import { NativeModules, Platform, NativeEventEmitter, DeviceEventEmitter, } from 'react-native'; const OneTrust = NativeModules.OneTrust; const iOSBroadcast = NativeModules.OneTrustConsentBroadcast; export default class OTPublishersNativeSDK{ /** * @param {string} storageLocation Usually - this value comes from your Admin Console * @param {string} domainIdentifier Also called App ID, this comes from your Admin Console and is a GUID. It may have -test on the end if it's the test version. * @param {string} languageCode The 2-digit ISO Language code * @param {object} params Currently accepts countryCode, regionCode, and profileSyncParams * @param {string} params.countryCode Two-digit ISO country code for the user * @param {string} params.regionCode Two-digit ISO region code for the user * @param {[key:string]:string} accepts enableDarkMode for Android. * @param {string} params.androidUXParams Stringified JSON object containing the UXParams object to override * @param {[key:string]:string} params.profileSyncParams JSON Object containing 'identifier' and 'profileSyncAuth' values * @param {boolean} autoShowBanner Should the banner be shown automatically when download is complete? Takes the shouldShowBanner logic into account * @returns {Promise} Promise object contains status of download, error (if download fails), and responseString, which is a JSON string representing the data downloaded from the OneTrust server. */ static async startSDK(storageLocation:string, domainIdentifier:string, languageCode:string, params:{[key:string]:string|{[key:string]:string}},autoShowBanner:boolean):Promise{ return OneTrust.startSDK(storageLocation,domainIdentifier,languageCode, params, autoShowBanner) } /** * Force load the banner * @param {[key:string]:string} Currently accepts enableDarkMode for Android. */ static showBannerUI(params:{[key:string]:string|{[key:string]:string}}):void { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { OneTrust.showBannerUI(params); } else { OneTrust.showBannerUI(); } } /** * Load the OneTrust Preference Center, usually placed behind a button * @param {[key:string]:string} Currently accepts enableDarkMode for Android. */ static showPreferenceCenterUI(params:{[key:string]:string|{[key:string]:string}}):void { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { OneTrust.showPreferenceCenterUI(params); } else { OneTrust.showPreferenceCenterUI(); } } /** * Determine whether or not the banner should be shown * @returns {promise} Promise object is a boolean indicating whether or not the banner should be shown */ static shouldShowBanner():Promise { return OneTrust.shouldShowBanner(); } /** * Get the current consent status for the given category * @param {string} categoryId String of the category ID for which you'd like to retrieve consent * @returns {number} 1 = consent given; 0 = consent not given; -1 = category does not exist or SDK not initialized */ static getConsentStatusForCategory(categoryId:string):Promise { return OneTrust.getConsentStatusForCategory(categoryId); } /** * Get the current consent status for the given category * @param {string} SDKId String of the SDK GUID for which you'd like to retrieve consent * @returns {number} 1 = consent given; 0 = consent not given; -1 = GUID does not exist or SDK not initialized */ static getConsentStatusForSDKId(SDKId:string):Promise { return OneTrust.getConsentStatusForSDKId(SDKId); } /** * Sets the values that can be observed. Required for iOS. * @param {array} categories Array of strings indicating which categories will have listeners activated in subsequent calls. */ static setBroadcastAllowedValues(categories:string[]) { if (Platform.OS !== 'android') { iOSBroadcast.setAllowedCategories(categories); } } /** * Listen for consent changes to a particular category * @param {string} category String of the category ID to listen for * @callback * @param {string} category Category that was changed. Matches the category in listener registration * @param {number} consent Consent value (1 = consent given, 0 = consent not given) * @returns {object} Returns an event emitter that can be unsubscribed from when your component dismounts */ static listenForConsentChanges(category:string, callback = function (category:string,consent:number) {}) { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { OneTrust.listenForConsentChanges(category); return DeviceEventEmitter.addListener(category, (consent:number) => callback(category, consent), ); } else { iOSBroadcast.listenForConsentChanges(category); const consentListener = new NativeEventEmitter(iOSBroadcast); return consentListener.addListener(category, (consent:number) => callback(category, consent), ); } } /** * Stop the platform code from emitting events */ static stopListeningForConsentChanges() { if(Platform.OS === 'android'){ OneTrust.stopListeningForConsentChanges(); }else{ iOSBroadcast.stopListeningForConsentChanges(); } } /** * @returns Promise object is a string of the JS to inject in your webview */ static getOTConsentJSForWebView():Promise{ return OneTrust.getOTConsentJSForWebView(); } /** * @returns Promise object is a dictionay of the key values */ static async getDomainInfo():Promise{ let domainInfo = await OneTrust.getDomainInfo() return JSON.parse(domainInfo); } /** * @returns Promise object is a dictionay of the key values */ static async getOTGoogleConsentModeData():Promise{ let googleConsentModeData = await OneTrust.getOTGoogleConsentModeData() return JSON.parse(googleConsentModeData); } /** * [iOS Only] Show consent for device-level permission. * Promise resolved immediately on Android */ static showConsentUI(permissionType:OTDevicePermission):Promise{ if(Platform.OS == 'ios'){ return OneTrust.showConsentUI(permissionType) }else{ return Promise.resolve() } } /** * [iOS Only] Get status of iOS App Tracking Transparency * Only valid for iOS 14+ * @returns String: 'authorized', 'denied','notDetermined',or 'restricted'. Returns "n/a" on Android. */ static getATTStatus():Promise{ if(Platform.OS == 'ios'){ return OneTrust.getATTStatus() } else{ return Promise.resolve("n/a") } } /** * Display the Universal Consent preference center */ static showConsentPurposesUI():void{ OneTrust.showConsentPurposesUI() } /** * Method to clear OT SDK data. */ static clearOTSDKData():void{ OneTrust.clearOTSDKData() } /** * Retrieves the status of the specified universal consent purpose * @param {string} purposeId The id of the purpose to query against * @returns {number} 1 if consent is granted, 0 if consent is not granted */ static getUCPurposeConsent(purposeId:string):Promise{ return OneTrust.getUCPurposeConsent(purposeId) } /** * Retrieves an array of key/value pairs representing the custom preferences' statuses * @param {string} customPreferenceOptionId The id of the option selected * @param {string} customPreferenceId The id of the custom preferences * @param {string} purposeId The id of the purpose under which the custom preference is nested * @returns {number} 1 if consent is granted, 0 if consent is not granted */ static getUCCustomPreferenceConsent(customPreferenceOptionId:string, customPreferenceId:string, purposeId:string):Promise{ return OneTrust.getUCCustomPreferenceConsent(customPreferenceOptionId,customPreferenceId,purposeId) } /** * Retrieves the consent status of the specified topic * @param {string} topicOption the GUID of the topic option to retrieve * @param {string} purposeId the GUID of the purpose under which the topic is nested * @returns {number} 1 if consent is granted, 0 if consent is not granted */ static getUCTopicConsent(topicOption:string, purposeId:string):Promise{ return OneTrust.getUCTopicConsent(topicOption, purposeId) } /** * Updates the top-level purpose consent for UC purposes. Must call saveUCConsent() to commit changes. * @param {string} purposeId the GUID of the purpose * @param {boolean} consent the value of whether or not consent has been granted */ static updateUCPurposeConsent(purposeId:string, consent:boolean):void{ OneTrust.updateUCPurposeConsent(purposeId, consent) } /** * Updates a custom preference nested under a purpose * @param {string} customPreferenceOptionId GUID representing the selected option * @param {string} customPreferenceId GUID representing the custom preference group * @param {string} purposeId the GUID of the purpose under which the custom preferences are nested * @param {boolean} consent the value of whether or not consent has been granted */ static updateUCCustomPreferenceConsent(customPreferenceOptionId:string, customPreferenceId:string, purposeId:string, consent:boolean):void{ OneTrust.updateUCCustomPreferenceConsent(customPreferenceOptionId, customPreferenceId, purposeId, consent) } /** * Update a topic nested under a purpose * @param {string} topicOptionId GUID represending the selected topic * @param {string} purposeId GUID representing the purpose under which the topic is present * @param {boolean} consent the value of whether or not consent has been granted */ static updateUCTopicConsent(topicOptionId:string, purposeId:string, consent:boolean):void{ OneTrust.updateUCTopicConsent(topicOptionId, purposeId, consent) } /** * Commits the consent changes and submits receipt */ static saveUCConsent():void{ OneTrust.saveUCConsent(); } /** * Gets the current DSID for the active consent profile */ static getCurrentActiveProfile():Promise{ return OneTrust.getCurrentActiveProfile(); } /** * save and log consent for with given interation type. */ static saveConsent(consentType:OTConsentInteraction): Promise { return OneTrust.saveConsent(consentType) } /** * The OneTrust SDK supports the ability to customize log types printed to the console. * You can control this log level by passing in your preferred minimum log level. */ static enableOTSDKLog(logLevel:OTLoggerConstant): void { return OneTrust.enableOTSDKLog(logLevel) } /** * Programmatically sets the consent value of the given category. Nothing is saved to disk until saveConsent is called. * @param categoryId the ID (eg C0002) of the category to be updated * @param consentValue the value of the consent; true = opt-in, false = opt-out */ static updatePurposeConsent(categoryId:string, consentValue:boolean){ OneTrust.updatePurposeConsent(categoryId,consentValue) } /** * Discards any changes made to category consent that have not yet been saved to disk. * Used when a user abandons the preference center so that the toggles don't show previously abandoned values. */ static resetUpdatedConsent(){ OneTrust.resetUpdatedConsent } } export enum OTDevicePermission{ /** * Select for the IDFA/App Tracking Transparency prompt */ IDFA = 0 } export enum OTConsentInteraction { /** * Choose one of the below for saving and logging consent. */ bannerAllowAll = 1, bannerRejectAll = 2, bannerClose = 3, bannerContinueWithoutAccepting = 4, preferenceCenterAllowAll = 5, preferenceCenterRejectAll = 6, preferenceCenterConfirm = 7, preferenceCenterClose = 8 } export enum OTLoggerConstant { /** * Choose one of the below for log level. */ noLogs = 1, verbose = 2, debug = 3, info = 4, warning = 5, error = 6 }