gl types // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any paint: paint as any, metadata }; if (sourceLayer) { layer['source-layer'] = sourceLayer; } if (minZoom) { layer.minzoom = minZoom; } if (maxZoom) { layer.maxzoom = maxZoom; } if (filter) { layer.filter = filter; } if (images) { const normalizedImages = !Array.isArray(images[0]) ? [images] : images; (normalizedImages as ImageDefinitionWithOptions[]) .filter(image => !map.hasImage(image[0])) .forEach(image => { map.addImage(image[0], image[1], image[2]); }); } if (!sourceId && !map.getSource(id)) { map.addSource(id, this.source); } if (!map.getLayer(id)) { map.addLayer(layer, before); } (Object.entries(eventToHandler) as Array< [keyof EventToHandlersType, keyof LayerEvents] >).forEach(([event, propName]) => { const handler = this.props[propName]; if (handler) { map.on(event, id, handler); } }); }; private onStyleDataChange = () => { // if the style of the map has been updated and we don't have layer anymore, // add it back to the map and force re-rendering to redraw it if (! { this.initialize(); this.forceUpdate(); } }; public componentDidMount() { const { map } = this.props; this.initialize(); map.on('styledata', this.onStyleDataChange); } public componentWillUnmount() { const { map } = this.props; const { images, id } = this.props; if (!map || !map.getStyle()) { return; }'styledata', this.onStyleDataChange); (Object.entries(eventToHandler) as Array< [keyof EventToHandlersType, keyof LayerEvents] >).forEach(([event, propName]) => { const handler = this.props[propName]; if (handler) {, id, handler); } }); if (map.getLayer(id)) { map.removeLayer(id); } // if pointing to an existing source, don't remove // as other layers may be dependent upon it if (!this.props.sourceId) { map.removeSource(id); } if (images) { const normalizedImages = !Array.isArray(images[0]) ? [images] : images; (normalizedImages as ImageDefinitionWithOptions[]) .map(([key,]) => key) .forEach(map.removeImage.bind(map)); } } public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { paint, layout, before, filter, id, minZoom, maxZoom, map } = prevProps; if (!isEqual(this.props.paint, paint)) { const paintDiff = diff(paint, this.props.paint); Object.keys(paintDiff).forEach(key => { map.setPaintProperty(id, key, paintDiff[key]); }); } if (!isEqual(this.props.layout, layout)) { const layoutDiff = diff(layout, this.props.layout); Object.keys(layoutDiff).forEach(key => { map.setLayoutProperty(id, key, layoutDiff[key]); }); } if (!isEqual(this.props.filter, filter)) { map.setFilter(id, this.props.filter); } if (before !== this.props.before) { map.moveLayer(id, this.props.before); } if (minZoom !== this.props.minZoom || maxZoom !== this.props.maxZoom) { // TODO: Fix when PR is merged map.setLayerZoomRange(id, this.props.minZoom!, this.props.maxZoom!); } (Object.entries(eventToHandler) as Array< [keyof EventToHandlersType, keyof LayerEvents] >).forEach(([event, propName]) => { const oldHandler = prevProps[propName]; const newHandler = this.props[propName]; if (oldHandler !== newHandler) { if (oldHandler) {, id, oldHandler); } if (newHandler) { map.on(event, id, newHandler); } } }); } public getChildren = () => { const { children } = this.props; if (!children) { return []; } if (Array.isArray(children)) { return (children as JSX.Element[][]).reduce( (arr, next) => arr.concat(next), [] as JSX.Element[] ); } return [children] as JSX.Element[]; }; public render() { const { map } = this.props; const { sourceId, draggedChildren } = this.props; let children = this.getChildren(); if (draggedChildren) { const draggableChildrenIds = => child.key); children = => { const indexChildren = draggableChildrenIds.indexOf(child.key); if (indexChildren !== -1) { return draggedChildren[indexChildren]; } return child; }); } const features = (children! as Array>) .map(({ props }, id) => this.makeFeature(props, id)) .filter(Boolean); const source = map.getSource( sourceId || ) as MapboxGL.GeoJSONSource; if (source && !sourceId && source.setData) { source.setData({ type: 'FeatureCollection', features: features as GeoJSON.Feature[] }); } return null; } }