import { Platform } from 'react-native'; import { PlatformArray, Getter, GetSupportedPlatformInfoAsyncParams, GetSupportedPlatformInfoSyncParams, GetSupportedPlatformInfoFunctionsParams, } from './privateTypes'; type MemoType = { [key: string]: any }; // centralized memo object let memo: MemoType = {}; export function clearMemo() { memo = {}; } /** * function returns the proper getter based current platform X supported platforms * @param supportedPlatforms array of supported platforms (OS) * @param getter desired function used to get info * @param defaultGetter getter that returns a default value if desired getter is not supported by current platform */ function getSupportedFunction( supportedPlatforms: PlatformArray, getter: Getter, defaultGetter: Getter ): Getter { let supportedMap: any = {}; supportedPlatforms .filter((key) => Platform.OS == key) .forEach((key) => (supportedMap[key] = getter)); return{ ...supportedMap, default: defaultGetter, }); } /** * function used to get desired info synchronously — with optional memoization * @param param0 */ export function getSupportedPlatformInfoSync({ getter, supportedPlatforms, defaultValue, memoKey, }: GetSupportedPlatformInfoSyncParams): T { if (memoKey && memo[memoKey] != undefined) { return memo[memoKey]; } else { const output = getSupportedFunction(supportedPlatforms, getter, () => defaultValue)(); if (memoKey) { memo[memoKey] = output; } return output; } } /** * function used to get desired info asynchronously — with optional memoization * @param param0 */ export async function getSupportedPlatformInfoAsync({ getter, supportedPlatforms, defaultValue, memoKey, }: GetSupportedPlatformInfoAsyncParams): Promise { if (memoKey && memo[memoKey] != undefined) { return memo[memoKey]; } else { const output = await getSupportedFunction(supportedPlatforms, getter, () => Promise.resolve(defaultValue) )(); if (memoKey) { memo[memoKey] = output; } return output; } } /** * function that returns array of getter functions [async, sync] * @param param0 */ export function getSupportedPlatformInfoFunctions({ syncGetter, ...asyncParams }: GetSupportedPlatformInfoFunctionsParams): [Getter>, Getter] { return [ () => getSupportedPlatformInfoAsync(asyncParams), () => getSupportedPlatformInfoSync({ ...asyncParams, getter: syncGetter }), ]; }