// Type definitions for ReactNativeChartKit 2.6 // Project: https://github.com/indiespirit/react-native-chart-kit // TypeScript Version: 3.0 import * as React from "react"; import { ViewStyle } from "react-native"; import { TextProps } from "react-native-svg"; export interface Dataset { /** The data corresponding to the x-axis label. */ data: number[]; /** A function returning the color of the stroke given an input opacity value. */ color: (opacity: number) => string; /** The width of the stroke. Defaults to 2. */ strokeWidth: number; } export interface ChartData { /** The x-axis labels */ labels: string[]; datasets: Dataset[]; } // LineChart export interface LineChartProps { /** * Data for the chart. * * Example from [docs](https://github.com/indiespirit/react-native-chart-kit#line-chart): * * ```javascript * const data = { * labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June'], * datasets: [{ * data: [ 20, 45, 28, 80, 99, 43 ], * color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(134, 65, 244, ${opacity})`, // optional * strokeWidth: 2 // optional * }] * } * ``` */ data: ChartData; /** * Width of the chart, use 'Dimensions' library to get the width of your screen for responsive. */ width: number; /** * Height of the chart. */ height: number; /** * Show dots on the line - default: True. */ withDots?: boolean; /** * Show shadow for line - default: True. */ withShadow?: boolean; /** * Show inner dashed lines - default: True. */ withInnerLines?: boolean; /** * Show outer dashed lines - default: True. */ withOuterLines?: boolean; /** * Show vertical labels - default: True. */ withVerticalLabels?: boolean; /** * Show horizontal labels - default: True. */ withHorizontalLabels?: boolean; /** * Render charts from 0 not from the minimum value. - default: False. */ fromZero?: boolean; /** * Prepend text to horizontal labels -- default: ''. */ yAxisLabel?: string; /** * Append text to horizontal labels -- default: ''. */ yAxisSuffix?: string; /** * Prepend text to vertical labels -- default: ''. */ xAxisLabel?: string; /** * Configuration object for the chart, see example: * * ```javascript * const chartConfig = { * backgroundGradientFrom: "#1E2923", * backgroundGradientFromOpacity: 0, * backgroundGradientTo: "#08130D", * backgroundGradientToOpacity: 0.5, * color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(26, 255, 146, ${opacity})`, * labelColor: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(26, 255, 146, ${opacity})`, * strokeWidth: 2, // optional, default 3 * barPercentage: 0.5 * }; * ``` */ chartConfig: ChartConfig; /** * This function takes a [whole bunch](https://github.com/indiespirit/react-native-chart-kit/blob/master/src/line-chart.js#L266) * of stuff and can render extra elements, * such as data point info or additional markup. */ decorator?: Function; /** * Callback that is called when a data point is clicked. */ onDataPointClick?: (data: { index: number; value: number; dataset: Dataset; x: number; y: number; getColor: (opacity: number) => string; }) => void; /** * Style of the container view of the chart. */ style?: ViewStyle; /** * Add this prop to make the line chart smooth and curvy. * * [Example](https://github.com/indiespirit/react-native-chart-kit#bezier-line-chart) */ bezier?: boolean; /** * Defines the dot color function that is used to calculate colors of dots in a line chart. * Takes `(dataPoint, dataPointIndex)` as arguments. */ getDotColor?: (dataPoint: any, index: number) => string; /** * Rotation angle of the horizontal labels - default 0 (degrees). */ horizontalLabelRotation?: number; /** * Rotation angle of the vertical labels - default 0 (degrees). */ verticalLabelRotation?: number; /** * Offset for Y axis labels. */ yLabelsOffset?: number; /** * Offset for X axis labels. */ xLabelsOffset?: number; /** * Array of indices of the data points you don't want to display. */ hidePointsAtIndex?: number[]; /** * This function change the format of the display value of the Y label. * Takes the y value as argument and should return the desirable string. */ formatYLabel?: (yValue: string) => string; /** * This function change the format of the display value of the X label. * Takes the X value as argument and should return the desirable string. */ formatXLabel?: (xValue: string) => string; /** * Provide props for a data point dot. */ getDotProps?: (dataPoint: any, index: number) => object; } export class LineChart extends React.Component {} // ProgressChart export type ProgressChartData = | Array | { labels: Array; data: Array }; export interface ProgressChartProps { data: ProgressChartData; width: number; height: number; chartConfig: ChartConfig; hideLegend: boolean; } export class ProgressChart extends React.Component {} // BarChart export interface BarChartProps { data: ChartData; width: number; height: number; fromZero?: boolean; withInnerLines?: boolean; yAxisLabel: string; yAxisSuffix: string; chartConfig: ChartConfig; style?: ViewStyle; horizontalLabelRotation?: number; verticalLabelRotation?: number; } export class BarChart extends React.Component {} // StackedBarChart export interface StackedBarChartData { labels: string[]; legend: string[]; data: number[][]; barColors: string[]; } export interface StackedBarChartProps { /** * E.g. * ```javascript * const data = { * labels: ["Test1", "Test2"], * legend: ["L1", "L2", "L3"], * data: [[60, 60, 60], [30, 30, 60]], * barColors: ["#dfe4ea", "#ced6e0", "#a4b0be"] * }; * ``` */ data: StackedBarChartData; width: number; height: number; chartConfig: ChartConfig; style?: ViewStyle; } export class StackedBarChart extends React.Component {} // PieChart export interface PieChartProps { data: Array; width: number; height: number; chartConfig: ChartConfig; accessor: string; backgroundColor: string; paddingLeft: string; center?: Array; absolute?: boolean; hasLegend?: boolean; } export class PieChart extends React.Component {} // ContributionGraph export interface ContributionGraphProps { values: Array; endDate: Date; numDays: number; width: number; height: number; chartConfig: ChartConfig; accessor?: string; } export class ContributionGraph extends React.Component< ContributionGraphProps > {} // AbstractChart export class AbstractChart extends React.Component {} // ChartConfig export interface ChartConfig { backgroundColor?: string; /** * Defines the first color in the linear gradient of a chart's background */ backgroundGradientFrom?: string; /** * Defines the first color opacity in the linear gradient of a chart's background */ backgroundGradientFromOpacity?: number; /** * Defines the second color in the linear gradient of a chart's background */ backgroundGradientTo?: string; /** * Defines the second color opacity in the linear gradient of a chart's background */ backgroundGradientToOpacity?: number; fillShadowGradient?: string; fillShadowGradientOpacity?: number; /** * Defines the base color function that is used to calculate colors of labels and sectors used in a chart */ color: (opacity: number, index?: number) => string; /** * Defines the function that is used to calculate the color of the labels used in a chart. */ labelColor: (opacity: number) => string; /** * Defines the base stroke width in a chart */ strokeWidth?: number; /** * Defines the percent (0-1) of the available width each bar width in a chart */ barPercentage?: number; /** * Override styles of the background lines, refer to react-native-svg's Line documentation */ propsForBackgroundLines?: object; /** * Override styles of the labels, refer to react-native-svg's Text documentation */ propsForLabels?: TextProps; decimalPlaces?: number; style?: ViewStyle; }