import React, {useState, useRef, useMemo, ReactNode} from 'react'; import { SafeAreaView, View, TouchableOpacity, Animated, StatusBar, PanResponder, Image, Text, ImageSourcePropType, ColorValue, ViewStyle, TextStyle, ImageStyle, TextProps, StatusBarStyle, GestureResponderEvent, PanResponderGestureState, LayoutChangeEvent, Platform, ViewProps, TouchableOpacityProps, ImageProps, useWindowDimensions, } from 'react-native'; import Queue from './Queue'; export enum DropdownAlertType { Info = 'info', Warn = 'warn', Error = 'error', Success = 'success', } export enum DropdownAlertDismissAction { Automatic = 'automatic', Cancel = 'cancel', Pan = 'pan', Programmatic = 'programmatic', Press = 'press', } export enum DropdownAlertColor { Info = '#2b73b6', Warn = '#cd853f', Error = '#cc3232', Success = '#32a54a', Default = '#000000', } export type DropdownAlertData = { type?: string | DropdownAlertType; title?: string; message?: string; source?: ImageSourcePropType; interval?: number; resolve?: (_value: DropdownAlertData) => void; }; export enum DropdownAlertToValue { Alert = 1, Dismiss = 0, } export enum DropDownAlertImage { Info = require('./assets/info.png'), Warn = require('./assets/warn.png'), Error = require('./assets/error.png'), Success = require('./assets/success.png'), Cancel = require('./assets/cancel.png'), } export const DropDownAlertTestID = { AnimatedView: 'animatedView', SafeView: 'safeView', TextView: 'textView', Alert: 'alert', Image: 'image', Title: 'title', Message: 'message', Cancel: 'cancel', CancelImage: 'cancelImage', }; export enum DropdownAlertPosition { Top = 'top', Bottom = 'bottom', } // References // Image source: // Image style: // View style: // Text style: // Text props: // StatusBar // StatusBar style: // StatusBar setBarStyle: // StatusBar setTranslucent: // StatusBar translucent: // StatusBar backgroundColor: // StatusBar setBackgroundColor: // Colors // Pan responder: // Spring animation: // Elevation: // zIndex: export type DropdownAlertProps = { imageSrc?: ImageSourcePropType; infoImageSrc?: ImageSourcePropType; warnImageSrc?: ImageSourcePropType; errorImageSrc?: ImageSourcePropType; successImageSrc?: ImageSourcePropType; cancelImageSrc?: ImageSourcePropType; infoColor?: ColorValue; warnColor?: ColorValue; errorColor?: ColorValue; successColor?: ColorValue; // Android: StatusBar background color when alert is visible and updateStatusBar is true activeStatusBarBackgroundColor?: ColorValue; // Android: StatusBar background color when alert is dismissed and updateStatusBar is true inactiveStatusBarBackgroundColor?: ColorValue; dismissInterval?: number; titleNumberOfLines?: number; messageNumberOfLines?: number; // Android: it is used in the Animated.View style so alert is above other UI components elevation?: number; // It is used in the Animated.View style so alert is above other UI components zIndex?: number; // Distance on the Y-axis for the alert to be dismissed by pan gesture // panResponderEnabled must be true as well panResponderDismissDistance?: number; animatedViewStyle?: ViewStyle; alertViewStyle?: ViewStyle; safeViewStyle?: ViewStyle; textViewStyle?: ViewStyle; cancelViewStyle?: ViewStyle; titleTextStyle?: TextStyle; messageTextStyle?: TextStyle; imageStyle?: ImageStyle; cancelImageStyle?: ImageStyle; onDismissAutomatic?: (data: DropdownAlertData) => void; onDismissCancel?: (data: DropdownAlertData) => void; onDismissPress?: (data: DropdownAlertData) => void; onDismissPanResponder?: (data: DropdownAlertData) => void; onDismissProgrammatic?: (data: DropdownAlertData) => void; showCancel?: boolean; onDismissPressDisabled?: boolean; panResponderEnabled?: boolean; // Android: used to set status bar translucent property when update status bar function is called // if it is true it also sets the marginTop on TouchableOpacity component translucent?: boolean; // Whether or not to update status bar style, translucent or backgroundColor updateStatusBar?: boolean; // StatusBarStyle when alert is open and updateStatusBar must be true activeStatusBarStyle?: StatusBarStyle; // StatusBarStyle when alert is dismissed and updateStatusBar must be true inactiveStatusBarStyle?: StatusBarStyle; renderImage?: (data: DropdownAlertData) => JSX.Element; renderCancel?: (data: DropdownAlertData, onCancel: () => void) => JSX.Element; renderTitle?: (data: DropdownAlertData) => JSX.Element; renderMessage?: (data: DropdownAlertData) => JSX.Element; titleTextProps?: TextProps; messageTextProps?: TextProps; animatedViewProps?: ViewProps; alertTouchableOpacityProps?: TouchableOpacityProps; safeViewProps?: ViewProps; textViewProps?: ViewProps; imageProps?: ImageProps; cancelTouchableOpacityProps?: TouchableOpacityProps; cancelImageProps?: ImageProps; alert?: ( func: (data?: DropdownAlertData) => Promise, ) => void; dismiss?: (func: () => void) => void; springAnimationConfig?: Animated.SpringAnimationConfig; children?: ReactNode; alertPosition?: 'top' | 'bottom'; }; const DropdownAlert: React.FunctionComponent = ({ onDismissAutomatic = () => {}, onDismissPress = () => {}, onDismissPanResponder = () => {}, onDismissProgrammatic = () => {}, onDismissCancel = () => {}, dismissInterval = 4000, titleNumberOfLines = 1, messageNumberOfLines = 3, imageSrc = undefined, infoImageSrc = DropDownAlertImage.Info, warnImageSrc = DropDownAlertImage.Warn, errorImageSrc = DropDownAlertImage.Error, successImageSrc = DropDownAlertImage.Success, cancelImageSrc = DropDownAlertImage.Cancel, infoColor = DropdownAlertColor.Info, warnColor = DropdownAlertColor.Warn, errorColor = DropdownAlertColor.Error, successColor = DropdownAlertColor.Success, showCancel = false, onDismissPressDisabled = false, panResponderEnabled = true, animatedViewStyle = undefined, alertViewStyle = { padding: 8, backgroundColor: DropdownAlertColor.Default, }, safeViewStyle = { flexDirection: 'row', alignItems: 'center', }, titleTextStyle = { fontSize: 16, fontWeight: 'bold', color: 'white', }, messageTextStyle = { fontSize: 16, color: 'white', }, imageStyle = { height: 36, width: 36, }, cancelImageStyle = { height: 36, width: 36, }, cancelViewStyle = undefined, textViewStyle = { flex: 1, marginHorizontal: 8, }, translucent = false, activeStatusBarStyle = 'light-content', activeStatusBarBackgroundColor = undefined, inactiveStatusBarStyle = 'default', inactiveStatusBarBackgroundColor = 'black', updateStatusBar = true, elevation = 1, zIndex = 1, renderImage = undefined, renderCancel = undefined, renderTitle = undefined, renderMessage = undefined, titleTextProps = undefined, messageTextProps = undefined, animatedViewProps = undefined, alertTouchableOpacityProps = undefined, safeViewProps = undefined, textViewProps = undefined, imageProps = undefined, cancelTouchableOpacityProps = undefined, cancelImageProps = undefined, alert = () => {}, dismiss = () => {}, springAnimationConfig = { toValue: 0, friction: 9, useNativeDriver: false, isInteraction: false, }, panResponderDismissDistance = -10, children = undefined, alertPosition = DropdownAlertPosition.Top, }) => { const windowDimensions = useWindowDimensions(); const isIOS = Platform.OS === 'ios'; const isAndroid = Platform.OS === 'android'; const isBelowIOS11 = isIOS && Number(Platform.Version) < 11; const [dimValue, setDimValue] = useState(0); const [height, setHeight] = useState(99); const defaultAlertData: DropdownAlertData = { type: '', title: '', message: '', }; const [alertData, setAlertData] = useState(defaultAlertData); const alertDataRef = useRef(defaultAlertData); const isLockRef = useRef(false); const queue = useRef(new Queue()); const animatedValue = useRef(new Animated.Value(0)); const dismissTimeoutID = useRef(0); const activeOpacity = onDismissPressDisabled || showCancel ? 1 : 0.95; const onPress = onDismissPressDisabled ? () => {} : () => _dismiss(DropdownAlertDismissAction.Press); function _getPanResponder() { function _onDonePan( _event: GestureResponderEvent, gestureState: PanResponderGestureState, ) { if (panResponderEnabled) { switch (alertPosition) { case DropdownAlertPosition.Bottom: if (gestureState.dy >= Math.abs(panResponderDismissDistance)) { _dismiss(DropdownAlertDismissAction.Pan); } break; default: if (gestureState.dy <= panResponderDismissDistance) { _dismiss(DropdownAlertDismissAction.Pan); } break; } } } return PanResponder.create({ onStartShouldSetPanResponder: () => panResponderEnabled, onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: () => panResponderEnabled, onPanResponderMove: (_event, gestureState) => { if (panResponderEnabled) { switch (alertPosition) { case DropdownAlertPosition.Bottom: if (gestureState.dy > 0) { setDimValue(0 - gestureState.dy); } break; default: if (gestureState.dy < 0) { setDimValue(gestureState.dy); } break; } } }, onPanResponderRelease: (event, gestureState) => _onDonePan(event, gestureState), onPanResponderTerminate: (event, gestureState) => _onDonePan(event, gestureState), }); } // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps const panResponder = useMemo(_getPanResponder, [ panResponderEnabled, panResponderDismissDistance, alertPosition, ]); function _alertWithData(data?: DropdownAlertData) { const dropdownAlertData: DropdownAlertData = { source: data?.source ? data.source : _getSourceForType(data?.type), interval: data?.interval ? data.interval : dismissInterval,, }; const promise = new Promise( resolve => (dropdownAlertData.resolve = resolve), ); queue.current.enqueue(dropdownAlertData); if (queue.current.size === 1) { _alert(queue.current.first); } return promise; } alert(_alertWithData); async function _alert(data: DropdownAlertData) { setAlertData(data); alertDataRef.current = data; _updateStatusBar(true, data.type); await _animate(DropdownAlertToValue.Alert); if (data.interval && data.interval > 0) { _clearDismissTimeoutID(); const timeout = setTimeout(() => { _dismiss(DropdownAlertDismissAction.Automatic); }, data.interval); dismissTimeoutID.current = Number(timeout); } } async function _dismiss(action = DropdownAlertDismissAction.Programmatic) { if (!queue.current.isEmpty && !isLockRef.current) { _clearDismissTimeoutID(); _updateStatusBar(false); isLockRef.current = true; await _animate(DropdownAlertToValue.Dismiss); if (alertDataRef.current.resolve) { alertDataRef.current.resolve(alertDataRef.current); } switch (action) { case DropdownAlertDismissAction.Automatic: onDismissAutomatic(alertDataRef.current); break; case DropdownAlertDismissAction.Programmatic: onDismissProgrammatic(alertDataRef.current); break; case DropdownAlertDismissAction.Cancel: onDismissCancel(alertDataRef.current); break; case DropdownAlertDismissAction.Pan: onDismissPanResponder(alertDataRef.current); break; case DropdownAlertDismissAction.Press: onDismissPress(alertDataRef.current); break; } setDimValue(0); queue.current.dequeue(); if (!queue.current.isEmpty) { _alert(queue.current.first); } isLockRef.current = false; } } dismiss(_dismiss); function _updateStatusBar(active = false, type = '') { if (updateStatusBar && alertPosition === DropdownAlertPosition.Top) { if (isAndroid) { if (active) { let backgroundColor = activeStatusBarBackgroundColor; if (!backgroundColor) { const colorForType = _getBackgroundColorForType(type); if (colorForType) { backgroundColor = colorForType; } else { backgroundColor = DropdownAlertColor.Default; } } StatusBar.setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor, true); StatusBar.setTranslucent(translucent); } else { StatusBar.setBackgroundColor(inactiveStatusBarBackgroundColor, true); } } if (active) { StatusBar.setBarStyle(activeStatusBarStyle, true); } else { StatusBar.setBarStyle(inactiveStatusBarStyle, true); } } } function _clearDismissTimeoutID() { if (dismissTimeoutID.current) { clearTimeout(dismissTimeoutID.current); dismissTimeoutID.current = 0; } } function _animate(toValue = 0) { springAnimationConfig.toValue = toValue; return new Promise(resolve => { Animated.spring(animatedValue.current, springAnimationConfig).start( resolve, ); }); } function _getSourceForType(type: string | undefined) { switch (type) { case DropdownAlertType.Info: return infoImageSrc; case DropdownAlertType.Warn: return warnImageSrc; case DropdownAlertType.Error: return errorImageSrc; case DropdownAlertType.Success: return successImageSrc; default: return imageSrc; } } function _getBackgroundColorForType(type: string | undefined) { switch (type) { case DropdownAlertType.Info: return infoColor; case DropdownAlertType.Warn: return warnColor; case DropdownAlertType.Error: return errorColor; case DropdownAlertType.Success: return successColor; default: return alertViewStyle.backgroundColor; } } function _onLayout(event: LayoutChangeEvent) { const eventHeight = event.nativeEvent.layout.height; if (eventHeight > height) { setHeight(eventHeight); } } function _renderImage(source: ImageSourcePropType | undefined) { if (renderImage) { return renderImage(alertData); } if (!source) { return null; } return ( ); } function _renderTitle(title?: string) { if (renderTitle) { return renderTitle(alertData); } if (!title || title.length === 0) { return null; } return ( {title} ); } function _renderMessage(message?: string) { if (renderMessage) { return renderMessage(alertData); } if (!message || message.length === 0) { return null; } return ( {message} ); } function _renderCancel() { const _onCancel = () => _dismiss(DropdownAlertDismissAction.Cancel); if (renderCancel) { return renderCancel(alertData, _onCancel); } return ( {cancelImageSrc && ( )} ); } function _getViewAnimatedStyle() { let viewStyle: ViewStyle = { // position: 'absolute' as 'absolute', top: dimValue, left: 0, right: 0, elevation, zIndex, }; let animatedInterpolateConfig = { inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [0 - height, 0], }; if (alertPosition === DropdownAlertPosition.Bottom) { = undefined; viewStyle.bottom = dimValue; animatedInterpolateConfig.outputRange[0] = windowDimensions.height - height; } return [ viewStyle, { transform: [ { translateY: animatedValue.current.interpolate( animatedInterpolateConfig, ), }, ], }, animatedViewStyle, ]; } function _renderAlert() { if (children) { return children; } let additionalAlertViewStyle: ViewStyle = { backgroundColor: _getBackgroundColorForType(alertData.type), }; if (isAndroid && translucent) { additionalAlertViewStyle.marginTop = StatusBar.currentHeight; } let SafeView = SafeAreaView; if (isBelowIOS11 || isAndroid) { SafeView = View; } return ( {_renderImage(alertData.source)} {_renderTitle(alertData.title)} {_renderMessage(alertData.message)} {showCancel && _renderCancel()} ); } return ( _onLayout(event)} testID={DropDownAlertTestID.AnimatedView} {...animatedViewProps}> {_renderAlert()} ); }; export default DropdownAlert;