require 'json' # expect package.json in current dir package_json_filename = File.expand_path("./package.json", __dir__) # load the spec from package.json spec = JSON.load( do |s| = spec['name'] s.version = spec['version'] s.summary = spec['description'] s.requires_arc = true s.authors = { 'rt2zz' => '', 'Jimmy Dee' => '' } s.license = spec['license'] s.homepage = spec['homepage'] s.platform = :ios, "9.0" s.source = { spec['repository']['type'].to_sym => spec['repository']['url'].sub(/^[a-z]+\+/, '') } s.source_files = [ "ios/*.h", "ios/*.m"] s.compiler_flags = %[-DRNBRANCH_VERSION=@\\"#{s.version}\\"] s.header_dir = 'RNBranch' # also sets generated module name s.dependency 'Branch', '1.42.0' s.dependency 'React-Core' # to ensure the correct build order # Swift/Objective-C compatibility s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'DEFINES_MODULE' => 'YES' } end