import * as React from 'react'; import { Map, GeoJSONSource, GeoJSONSourceRaw, Layer } from 'mapbox-gl'; import { TilesJson } from './util/types'; import { withMap } from './context'; export interface Props { id: string; geoJsonSource?: GeoJSONSourceRaw; tileJsonSource?: TilesJson; map: Map; onSourceAdded?: (source: GeoJSONSource | TilesJson) => void; onSourceLoaded?: (source: GeoJSONSource | TilesJson) => void; } export type LayerWithBefore = Layer & { before?: string }; export class Source extends React.Component { private id =; private onStyleDataChange = () => { // if the style of the map has been updated we won't have any sources anymore, // add it back to the map and force re-rendering to redraw it if (! { this.initialize(); this.forceUpdate(); } }; public componentDidMount() { const { map } = this.props; map.on('styledata', this.onStyleDataChange); this.initialize(); } private initialize = () => { const { map } = this.props; const { geoJsonSource, tileJsonSource, onSourceAdded } = this.props; if (!map.getSource( && (geoJsonSource || tileJsonSource)) { if (geoJsonSource) { map.addSource(, geoJsonSource); } else if (tileJsonSource) { map.addSource(, tileJsonSource); } map.on('sourcedata', this.onData); if (onSourceAdded) { onSourceAdded(map.getSource( as GeoJSONSource | TilesJson); } } }; private onData = () => { const { map } = this.props; const source = map.getSource( as GeoJSONSource; if (!source || !map.isSourceLoaded( { return; } const { onSourceLoaded } = this.props; if (source && onSourceLoaded) { onSourceLoaded(source); } // Will fix datasource being empty if (source && this.props.geoJsonSource && { source.setData(; }'sourcedata', this.onData); }; public removeSource(): LayerWithBefore[] { const { map } = this.props; if (map.getSource( { let { layers = [] } = map.getStyle(); layers = layers .map((layer, idx): LayerWithBefore => { const { id: before } = layers[idx + 1] || { id: undefined }; return { ...layer, before }; }) .filter(layer => layer.source ===; layers.forEach(layer => map.removeLayer(; map.removeSource(; return layers.reverse(); } return []; } public componentWillUnmount() { const { map } = this.props; if (!map || !map.getStyle()) { return; }'styledata', this.onStyleDataChange); this.removeSource(); } public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const { geoJsonSource, tileJsonSource, map } = prevProps; const source = map.getSource(; // Update tilesJsonSource if (tileJsonSource && this.props.tileJsonSource) { let urlUpdated = false; let tilesUpdated = false; if (source && source.type === 'vector') { const hasNewSourceUrl = tileJsonSource.url !== this.props.tileJsonSource.url; if (hasNewSourceUrl && this.props.tileJsonSource.url !== undefined) { source.setUrl(this.props.tileJsonSource.url); urlUpdated = true; } const hasNewSourceTiles = tileJsonSource.tiles !== this.props.tileJsonSource.tiles; if ( hasNewSourceTiles && this.props.tileJsonSource.tiles !== undefined ) { source.setTiles(this.props.tileJsonSource.tiles); tilesUpdated = true; } } // Prefer the more targetted updates, but fallback to swapping out the entire source // This applies to raster tile sources, for example const hasNewTilesSource = (!urlUpdated && tileJsonSource.url !== this.props.tileJsonSource.url) || // Check for reference equality on tiles array (!tilesUpdated && tileJsonSource.tiles !== this.props.tileJsonSource.tiles) || tileJsonSource.minzoom !== this.props.tileJsonSource.minzoom || tileJsonSource.maxzoom !== this.props.tileJsonSource.maxzoom; if (hasNewTilesSource) { const layers = this.removeSource(); map.addSource(, this.props.tileJsonSource); layers.forEach(layer => map.addLayer(layer, layer.before)); } } // Update geoJsonSource data if ( geoJsonSource && this.props.geoJsonSource && !== && && source && source.type === 'geojson' ) { source.setData(; } } public render() { return null; } } export default withMap(Source);