import { TextStyle, ViewStyle } from "react-native"; import { CircleProps, TextProps } from "react-native-svg"; export interface Dataset { /** The data corresponding to the x-axis label. */ data: number[]; /** A function returning the color of the stroke given an input opacity value. */ color?: (opacity: number) => string; /** The width of the stroke. Defaults to 2. */ strokeWidth?: number; /** A boolean indicating whether to render dots for this line */ withDots?: boolean; /** Override of LineChart's withScrollableDot property just for this dataset */ withScrollableDot?: boolean; } export interface ChartData { /** The x-axis labels */ labels: string[]; datasets: Dataset[]; } export interface ChartConfig { backgroundColor?: string; /** * Defines the first color in the linear gradient of a chart's background */ backgroundGradientFrom?: string; /** * Defines the first color opacity in the linear gradient of a chart's background */ backgroundGradientFromOpacity?: number; /** * Defines the second color in the linear gradient of a chart's background */ backgroundGradientTo?: string; /** * Defines the second color opacity in the linear gradient of a chart's background */ backgroundGradientToOpacity?: number; fillShadowGradient?: string; fillShadowGradientOpacity?: number; /** * Defines the option to use color from dataset to each chart data */ useShadowColorFromDataset?: boolean; /** * Defines the base color function that is used to calculate colors of labels and sectors used in a chart */ color?: (opacity: number, index?: number) => string; /** * Defines the function that is used to calculate the color of the labels used in a chart. */ labelColor?: (opacity: number) => string; /** * Defines the base stroke width in a chart */ strokeWidth?: number; /** * Defines the percent (0-1) of the available width each bar width in a chart */ barPercentage?: number; barRadius?: number; /** * Override styles of the background lines, refer to react-native-svg's Line documentation */ propsForBackgroundLines?: object; /** * Override styles of the labels, refer to react-native-svg's Text documentation */ propsForLabels?: TextProps; /** * Override styles of the dots, refer to react-native-svg's Text documentation */ propsForDots?: CircleProps; decimalPlaces?: number; style?: Partial; /** * Define stroke line join type */ linejoinType?: "miter" | "bevel" | "round"; /** * Define fill color for scrollable dot */ scrollableDotFill?: string; /** * Define stroke color for scrollable dot */ scrollableDotStrokeColor?: string; /** * Define stroke width for scrollable dot */ scrollableDotStrokeWidth?: number; /** * Define radius for scrollable dot */ scrollableDotRadius?: number; /** * Override style for additional info view upper scrollable dot */ scrollableInfoViewStyle?: Partial; /** * Override text style for additional info view upper scrollable dot */ scrollableInfoTextStyle?: Partial; scrollableInfoTextDecorator?: (value: number) => string; /** * Set Info View offset */ scrollableInfoOffset?: number; /** * Set Info View size */ scrollableInfoSize?: Size; } export interface Size { width: number; height: number; } export declare type PartialBy = Omit & Partial>; //#