// // RNBranchConfig.m // Pods // // Created by Jimmy Dee on 6/7/17. // // #import #import "RNBranchConfig.h" NSString * _Nonnull const RNBranchConfigDebugModeOption = @"debugMode"; NSString * _Nonnull const RNBranchConfigBranchKeyOption = @"branchKey"; NSString * _Nonnull const RNBranchConfigLiveKeyOption = @"liveKey"; NSString * _Nonnull const RNBranchConfigTestKeyOption = @"testKey"; NSString * _Nonnull const RNBranchConfigUseTestInstanceOption = @"useTestInstance"; NSString * _Nonnull const RNBranchConfigDelayInitToCheckForSearchAdsOption = @"delayInitToCheckForSearchAds"; NSString * _Nonnull const RNBranchConfigAppleSearchAdsDebugModeOption = @"appleSearchAdsDebugMode"; NSString * _Nonnull const RNBranchConfigDeferInitializationForJSLoadOption = @"deferInitializationForJSLoad"; @interface RNBranchConfig() @property (nonatomic) NSDictionary *configuration; @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSData *configFileContents; @property (nonatomic) NSURL *configFileURL; @end @implementation RNBranchConfig + (RNBranchConfig * _Nonnull)instance { @synchronized(self) { static RNBranchConfig *_instance; static dispatch_once_t once = 0; dispatch_once(&once, ^{ _instance = [[RNBranchConfig alloc] init]; }); return _instance; } } - (instancetype)init { self = [super init]; if (self) { [self findConfigFile]; [self loadConfigFile]; } return self; } - (void)loadConfigFile { NSData *data = self.configFileContents; if (!data) return; NSError *error; id object = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:0 error:&error]; if (!object || error) { RCTLogError(@"Failed to parse branch.json. Error: %@", error.localizedDescription); return; } if (![object isKindOfClass:NSDictionary.class]) { RCTLogError(@"Contents of branch.json should be a JSON object."); return; } self.configuration = object; } - (NSData *)configFileContents { if (!self.configFileURL) return nil; RCTLogInfo(@"Loading %@", self.configFileURL.pathComponents.lastObject); NSError *error; NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:self.configFileURL options:0 error:&error]; if (!data || error) { RCTLogError(@"Failed to load %@. Error: %@", self.configFileURL, error.localizedDescription); return nil; } return data; } - (void)findConfigFile { if (self.configFileURL) return; __block NSURL *configFileURL; NSBundle *mainBundle = NSBundle.mainBundle; NSArray *filesToCheck = @[ #ifdef DEBUG @"branch.ios.debug", @"branch.debug", #endif // DEBUG @"branch.ios", @"branch" ]; [filesToCheck enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString * _Nonnull file, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { configFileURL = [mainBundle URLForResource:file withExtension:@"json"]; *stop = (configFileURL != nil); }]; if (!configFileURL) { RCTLogInfo(@"Could not find branch.json in app bundle."); return; } self.configFileURL = configFileURL; } - (BOOL)debugMode { NSNumber *number = self[RNBranchConfigDebugModeOption]; return number.boolValue; } - (BOOL)useTestInstance { NSNumber *number = self[RNBranchConfigUseTestInstanceOption]; return number.boolValue; } - (BOOL)delayInitToCheckForSearchAds { NSNumber *number = self[RNBranchConfigDelayInitToCheckForSearchAdsOption]; return number.boolValue; } - (BOOL)appleSearchAdsDebugMode { NSNumber *number = self[RNBranchConfigAppleSearchAdsDebugModeOption]; return number.boolValue; } - (BOOL)deferInitializationForJSLoad { NSNumber *number = self[RNBranchConfigDeferInitializationForJSLoadOption]; return number.boolValue; } - (NSString *)branchKey { return self[RNBranchConfigBranchKeyOption]; } - (NSString *)liveKey { return self[RNBranchConfigLiveKeyOption]; } - (NSString *)testKey { return self[RNBranchConfigTestKeyOption]; } - (id)objectForKey:(NSString *)key { return self.configuration[key]; } - (id)objectForKeyedSubscript:(NSString *)key { return self.configuration[key]; } @end