import * as React from 'react'; import { Component } from 'react'; import { Animated, StatusBarAnimation, StyleProp, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; import { UserSelect, ActiveCursor, MouseButton } from '../handlers/gestureHandlerCommon'; import { PanGestureHandler } from '../handlers/PanGestureHandler'; /** * @deprecated DrawerLayout is deprecated. Use Reanimated version of DrawerLayout instead. */ export type DrawerPosition = 'left' | 'right'; /** * @deprecated DrawerLayout is deprecated. Use Reanimated version of DrawerLayout instead. */ export type DrawerState = 'Idle' | 'Dragging' | 'Settling'; /** * @deprecated DrawerLayout is deprecated. Use Reanimated version of DrawerLayout instead. */ export type DrawerType = 'front' | 'back' | 'slide'; /** * @deprecated DrawerLayout is deprecated. Use Reanimated version of DrawerLayout instead. */ export type DrawerLockMode = 'unlocked' | 'locked-closed' | 'locked-open'; /** * @deprecated DrawerLayout is deprecated. Use Reanimated version of DrawerLayout instead. */ export type DrawerKeyboardDismissMode = 'none' | 'on-drag'; type AnimatedInterpolation = ReturnType; /** * @deprecated DrawerLayout is deprecated. Use Reanimated version of DrawerLayout instead. */ export interface DrawerLayoutProps { /** * This attribute is present in the standard implementation already and is one * of the required params. Gesture handler version of DrawerLayout make it * possible for the function passed as `renderNavigationView` to take an * Animated value as a parameter that indicates the progress of drawer * opening/closing animation (progress value is 0 when closed and 1 when * opened). This can be used by the drawer component to animated its children * while the drawer is opening or closing. */ renderNavigationView: (progressAnimatedValue: Animated.Value) => React.ReactNode; drawerPosition?: DrawerPosition; drawerWidth?: number; drawerBackgroundColor?: string; drawerLockMode?: DrawerLockMode; keyboardDismissMode?: DrawerKeyboardDismissMode; /** * Called when the drawer is closed. */ onDrawerClose?: () => void; /** * Called when the drawer is opened. */ onDrawerOpen?: () => void; /** * Called when the status of the drawer changes. */ onDrawerStateChanged?: (newState: DrawerState, drawerWillShow: boolean) => void; useNativeAnimations?: boolean; drawerType?: DrawerType; /** * Defines how far from the edge of the content view the gesture should * activate. */ edgeWidth?: number; minSwipeDistance?: number; /** * When set to true Drawer component will use * {@link StatusBar} API to hide the OS * status bar whenever the drawer is pulled or when its in an "open" state. */ hideStatusBar?: boolean; /** * @default 'slide' * * Can be used when hideStatusBar is set to true and will select the animation * used for hiding/showing the status bar. See * {@link StatusBar} documentation for * more details */ statusBarAnimation?: StatusBarAnimation; /** * @default black * * Color of a semi-transparent overlay to be displayed on top of the content * view when drawer gets open. A solid color should be used as the opacity is * added by the Drawer itself and the opacity of the overlay is animated (from * 0% to 70%). */ overlayColor?: string; contentContainerStyle?: StyleProp; drawerContainerStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Enables two-finger gestures on supported devices, for example iPads with * trackpads. If not enabled the gesture will require click + drag, with * `enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture` swiping with two fingers will also trigger * the gesture. */ enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture?: boolean; onDrawerSlide?: (position: number) => void; onGestureRef?: (ref: PanGestureHandler) => void; children?: React.ReactNode | ((openValue?: AnimatedInterpolation) => React.ReactNode); /** * @default 'none' * Defines which userSelect property should be used. * Values: 'none'|'text'|'auto' */ userSelect?: UserSelect; /** * @default 'auto' * Defines which cursor property should be used when gesture activates. * Values: see CSS cursor values */ activeCursor?: ActiveCursor; /** * @default 'MouseButton.LEFT' * Allows to choose which mouse button should underlying pan handler react to. */ mouseButton?: MouseButton; /** * @default 'false if MouseButton.RIGHT is specified' * Allows to enable/disable context menu. */ enableContextMenu?: boolean; } /** * @deprecated DrawerLayout is deprecated. Use Reanimated version of DrawerLayout instead. */ export type DrawerLayoutState = { dragX: Animated.Value; touchX: Animated.Value; drawerTranslation: Animated.Value; containerWidth: number; drawerState: DrawerState; drawerOpened: boolean; }; /** * @deprecated DrawerLayout is deprecated. Use Reanimated version of DrawerLayout instead. */ export type DrawerMovementOption = { velocity?: number; speed?: number; }; /** * @deprecated use Reanimated version of DrawerLayout instead */ export default class DrawerLayout extends Component { static defaultProps: { drawerWidth: number; drawerPosition: string; useNativeAnimations: boolean; drawerType: string; edgeWidth: number; minSwipeDistance: number; overlayColor: string; drawerLockMode: string; enableTrackpadTwoFingerGesture: boolean; }; constructor(props: DrawerLayoutProps); shouldComponentUpdate(props: DrawerLayoutProps, state: DrawerLayoutState): boolean; private openValue?; private onGestureEvent?; private accessibilityIsModalView; private pointerEventsView; private panGestureHandler; private drawerShown; static positions: { Left: string; Right: string; }; private updateAnimatedEvent; private handleContainerLayout; private emitStateChanged; private openingHandlerStateChange; private onTapHandlerStateChange; private handleRelease; private updateShowing; private animateDrawer; openDrawer: (options?: DrawerMovementOption) => void; closeDrawer: (options?: DrawerMovementOption) => void; private renderOverlay; private renderDrawer; private setPanGestureRef; render(): React.JSX.Element; } export {};