export const VERSION: string; type AnyDataType = | string | boolean | number | null | undefined | AnyDataArray | AnyDataObject; interface AnyDataArray extends Array {} interface AnyDataObject extends Record {} export interface BranchParams { "~channel"?: string; "~feature"?: string; "~tags"?: string[]; "~campaign"?: string; "~stage"?: string; "~creation_source"?: string; "~referring_link"?: string; "~id"?: string; "+match_guaranteed": boolean; "+referrer"?: string; "+phone_number"?: string; "+is_first_session": boolean; "+clicked_branch_link": boolean; "+click_timestamp"?: number; "+url"?: string; "+rn_cached_initial_event"?: boolean; [data: string]: AnyDataType; } type BranchEventParams = Pick< BranchEvent, | "transactionID" | "currency" | "revenue" | "shipping" | "tax" | "coupon" | "affiliation" | "description" | "searchQuery" | "alias" | "customData" >; export type ATTAuthorizationStatus = 'authorized' | 'denied' | 'undetermined' | 'restricted' export class BranchEvent { logEvent: () => Promise; constructor( name: string, contentItems?: BranchUniversalObject | BranchUniversalObject[], params?: BranchEventParams ); name: string; contentItems: BranchUniversalObject[]; transactionID?: string; currency?: string; revenue?: string | number; shipping?: string | number; tax?: string | number; coupon?: string; affiliation?: string; description?: string; searchQuery?: string; alias?: string; customData?: Record; /** * Standard Add to Cart event */ static AddToCart: string; /** * Standard Add to Wishlist event */ static AddToWishlist: string; /** * Standard View Cart event */ static ViewCart: string; /** * Standard Initiate Purchase event */ static InitiatePurchase: string; /** * Standard Add Payment Info event */ static AddPaymentInfo: string; /** * Standard Purchase event */ static Purchase: string; /** * Standard View Ad event */ static ViewAd: string; /** * Standard Click Ad event */ static ClickAd: string; // Content events /** * Standard Search event */ static Search: string; /** * Standard View Item event for a single Branch Universal Object */ static ViewItem: string; /** * Standard View Items event for multiple Branch Universal Objects */ static ViewItems: string; /** * Standard Rate event */ static Rate: string; /** * Standard Share event */ static Share: string; // User Lifecycle Events /** * Standard Complete Registration event */ static CompleteRegistration: string; /** * Standard Complete Tutorial event */ static CompleteTutorial: string; /** * Standard Achieve Level event */ static AchieveLevel: string; /** * Standard Unlock Achievement event */ static UnlockAchievement: string; /** * Standard Invite event */ static Invite: string; /** * Standard Login event */ static Login: string; /** * Standard Reserve event */ static Reserve: string; /** * Standard Subscribe event */ static Subscribe: string; /** * Standard Start Trial event */ static StartTrial: string; } interface BranchSubscriptionEventBase { params: BranchParams | undefined; error: string | null | undefined; uri: string | undefined; } interface BranchSubscriptionEventError extends BranchSubscriptionEventBase { error: string; } interface BranchSubscriptionEventSuccess extends BranchSubscriptionEventBase { error: null | undefined; params: BranchParams; } export type BranchSubscriptionEvent = | BranchSubscriptionEventError | BranchSubscriptionEventSuccess; export interface BranchOpenStartEvent { uri: string; cachedInitialEvent?: boolean; } type BranchSubscribeCallback = (event: BranchSubscriptionEvent) => void; interface BranchSubscribeOptions { onOpenComplete: BranchSubscribeCallback; onOpenStart?: (event: BranchOpenStartEvent) => void; } type BranchUnsubscribe = () => void; type BranchSubscribe = ( options: BranchSubscribeCallback | BranchSubscribeOptions ) => BranchUnsubscribe; interface BranchUniversalObjectOptions { locallyIndex?: boolean; publiclyIndex?: boolean; canonicalUrl?: string; title?: string; contentDescription?: string; contentImageUrl?: string; contentMetadata?: { price?: number | string; contentSchema?: any; // TODO quantity?: number; sku?: string; productName?: string; productBrand?: string; productCategory?: any; // TODO productVariant?: string; condition?: any; // TODO currency?: string; ratingAverage?: number; ratingCount?: number; ratingMax?: number; addressStreet?: string; addressCity?: string; addressRegion?: string; addressCountry?: string; addressPostalCode?: string; latitude?: number; longitude?: number; imageCaptions?: string[]; customMetadata?: Record; }; } interface BranchShareSheetOptions { messageHeader?: string; messageBody?: string; emailSubject?: string; title?: string; text?: string; } interface BranchLinkProperties { alias?: string; campaign?: string; feature?: string; channel?: string; stage?: string; tags?: string[]; } interface BranchLinkControlParams { $fallback_url?: string; $desktop_url?: string; $ios_url?: string; $ipad_url?: string; $android_url?: string; $samsung_url?: string; } interface BranchUniversalObject { ident: string; showShareSheet: ( shareOptions?: BranchShareSheetOptions, linkProperties?: BranchLinkProperties, controlParams?: BranchLinkControlParams ) => void; generateShortUrl: ( linkProperties: BranchLinkProperties, controlParams: BranchLinkControlParams ) => Promise<{ url: string }>; logEvent: (eventName: string, params?: BranchEventParams) => Promise; release: () => void; } interface Branch { subscribe: BranchSubscribe; initSessionTtl?: number; skipCachedEvents: () => void; disableTracking: (disable: boolean) => void; isTrackingDisabled: boolean; getLatestReferringParams: (synchronous?: boolean) => Promise; getFirstReferringParams: () => Promise; lastAttributedTouchData: (attributionWindow?: number) => Promise; setIdentity: (identity: string) => void; setRequestMetadata: (key: string, value: string) => void; addFacebookPartnerParameter: (name: string, value: string) => void; clearPartnerParameter: () => void; logout: () => void; openURL: (url: string, options?: { newActivity?: boolean }) => void; createBranchUniversalObject: ( identifier: string, options: BranchUniversalObjectOptions ) => BranchUniversalObject; handleATTAuthorizationStatus: ( ATTAuthorizationStatus:ATTAuthorizationStatus ) => void } declare const branch: Branch; export default branch;