import { Platform } from 'react-native'; let useNewWebImplementation = true; let getWasCalled = false; export function enableExperimentalWebImplementation( _shouldEnable = true ): void { // NO-OP since the new implementation is now the default } export function enableLegacyWebImplementation( shouldUseLegacyImplementation = true ): void { if ( Platform.OS !== 'web' || useNewWebImplementation === !shouldUseLegacyImplementation ) { return; } if (getWasCalled) { console.error( 'Some parts of this application have already started using the new gesture handler implementation. No changes will be applied. You can try enabling legacy implementation earlier.' ); return; } useNewWebImplementation = !shouldUseLegacyImplementation; } export function isNewWebImplementationEnabled(): boolean { getWasCalled = true; return useNewWebImplementation; }