import * as MapboxGl from 'mapbox-gl'; import * as React from 'react'; import { Events, listenEvents, events, Listeners, updateEvents } from './map-events'; import { MapContext } from './context'; import { createPortal } from 'react-dom'; const isEqual = require('deep-equal'); //tslint:disable-line export interface PaddingOptions { top: number; bottom: number; left: number; right: number; } export interface FitBoundsOptions { linear?: boolean; easing?: (time: number) => number; padding?: number | PaddingOptions; offset?: MapboxGl.Point | [number, number]; maxZoom?: number; duration?: number; } export type FitBounds = [[number, number], [number, number]]; export interface AnimationOptions { duration: number; animate: boolean; easing(time: number): number; offset: number[]; } export interface FlyToOptions { curve: number; minZoom: number; speed: number; screenSpeed: number; } // React Props updated between re-render export interface Props { style: string | MapboxGl.Style; center?: [number, number]; zoom?: [number]; maxBounds?: MapboxGl.LngLatBounds | FitBounds; fitBounds?: FitBounds; fitBoundsOptions?: FitBoundsOptions; bearing?: [number]; pitch?: [number]; containerStyle?: React.CSSProperties; className?: string; movingMethod?: 'jumpTo' | 'easeTo' | 'flyTo'; animationOptions?: Partial; flyToOptions?: Partial; children?: JSX.Element | JSX.Element[] | Array; renderChildrenInPortal?: boolean; } export interface State { map?: MapboxGl.Map; ready: boolean; } export type RequestTransformFunction = ( url: string, resourceType: any // tslint:disable-line:no-any ) => any; // tslint:disable-line:no-any // Static Properties of the map export interface FactoryParameters { accessToken: string; apiUrl?: string; minZoom?: number; maxZoom?: number; hash?: boolean; preserveDrawingBuffer?: boolean; scrollZoom?: boolean; interactive?: boolean; dragRotate?: boolean; pitchWithRotate?: boolean; attributionControl?: boolean; customAttribution?: string | string[]; logoPosition?: 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right'; renderWorldCopies?: boolean; trackResize?: boolean; touchZoomRotate?: boolean; doubleClickZoom?: boolean; keyboard?: boolean; dragPan?: boolean; boxZoom?: boolean; refreshExpiredTiles?: boolean; failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean; bearingSnap?: number; transformRequest?: RequestTransformFunction; antialias?: boolean; mapInstance?: MapboxGl.Map; } // Satisfy typescript pitfall with defaultProps const defaultZoom = [11]; const defaultMovingMethod = 'flyTo'; const defaultCenter = [-0.2416815, 51.5285582]; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-namespace declare global { namespace mapboxgl { export interface MapboxOptions { failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat?: boolean; transformRequest?: MapboxGl.TransformRequestFunction; } } } const ReactMapboxFactory = ({ accessToken, apiUrl, minZoom = 0, maxZoom = 20, hash = false, preserveDrawingBuffer = false, scrollZoom = true, interactive = true, dragRotate = true, pitchWithRotate = true, attributionControl = true, customAttribution, logoPosition = 'bottom-left', renderWorldCopies = true, trackResize = true, touchZoomRotate = true, doubleClickZoom = true, keyboard = true, dragPan = true, boxZoom = true, refreshExpiredTiles = true, failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat = false, bearingSnap = 7, antialias = false, mapInstance, transformRequest }: FactoryParameters) => { return class ReactMapboxGl extends React.Component { public static defaultProps = { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any onStyleLoad: (map: MapboxGl.Map, evt: any) => null, center: defaultCenter, zoom: defaultZoom, bearing: 0, movingMethod: defaultMovingMethod, pitch: 0, containerStyle: { textAlign: 'left' } }; public state: State = { map: mapInstance, ready: false }; public listeners: Listeners = {}; // tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name public _isMounted = true; public container?: HTMLElement; public calcCenter = (bounds: FitBounds): [number, number] => [ (bounds[0][0] + bounds[1][0]) / 2, (bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1]) / 2 ]; public componentDidMount() { const { style, onStyleLoad, center, pitch, zoom, fitBounds, fitBoundsOptions, bearing, maxBounds } = this.props; // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any (MapboxGl as any).accessToken = accessToken; if (apiUrl) { // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any (MapboxGl as any).config.API_URL = apiUrl; } if (!Array.isArray(zoom)) { throw new Error( 'zoom need to be an array type of length 1 for reliable update' ); } const opts: MapboxGl.MapboxOptions = { preserveDrawingBuffer, hash, zoom: zoom[0], minZoom, maxZoom, maxBounds, container: this.container!, center: fitBounds && center === defaultCenter ? this.calcCenter(fitBounds) : center, style, scrollZoom, attributionControl, customAttribution, interactive, dragRotate, pitchWithRotate, renderWorldCopies, trackResize, touchZoomRotate, doubleClickZoom, keyboard, dragPan, boxZoom, refreshExpiredTiles, logoPosition, bearingSnap, failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat, antialias, transformRequest }; if (bearing) { if (!Array.isArray(bearing)) { throw new Error( 'bearing need to be an array type of length 1 for reliable update' ); } opts.bearing = bearing[0]; } if (pitch) { if (!Array.isArray(pitch)) { throw new Error( 'pitch need to be an array type of length 1 for reliable update' ); } opts.pitch = pitch[0]; } // This is a hack to allow injecting the map instance, which assists // in testing and theoretically provides a means for users to inject // their own map instance. let map =; if (!map) { map = new MapboxGl.Map(opts); this.setState({ map }); } if (fitBounds) { map.fitBounds(fitBounds, fitBoundsOptions, { fitboundUpdate: true }); } // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any map.on('load', (evt: React.SyntheticEvent) => { if (this._isMounted) { this.setState({ ready: true }); } if (onStyleLoad) { onStyleLoad(map!, evt); } }); this.listeners = listenEvents(events, this.props, map); } public componentWillUnmount() { const { map } = this.state; this._isMounted = false; if (map) { map.remove(); } } public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props & Events) { const { map } = this.state; if (!map) { return null; } // Update event listeners this.listeners = updateEvents(this.listeners, this.props, map); const center = map.getCenter(); const zoom = map.getZoom(); const bearing = map.getBearing(); const pitch = map.getPitch(); const didZoomUpdate = prevProps.zoom !== this.props.zoom && (this.props.zoom && this.props.zoom[0]) !== zoom; const didCenterUpdate = !== && (( &&[0]) !== center.lng || ( &&[1]) !==; const didBearingUpdate = prevProps.bearing !== this.props.bearing && (this.props.bearing && this.props.bearing[0]) !== bearing; const didPitchUpdate = prevProps.pitch !== this.props.pitch && (this.props.pitch && this.props.pitch[0]) !== pitch; if (this.props.maxBounds) { const didMaxBoundsUpdate = prevProps.maxBounds !== this.props.maxBounds; if (didMaxBoundsUpdate) { map.setMaxBounds(this.props.maxBounds); } } if (this.props.fitBounds) { const { fitBounds } = prevProps; const didFitBoundsUpdate = fitBounds !== this.props.fitBounds || // Check for reference equality this.props.fitBounds.length !== (fitBounds && fitBounds.length) || // Added element !!fitBounds.filter((c, i) => { // Check for equality const nc = this.props.fitBounds && this.props.fitBounds[i]; return c[0] !== (nc && nc[0]) || c[1] !== (nc && nc[1]); })[0]; if ( didFitBoundsUpdate || !isEqual(prevProps.fitBoundsOptions, this.props.fitBoundsOptions) ) { map.fitBounds(this.props.fitBounds, this.props.fitBoundsOptions, { fitboundUpdate: true }); } } if ( didZoomUpdate || didCenterUpdate || didBearingUpdate || didPitchUpdate ) { const mm: string = this.props.movingMethod || defaultMovingMethod; const { flyToOptions, animationOptions } = this.props; map[mm]({ ...animationOptions, ...flyToOptions, zoom: didZoomUpdate && this.props.zoom ? this.props.zoom[0] : zoom, center: didCenterUpdate ? : center, bearing: didBearingUpdate ? this.props.bearing : bearing, pitch: didPitchUpdate ? this.props.pitch : pitch }); } if (!isEqual(, { map.setStyle(; } return null; } public setRef = (x: HTMLElement | null) => { this.container = x!; }; public render() { const { containerStyle, className, children, renderChildrenInPortal } = this.props; const { ready, map } = this.state; if (renderChildrenInPortal) { const container = ready && map && typeof map.getCanvasContainer === 'function' ? map.getCanvasContainer() : undefined; return (
{ready && container && createPortal(children, container)}
); } return (
{ready && children}
); } }; }; export default ReactMapboxFactory;