import * as React from 'react'; import { TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, StyleProp, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; import { IconSource } from '../Icon'; declare type Route = { key: string; title?: string; icon?: IconSource; badge?: string | number | boolean; color?: string; accessibilityLabel?: string; testID?: string; }; declare type NavigationState = { index: number; routes: Route[]; }; declare type TabPressEvent = { defaultPrevented: boolean; preventDefault(): void; }; declare type TouchableProps = TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps & { key: string; route: Route; children: React.ReactNode; borderless?: boolean; centered?: boolean; rippleColor?: string; }; declare type Props = { /** * Whether the shifting style is used, the active tab icon shifts up to show the label and the inactive tabs won't have a label. * * By default, this is `true` when you have more than 3 tabs. * Pass `shifting={false}` to explicitly disable this animation, or `shifting={true}` to always use this animation. */ shifting?: boolean; /** * Whether to show labels in tabs. When `false`, only icons will be displayed. */ labeled?: boolean; /** * State for the bottom navigation. The state should contain the following properties: * * - `index`: a number representing the index of the active route in the `routes` array * - `routes`: an array containing a list of route objects used for rendering the tabs * * Each route object should contain the following properties: * * - `key`: a unique key to identify the route (required) * - `title`: title of the route to use as the tab label * - `icon`: icon to use as the tab icon, can be a string, an image source or a react component * - `color`: color to use as background color for shifting bottom navigation * - `badge`: badge to show on the tab icon, can be `true` to show a dot, `string` or `number` to show text. * - `accessibilityLabel`: accessibility label for the tab button * - `testID`: test id for the tab button * * Example: * * ```js * { * index: 1, * routes: [ * { key: 'music', title: 'Music', icon: 'queue-music', color: '#3F51B5' }, * { key: 'albums', title: 'Albums', icon: 'album', color: '#009688' }, * { key: 'recents', title: 'Recents', icon: 'history', color: '#795548' }, * { key: 'purchased', title: 'Purchased', icon: 'shopping-cart', color: '#607D8B' }, * ] * } * ``` * * `BottomNavigation` is a controlled component, which means the `index` needs to be updated via the `onIndexChange` callback. */ navigationState: NavigationState; /** * Callback which is called on tab change, receives the index of the new tab as argument. * The navigation state needs to be updated when it's called, otherwise the change is dropped. */ onIndexChange: (index: number) => void; /** * Callback which returns a react element to render as the page for the tab. Receives an object containing the route as the argument: * * ```js * renderScene = ({ route, jumpTo }) => { * switch (route.key) { * case 'music': * return ; * case 'albums': * return ; * } * } * ``` * * Pages are lazily rendered, which means that a page will be rendered the first time you navigate to it. * After initial render, all the pages stay rendered to preserve their state. * * You need to make sure that your individual routes implement a `shouldComponentUpdate` to improve the performance. * To make it easier to specify the components, you can use the `SceneMap` helper: * * ```js * renderScene = BottomNavigation.SceneMap({ * music: MusicRoute, * albums: AlbumsRoute, * }); * ``` * * Specifying the components this way is easier and takes care of implementing a `shouldComponentUpdate` method. * Each component will receive the current route and a `jumpTo` method as it's props. * The `jumpTo` method can be used to navigate to other tabs programmatically: * * ```js * this.props.jumpTo('albums') * ``` */ renderScene: (props: { route: Route; jumpTo: (key: string) => void; }) => React.ReactNode | null; /** * Callback which returns a React Element to be used as tab icon. */ renderIcon?: (props: { route: Route; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode; /** * Callback which React Element to be used as tab label. */ renderLabel?: (props: { route: Route; focused: boolean; color: string; }) => React.ReactNode; /** * Callback which returns a React element to be used as the touchable for the tab item. * Renders a `TouchableRipple` on Android and `TouchableWithoutFeedback` with `View` on iOS. */ renderTouchable?: (props: TouchableProps) => React.ReactNode; /** * Get label text for the tab, uses `route.title` by default. Use `renderLabel` to replace label component. */ getLabelText?: (props: { route: Route; }) => string | undefined; /** * Get accessibility label for the tab button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the tab. * Uses `route.accessibilityLabel` by default. */ getAccessibilityLabel?: (props: { route: Route; }) => string | undefined; /** * Get the id to locate this tab button in tests, uses `route.testID` by default. */ getTestID?: (props: { route: Route; }) => string | undefined; /** * Get badge for the tab, uses `route.badge` by default. */ getBadge?: (props: { route: Route; }) => boolean | number | string | undefined; /** * Get color for the tab, uses `route.color` by default. */ getColor?: (props: { route: Route; }) => string | undefined; /** * Function to execute on tab press. It receives the route for the pressed tab, useful for things like scroll to top. */ onTabPress?: (props: { route: Route; } & TabPressEvent) => void; /** * Custom color for icon and label in the active tab. */ activeColor?: string; /** * Custom color for icon and label in the inactive tab. */ inactiveColor?: string; /** * Whether animation is enabled for scenes transitions in `shifting` mode. * By default, the scenes cross-fade during tab change when `shifting` is enabled. * Specify `sceneAnimationEnabled` as `false` to disable the animation. */ sceneAnimationEnabled?: boolean; /** * Whether the bottom navigation bar is hidden when keyboard is shown. * On Android, this works best when [`windowSoftInputMode`]( is set to `adjustResize`. */ keyboardHidesNavigationBar?: boolean; /** * Safe area insets for the tab bar. This can be used to avoid elements like the navigation bar on Android and bottom safe area on iOS. * The bottom insets for iOS is added by default. You can override the behavior with this option. */ safeAreaInsets?: { top?: number; right?: number; bottom?: number; left?: number; }; /** * Style for the bottom navigation bar. You can pass a custom background color here: * * ```js * barStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#694fad' }} * ``` */ barStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Specifies the largest possible scale a label font can reach. */ labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier?: number; style?: StyleProp; /** * @optional */ theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme; }; declare const _default: React.ComponentType & { theme?: import("@callstack/react-theme-provider").$DeepPartial | undefined; }> & import("@callstack/react-theme-provider/typings/hoist-non-react-statics").NonReactStatics & { ({ navigationState, renderScene, renderIcon, renderLabel, renderTouchable, getLabelText, getBadge, getColor, getAccessibilityLabel, getTestID, activeColor, inactiveColor, keyboardHidesNavigationBar, barStyle, labeled, style, theme, sceneAnimationEnabled, onTabPress, onIndexChange, shifting, safeAreaInsets, labelMaxFontSizeMultiplier, }: Props): JSX.Element; /** * Function which takes a map of route keys to components. * Pure components are used to minimize re-rendering of the pages. * This drastically improves the animation performance. */ SceneMap(scenes: { [key: string]: React.ComponentType<{ route: Route; jumpTo: (key: string) => void; }>; }): ({ route, jumpTo, }: { route: Route; jumpTo: (key: string) => void; }) => JSX.Element; }, {}>; export default _default;