import * as React from 'react'; import { ViewStyle, TextStyle, ImageStyle, ImageSourcePropType, ImageURISource, TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, TouchableOpacityProps, TouchableNativeFeedbackProps, ViewProperties, TextInputProperties, TextInput, TextProperties, StatusBarProperties, StyleProp, Animated, ActivityIndicatorProperties, SwitchProperties, StatusBarStyle, ModalProps, TextInputProps, ImageProps as RNImageProps, TouchableHighlightProps, PressableProps, } from 'react-native'; import { RatingProps, AirbnbRatingProps } from 'react-native-ratings'; import { IconButtonProps, IconProps as VectorIconProps, } from 'react-native-vector-icons/Icon'; export interface TouchableComponent extends TouchableHighlightProps, PressableProps {} /** * Supports auto complete for most used types as well as any other string type. */ export type IconType = | 'material' | 'material-community' | 'simple-line-icon' | 'zocial' | 'font-awesome' | 'octicon' | 'ionicon' | 'foundation' | 'evilicon' | 'entypo' | 'antdesign' | 'font-awesome-5' | string; export interface IconObject extends TouchableComponent { name?: string; color?: string; size?: number; type?: IconType; style?: StyleProp; } export interface AvatarIcon extends IconObject { iconStyle?: StyleProp; } export interface TextProps extends TextProperties { /** * font size 40 */ h1?: boolean; /** * font size 34 */ h2?: boolean; /** * font size 28 */ h3?: boolean; /** * font size 22 */ h4?: boolean; /** * Styling for when `h1` is set */ h1Style?: StyleProp; /** * Styling for when `h2` is set */ h2Style?: StyleProp; /** * Styling for when `h3` is set */ h3Style?: StyleProp; /** * Styling for when `h4` is set */ h4Style?: StyleProp; /** * Additional styling for Text */ style?: StyleProp; } /** * HTML Style Headings * */ export class Text extends React.Component {} export interface AvatarProps { /** * Component for enclosing element (eg: TouchableHighlight, View, etc) * * @default TouchableOpacity */ Component?: React.ComponentClass; /** * Callback function when pressing Edit button */ onAccessoryPress?(): void; /** * Callback function when pressing component */ onPress?(): void; /** * Callback function when long pressing component */ onLongPress?(): void; /** * Styling for outer container */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Image source */ source?: ImageSourcePropType; /** * Style for avatar image */ avatarStyle?: ImageStyle; /** * Determines the shape of avatar * * @default false */ rounded?: boolean; /** * Renders title in the avatar */ title?: string; /** * Style for the title */ titleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Style for the view outside image or icon */ overlayContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Opacity when pressed * * @default 0.2 */ activeOpacity?: number; /** * If to show the edit button or not * * @default false */ showAccessory?: boolean; /** * Edit button for the avatar * * @default "{size: null, iconName: 'mode-edit', iconType: 'material', iconColor: '#fff', underlayColor: '#000', style: null}" */ accessory?: Partial & Partial; /** * Style for the placeholder */ placeholderStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Render a content inside placeholder */ renderPlaceholderContent?: React.ReactElement<{}>; /** * Icon for the avatar */ icon?: AvatarIcon; /** * extra styling for icon component */ iconStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Optional properties to pass to the image if provided e.g "resizeMode" */ imageProps?: Partial; /** * Size of Avatar * @default "small" */ size?: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge' | number; /** * Image Component of Avatar * @default React Native default Image component */ ImageComponent?: React.ComponentClass; } /** * Avatar Component * */ export class Avatar extends React.Component {} export interface ButtonProps extends TouchableOpacityProps, TouchableNativeFeedbackProps { /** * Specify other touchable such as TouchableOpacity/TouchableNativeFeedback * * Default is TouchableOpacity on IOS and TouchableNativeFeedback on Android */ TouchableComponent?: React.ComponentClass; /** * Specify a different component as the background for the button. * Useful for if you want to make a button with a gradient background. * * @default View */ ViewComponent?: React.ComponentClass; /** * Additional styling for button (background) view component * * @default null */ buttonStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Button title */ title?: string; /** * If to show the icon on the right * * @default false */ iconRight?: boolean; /** * Icon to show in the button */ icon?: IconNode; /** * Style for the container around the icon */ iconContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Title styling */ titleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Optional props for the title inside the button */ titleProps?: TextProperties; /** * Styling for Component container * * @default null */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Display a loading spinner * * @default false */ loading?: boolean; /** * Additional style to applied to the ActivityIndicator */ loadingStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Additional props to applied to the ActivityIndicator */ loadingProps?: ActivityIndicatorProperties; /** * Object of props to be applied to the linearGradient view(ViewComponent) */ linearGradientProps?: Object; /** * Type of button * * @default solid */ type?: 'solid' | 'clear' | 'outline'; /** * If the user is allowed to interact with the button * * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Style of the title when the button is disabled */ disabledTitleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Style of the button when disabled */ disabledStyle?: StyleProp; /** * If the button has raised styling * * @default false */ raised?: boolean; } /** * Button component * */ export class Button extends React.Component {} export interface BadgeProps { /** * Text value to be displayed by badge * * @default null */ value?: React.ReactNode; /** * Additional styling for badge (background) view component */ badgeStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Style for the container */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Style for the text in the badge */ textStyle?: StyleProp; /* * Props for the text in the badge */ textProps?: TextProperties; /** * Custom component to replace the badge component * * @default View (if onPress then TouchableOpacity) */ Component?: React.ComponentClass; /** * Determines color of the indicator * * @default primary */ status?: 'primary' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error'; /** * Function called when pressed on the badge */ onPress?(): void; } /** * Badge component * */ export class Badge extends React.Component {} /** * withBadge Higher-Order Component * * @param value * @param options */ export function withBadge( /** * Text value to be displayed by badge */ value?: React.ReactNode | (() => React.ReactNode), /** * Options to configure the badge */ options?: { bottom?: number; left?: number; right?: number; top?: number; hidden?: boolean; containerStyle?: StyleProp; } & BadgeProps ):

(WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType

) => React.ComponentType

; export interface BottomSheetProps { /** * To show or hide the Bottom Sheet Component * @default false */ isVisible: boolean; /** * props of react native modal * @default {} */ modalProps: ModalProps; } /** * Bottom Sheet component * */ export class BottomSheet extends React.Component {} export interface CardProps { /** * Outer container style */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Inner container style */ wrapperStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Card title */ title?: string | React.ReactElement<{}>; /** * Additional title styling (if title provided) */ titleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Title rendered over the image * (only works if image prop is present) */ featuredTitle?: string; /** * Styling for featured title */ featuredTitleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Subtitle rendered over the image * (only works if image prop is present) */ featuredSubtitle?: string; /** * Styling for featured subtitle */ featuredSubtitleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Additional divider styling * (if title provided) */ dividerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Specify image styling if image is provided */ imageStyle?: ImageStyle; /** * Specify styling for view surrounding image */ imageWrapperStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Add an image as the heading with the image prop */ image?: ImageSourcePropType; /** * Optional properties to pass to the image if provided e.g "resizeMode" */ imageProps?: Partial; } /** * Card component * */ export class Card extends React.Component {} /** * Set the buttons within a Group. */ export interface ElementObject { element: React.ReactElement<{}> | React.ReactType; } /** * Set the border styles for a component. */ export interface InnerBorderStyleProperty { color?: string; width?: number; } export interface ButtonGroupProps { /** * Allows the user to select multiple items * * @default false */ selectMultiple?: boolean; /** * Current selected index of array of buttons */ selectedIndex?: number | null; /** * The indexes that are selected. Used with 'selectMultiple' * * @default [] */ selectedIndexes?: number[]; /** * Array of buttons for component, if returning a component, must be an object with { element: componentName } */ buttons: string[] | ElementObject[]; /** * Choose other button component such as TouchableOpacity * * @default TouchableHighlight */ Component?: React.ComponentType; /** * Specify styling for main button container */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Specify styling for buttons container */ buttonContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * inherited styling specify styling for button */ buttonStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Specify styling selected button * * @default 'white' */ selectedButtonStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Specify specific styling for text */ textStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Specify specific styling for text in the selected state */ selectedTextStyle?: StyleProp; /** * inherited styling object { width, color } update the styling of the interior border of the list of buttons */ innerBorderStyle?: InnerBorderStyleProperty; /** * Specify underlayColor for TouchableHighlight * * @default 'white' */ underlayColor?: string; /** * Determines what the opacity of the wrapped view should be when touch is active. */ activeOpacity?: number; /** * Border radius for the container */ containerBorderRadius?: number; /** * Controls if buttons are disabled * * Setting `true` makes all of them disabled, while using an array only makes those indices disabled * * @default false */ disabled?: boolean | number[]; /** * Styling for each button when disabled */ disabledStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Styling for each selected button when disabled */ disabledSelectedStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Styling for the text of each button when disabled */ disabledTextStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Styling for the text of each selected button when disabled */ disabledSelectedTextStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Display in vertical orientation * * @default false */ vertical?: boolean; /** * Method to update Button Group Index */ onPress(selectedIndex: number): void; /** * * Called immediately after the underlay is hidden */ onHideUnderlay?(): void; /** * Called immediately after the underlay is shown */ onShowUnderlay?(): void; /** * Animate the touchable to a new opacity. */ setOpacityTo?(value: number): void; } export class ButtonGroup extends React.Component {} export interface CheckBoxProps { /** * Icon family, can be one of the following * (required only if specifying an icon that is not from font-awesome) */ iconType?: IconType; /** * Specify React Native component for main button */ Component?: React.ComponentClass; /** * Flag for checking the icon * * @default false */ checked: boolean; /** * Moves icon to right of text. * * @default false */ iconRight?: boolean; /** * Aligns checkbox to right * * @default false */ right?: boolean; /** * Aligns checkbox to center * * @default false */ center?: boolean; /** * Title of checkbox */ title?: string | React.ReactElement<{}>; /** * Additional props for the title */ titleProps?: Partial; /** * Style of main container */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Style of container that wraps the check box and text */ wrapperStyle?: StyleProp; /** * style of text */ textStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Size of the checkbox * * @default 24 */ size?: number; /** * onLongPress function for checkbox */ onLongPress?(): void; /** * onLongPress function for checkbox */ onLongIconPress?(): void; /** * onPress function for container */ onPress?(): void; /** * onPress function for checkbox */ onIconPress?(): void; /** * Default checked icon (Font Awesome Icon) * * @default 'check-square-o' */ checkedIcon?: string | React.ReactElement<{}>; /** * Default checked icon (Font Awesome Icon) * * @default 'square-o' */ uncheckedIcon?: string | React.ReactElement<{}>; /** * Default checked color * * @default 'green' */ checkedColor?: string; /** * Default unchecked color * @default '#bfbfbf' */ uncheckedColor?: string; /** * Specify a custom checked message */ checkedTitle?: string; /** * Specify different font family * @default 'System font bold (iOS)' * @default 'Sans Serif Bold (android)' */ fontFamily?: string; } export class CheckBox extends React.Component {} export interface DividerProps extends ViewProperties {} export class Divider extends React.Component {} export interface InputProps extends TextInputProperties { /** * Styling for Input Component Container (optional) */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Disables the input field */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Style of the input field when disabled */ disabledInputStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Styling for Input Component Container (optional) */ inputContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Displays an icon to the left (optional) */ leftIcon?: IconNode; /** * Styling for left Icon Component container */ leftIconContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Displays an icon to the right (optional) */ rightIcon?: IconNode; /** * Styling for the right icon container */ rightIconContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Renders component in place of the React Native `TextInput` (optional) */ InputComponent?: React.ComponentType; /** * Adds styling to input component (optional) */ inputStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Add styling to error message (optional) */ errorStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Adds error message (optional) */ errorMessage?: string; /** * props to be passed to the React Native Text component used to display the error message (optional) */ errorProps?: TextProps; /** * Add styling to label (optional) */ labelStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Adds label (optional) */ label?: string | React.ReactElement<{}>; /** * props to be passed to the React Native Text component used to display the label (optional) */ labelProps?: TextProps; /** * displays error message */ renderErrorMessage?: boolean; } export class Input extends React.Component { /** * Shakes the Input * * eg `this.inputRef.shake()` */ shake(): void; /** * Calls focus on the Input * * eg `this.inputRef.focus()` */ focus(): void; /** * Calls isFocused() on the Input * * eg `let focused = this.inputRef.isFocused()` */ isFocused(): boolean; /** * Calls blur on the Input * * eg `this.inputRef.blur()` */ blur(): void; /** * Calls clear on the Input * * eg `this.inputRef.clear()` */ clear(): void; /** * Calls setNativeProps on the Input * * eg `this.inputRef.setNativeProps({ text: 'any text' })` */ setNativeProps(nativeProps: Partial): void; } export interface HeaderIcon extends IconObject { icon?: string; text?: string; color?: string; style?: StyleProp; } /** * Defines the types that can be used in a header sub component */ export type HeaderSubComponent = | React.ReactElement<{}> | TextProps | HeaderIcon; export interface HeaderProps extends ViewProperties { /** * Specify a different component as the background for the button. * Useful for if you want to make a button with a gradient background. * * @default View */ ViewComponent?: React.ComponentClass; /** * Object of props to be applied to the linearGradient view(ViewComponent) */ linearGradientProps?: Object; /** * Accepts all props for StatusBar */ statusBarProps?: StatusBarProperties; /** * Sets the color of the status bar text. * * @default 'default' */ barStyle?: StatusBarStyle; /** * Configuration object for default component (icon: string, ...props for React Native Elements Icon) or a valid React Element define your left component here */ leftComponent?: HeaderSubComponent; /** * Configuration object for default component (text: string, ...props for React Native Text component) valid React Element define your center component here */ centerComponent?: HeaderSubComponent; /** * Configuration object for default component (icon: string, ...props for React Native Elements Icon component) or a valid React Element define your right component here */ rightComponent?: HeaderSubComponent; /** * Sets backgroundColor of the parent component */ backgroundColor?: string; /** * Background image source */ backgroundImage?: ImageSourcePropType; /** * Styles for the background image in the container */ backgroundImageStyle?: ImageStyle; /** * Determines the alignment of the title * * @default 'center' */ placement?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right'; /** * Styling for main container */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Styles for the container surrounding the title */ centerContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Styling for container around the leftComponent */ leftContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Styling for container around the rightComponent */ rightContainerStyle?: StyleProp; } /** * Header component */ export class Header extends React.Component {} export interface IconProps extends IconButtonProps { /** * Type (defaults to material, options are material-community, zocial, font-awesome, octicon, ionicon, foundation, evilicon, simple-line-icon, or entypo) * @default 'material' */ type?: IconType; /** * View if no onPress method is defined, TouchableHighlight if onPress method is defined React Native component update React Native Component */ Component?: React.ComponentClass; /* * Extra props supplied to Icon Component from react-native-vector-icons. */ iconProps?: VectorIconProps; /** * Reverses color scheme * * @default false */ reverse?: boolean; /** * Adds box shadow to button * * @default false */ raised?: boolean; /** * Add styling to container holding icon */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Specify reverse icon color * * @default 'white' */ reverseColor?: string; /** * Styles for the Icon when disabled */ disabledStyle?: StyleProp; /** * FontAwesome5 solid style * * @default false */ solid?: boolean; /** * FontAwesome5 brands icon set * * @default false */ brand?: boolean; } /** * Icon component */ export class Icon extends React.Component {} export interface ScaleProps extends TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps { style?: StyleProp; defaultNumber?: number; activeScale?: number; tension?: number; friction?: number; pressInTension?: number; pressInFriction?: number; pressOutTension?: number; pressOutFriction?: number; useNativeDriver?: boolean; } export interface ListItemProps extends TouchableComponent { containerStyle?: StyleProp; contentContainerStyle?: StyleProp; rightContentContainerStyle?: StyleProp; chevron?: boolean | Partial | React.ReactElement<{}>; checkmark?: boolean | Partial | React.ReactElement<{}>; title?: string | React.ReactElement<{}>; titleStyle?: StyleProp; titleProps?: TextProperties; subtitle?: string | React.ReactElement<{}>; subtitleStyle?: StyleProp; subtitleProps?: TextProperties; rightTitle?: string | React.ReactElement<{}>; rightTitleStyle?: StyleProp; rightTitleProps?: TextProperties; rightSubtitle?: string | React.ReactElement<{}>; rightSubtitleStyle?: StyleProp; rightSubtitleProps?: TextProperties; leftIcon?: Partial | React.ReactElement<{}>; rightIcon?: Partial | React.ReactElement<{}>; leftAvatar?: Partial | React.ReactElement<{}>; rightAvatar?: Partial | React.ReactElement<{}>; leftElement?: React.ReactElement<{}>; rightElement?: React.ReactElement<{}>; switch?: SwitchProperties; input?: InputProps; buttonGroup?: ButtonGroupProps; checkBox?: CheckBoxProps; badge?: BadgeProps; disabledStyle?: StyleProp; topDivider?: boolean; bottomDivider?: boolean; scaleProps?: ScaleProps; pad?: number; Component?: React.ComponentType<{}>; ViewComponent?: React.ComponentType<{}>; } /** * ListItem component */ export class ListItem extends React.Component {} export interface OverlayProps extends ModalProps { /** * Content of the overlay */ children: React.ReactElement; /** * If true, the overlay is visible */ isVisible: boolean; /** * Style for the backdrop */ backdropStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Style of the actual overlay */ overlayStyle?: StyleProp; /** * If to take up full screen width and height * * @default false */ fullScreen?: boolean; /** * Override React Native `Modal` component (usable for web-platform) */ ModalComponent?: React.ComponentClass; /** * Callback when user touches the backdrop */ onBackdropPress?(): void; } export class Overlay extends React.Component {} export interface ButtonInformation { title: string; icon: string; buttonStyle?: StyleProp; titleStyle?: StyleProp; } export interface PricingCardProps { /** * Title */ title?: string; /** * Price */ price: string; /** * Color scheme for button & title */ color?: string; /** * Pricing information */ info?: string[]; /** * {title, icon, buttonStyle} * Button information */ button: ButtonInformation; /** * Function to be run when button is pressed */ onButtonPress?(): void; /** * Outer component styling */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Inner wrapper component styling */ wrapperStyle?: StyleProp; /** * component title style */ titleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * component pricing text style */ pricingStyle?: StyleProp; /** * component info text style */ infoStyle?: StyleProp; } /** * PricingCard component */ export class PricingCard extends React.Component {} /** * Rating, AirbnbRating, RatingProps, AirbnbRatingProps */ export * from 'react-native-ratings'; export type IconNode = boolean | React.ReactElement<{}> | Partial; export interface SearchBarWrapper { /** * What style of search bar to display * * @default is 'default */ platform?: 'default' | 'ios' | 'android'; } export interface SearchBarBase extends InputProps { /** * Styling for the searchbar container */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Optional styling for the TextInput's container */ inputContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Override the clear Icon props or use a custom component. Use null or false to hide the icon. */ clearIcon?: IconNode; /** * Override the search Icon props or use a custom component. Use null or false to hide the icon. */ searchIcon?: IconNode; /** * TextInput styling */ inputStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Optional props to pass to the ActivityIndicator */ loadingProps?: ActivityIndicatorProperties; /** * If to show the loading indicator * * @default false */ showLoading?: boolean; /** * Container style for the left icon */ leftIconContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Container style for the right icon */ rightIconContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Callback fired when the clear button is pressed */ onClear?(): void; /** * Callback fired when the input is focused */ onFocus?(): void; /** * Callback fired when the input is blurred via the keyboard */ onBlur?(): void; /** * Method to fire when text is changed */ onChangeText?(text: string): void; } export interface TooltipProps { /** * sets backgroundColor of the tooltip and pointer. */ backgroundColor?: string; /** * Color to highlight the item the tooltip is surrounding. */ highlightColor?: string; /** * Override React Native `Modal` component (usable for web-platform) */ ModalComponent?: React.ComponentClass; /** * function which gets called on closing the tooltip. */ onClose?(): void; /** * function which gets called on opening the tooltip. */ onOpen?(): void; /** * Color of tooltip pointer, it defaults to the backgroundColor if none passed . */ pointerColor?: string; /** * Flag to determine to toggle or not the tooltip on press. */ toggleOnPress?: boolean; /** * To determine whether to activate tooltip by onPress or onLongPress. */ toggleAction?: string; /** * Component to be rendered as the display container. */ popover?: React.ReactElement<{}>; /** * Passes style object to tooltip container */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Tooltip container height. Necessary in order to render the container in the correct place. Pass height according to the size of the content rendered inside the container. * @default 40 */ height?: number; /** * Tooltip container width. Necessary in order to render the container in the correct place. Pass height according to the size of the content rendered inside the container. * @default 150 */ width?: number; /** * Flag to determine whether or not dislay overlay shadow when tooltip is open. * * @default true */ withOverlay?: boolean; /** * Color of overlay shadow when tooltip is open. * * @default 'rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.70)' */ overlayColor?: string; /** * Flag to determine whether or not dislay pointer. */ withPointer?: boolean; /** * Force skip StatusBar height when calculating yOffset of element position (usable inside Modal on Android) */ skipAndroidStatusBar?: boolean; /** * Disable auto hiding of tooltip when touching/scrolling anywhere inside the active tooltip popover container. Tooltip closes only when overlay backdrop is pressed (or) highlighted tooltip button is pressed */ closeOnlyOnBackdropPress?: boolean; } export class Tooltip extends React.Component { /** * Toggles tooltip manually. */ toggleTooltip(): void; } export interface SearchBarDefault extends SearchBarBase { /** * Change theme to light theme * * @default false */ lightTheme?: boolean; /** * Change TextInput styling to rounded corners * * @default false */ round?: boolean; } export interface SearchBarPlatform extends SearchBarBase { /** * Callback fired when the cancel button is pressed */ onCancel?(): void; } export interface SearchBarAndroid extends SearchBarPlatform { /** * Override the cancel Icon props or use a custom component. Use null or false to hide the icon. */ cancelIcon?: IconNode; } export interface SearchBarIOS extends SearchBarPlatform { /** * Props passed to cancel button */ cancelButtonProps?: Partial & { buttonStyle?: StyleProp; buttonTextStyle?: StyleProp; color?: string; buttonDisabledStyle?: StyleProp; buttonDisabledTextStyle?: StyleProp; }; /** * title of cancel button on iOS. Default: 'Cancel'. */ cancelButtonTitle?: string; /** * When `true` the cancel button will stay visible after blur events. */ showCancel?: boolean; } export type SearchBarProps = SearchBarWrapper & SearchBarBase & SearchBarPlatform & SearchBarDefault & SearchBarIOS & SearchBarAndroid; /** * SearchBar component */ export class SearchBar extends React.Component { /** * Holds reference to the stored input. */ input: TextInput; /** * Call focus on the TextInput */ focus(): void; /** * Call blur on the TextInput */ blur(): void; /** * Call clear on the TextInput */ clear(): void; /** * Only available for Android and IOS * call blur on the TextInput * call cancel passed from Props */ cancel?(): void; } export interface SliderProps { /** * Initial value of the slider * * @default 0 */ value?: number; /** * Choose the orientation * * @default horizontal */ orientation?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical'; /** * If true the user won't be able to move the slider * * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Initial minimum value of the slider * * @default 0 */ minimumValue?: number; /** * Initial maximum value of the slider * * @default 1 */ maximumValue?: number; /** * Step value of the slider. The value should be between 0 and maximumValue - minimumValue) * * @default 0 */ step?: number; /** * The color used for the track to the left of the button * * @default '#3f3f3f' */ minimumTrackTintColor?: string; /** * The color used for the track to the right of the button * * @default '#b3b3b3' */ maximumTrackTintColor?: string; /** * The color used for the thumb * * @default '#343434' */ thumbTintColor?: string; /** * The size of the touch area that allows moving the thumb. The touch area has the same center as the visible thumb. * This allows to have a visually small thumb while still allowing the user to move it easily. * * @default "{width: 40, height: 40}" */ thumbTouchSize?: { width?: number; height?: number; }; /** * Callback continuously called while the user is dragging the slider */ onValueChange?(value: number): void; /** * Callback called when the user starts changing the value (e.g. when the slider is pressed) */ onSlidingStart?(value: number): void; /** * Callback called when the user finishes changing the value (e.g. when the slider is released) */ onSlidingComplete?(value: number): void; /** * The style applied to the slider container */ style?: StyleProp; /** * The style applied to the track */ trackStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Allow touch on track to move the thumb. */ allowTouchTrack?: boolean; /** * The style applied to the thumb */ thumbStyle?: StyleProp; /** * The props applied to the thumb */ thumbProps?: any; /** * Set this to true to visually see the thumb touch rect in green. * * @default false */ debugTouchArea?: boolean; /** * Set to true if you want to use the default 'spring' animation * * @default false */ animateTransitions?: boolean; /** * Set to 'spring' or 'timing' to use one of those two types of animations with the default animation properties. * * @default 'timing' */ animationType?: 'spring' | 'timing'; /** * Used to configure the animation parameters. These are the same parameters in the Animated library. * * @default undefined */ animationConfig?: | Animated.TimingAnimationConfig | Animated.SpringAnimationConfig; } /** * Slider component */ export class Slider extends React.Component {} export type SocialMediaType = | 'facebook' | 'twitter' | 'google-plus-official' | 'google' | 'pinterest' | 'linkedin' | 'youtube' | 'vimeo' | 'tumblr' | 'instagram' | 'quora' | 'flickr' | 'foursquare' | 'wordpress' | 'stumbleupon' | 'github' | 'github-alt' | 'twitch' | 'medium' | 'soundcloud' | 'gitlab' | 'angellist' | 'codepen' | 'weibo' | 'vk'; export interface SocialIconProps { /** * Title if made into a button */ title?: string; /** * Social media type */ type: SocialMediaType; /** * Adds a drop shadow, set to false to remove * * @default true */ raised?: boolean; /** * Creates button * * @default false */ button?: boolean; /** * onPress method */ onPress?(): void; /** * @default none function onLongPress method */ onLongPress?(): void; /** * Reverses icon color scheme, setting background to white and icon to primary color * * @default false */ light?: boolean; /** * Extra styling for icon component */ iconStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Button styling */ style?: StyleProp; /** * Icon color */ iconColor?: string; /** * Icon size * * @default 24 */ iconSize?: number; /** * Component Type of button * * @default TouchableHighlight */ Component?: React.ComponentClass; /** * Specify different font family * * @default System font bold (iOS), Sans Serif Black (android) */ fontFamily?: string; /** * Specify font weight of title if set as a button with a title * * @default bold (ios), black(android) */ fontWeight?: string; /** * Specify text styling */ fontStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Disable button * * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Shows loading indicator * * @default false */ loading?: boolean; /** * Specify underlayColor for TouchableHighlight * * @default 'white' if `light` prop is true, otherwise defaults to icon color. */ underlayColor?: string; } /** * SocialIcon component */ export class SocialIcon extends React.Component {} export interface TileProps { /** * Icon Component Props */ icon?: IconObject; /** * Styling for the outer icon container */ iconContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Text inside the tile */ title?: string; /** * Styling for the title */ titleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Text inside the tile when tile is featured */ caption?: string; /** * Styling for the caption */ captionStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Changes the look of the tile */ featured?: boolean; /** * @default none object (style) Styling for the outer tile container */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Source for the image */ imageSrc: ImageURISource | string | number; /** * Styling for the image */ imageContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Styling for overlay */ overlayContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * @default none function (event) Function to call when tile is pressed */ onPress?(): void; /** * Number passed to control opacity on press * * @default 0.2 */ activeOpacity?: number; /** * Styling for bottom container when not featured tile */ contentContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Width for the tile * * @default Device Width */ width?: number; /** * Height for the tile * * @default Device Width * 0.8 */ height?: number; /** * Specify a different component as the Image component * @default React Native BackgroundImage component */ ImageComponent?: React.ComponentClass; /** * Optional properties to pass to the image if provided e.g "resizeMode" */ imageProps?: Partial; } /** * Tile component */ export class Tile extends React.Component {} export interface ImageProps extends RNImageProps { /** * Component for enclosing element (eg: TouchableHighlight, View, etc) * * @default View */ Component?: React.ComponentClass; /** * Callback function when pressing component */ onPress?(): void; /** * Callback function when long pressing component */ onLongPress?(): void; /** * Specify a different component as the Image component. * * @default Image */ ImageComponent?: React.ComponentType; /** * Content to render when image is loading */ PlaceholderContent?: React.ReactElement; /** * Additional styling for the container */ containerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Additional styling for the placeholder container */ placeholderStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Perform fade transition on image load * * @default true */ transition?: boolean; } /** * Image component */ export class Image extends React.Component {} /** * Colors */ export interface Colors { readonly primary: string; readonly secondary: string; readonly grey0: string; readonly grey1: string; readonly grey2: string; readonly grey3: string; readonly grey4: string; readonly grey5: string; readonly greyOutline: string; readonly searchBg: string; readonly success: string; readonly warning: string; readonly error: string; readonly disabled: string; readonly divider: string; readonly platform: { ios: { primary: string; secondary: string; success: string; error: string; warning: string; }; android: { primary: string; secondary: string; success: string; error: string; warning: string; }; }; } export const colors: Colors; /* Utility Functions */ /** * TODO make the Icon Type an export of the react-native-vector-icons type definitions. */ export function getIconType(type: IconType): any; /** * Method to normalize size of fonts across devices */ export function normalize(size: number): number; /** * Registers custom icons */ export function registerCustomIconType(id: string, font: any): void; type RecursivePartial = { [P in keyof T]?: RecursivePartial }; export interface FullTheme { Avatar: Partial; Accessory: Partial & Partial; Badge: Partial; BottomSheet: Partial; Button: Partial; ButtonGroup: Partial; Card: Partial; CheckBox: Partial; Divider: Partial; Header: Partial; Icon: Partial; Image: Partial; Input: Partial; ListItem: Partial; Overlay: Partial; PricingCard: Partial; Rating: Partial; AirbnbRating: Partial; SearchBar: Partial; Slider: Partial; SocialIcon: Partial; Text: Partial; Tile: Partial; Tooltip: Partial; colors: RecursivePartial; } export type Theme = Partial & T; export type UpdateTheme = (updates: RecursivePartial) => void; export type ReplaceTheme = (updates: RecursivePartial) => void; export interface ThemeProps { theme: Theme; updateTheme: UpdateTheme; replaceTheme: ReplaceTheme; } /** * ThemeProvider */ export interface ThemeProviderProps { theme?: Theme; children: React.ReactNode; useDark?: boolean; } export class ThemeProvider extends React.Component> { updateTheme: UpdateTheme; replaceTheme: ReplaceTheme; getTheme(): Theme; } export interface ThemeConsumerProps { children(props: ThemeProps): React.ReactNode; } export class ThemeConsumer extends React.Component> {} export const ThemeContext: React.Context>; export function withTheme

( component: React.ComponentType

>, themeKey?: string ): React.ComponentClass>>;