import * as React from 'react'; import { StyleProp, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; declare type Props = React.ComponentPropsWithRef & { /** * Text for the title. Note that this will only accept a string or ``-based node. */ title: React.ReactNode; /** * Style for the title. */ titleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Number of lines for the title. */ titleNumberOfLines?: number; /** * Text for the subtitle. Note that this will only accept a string or ``-based node. */ subtitle?: React.ReactNode; /** * Style for the subtitle. */ subtitleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Number of lines for the subtitle. */ subtitleNumberOfLines?: number; /** * Callback which returns a React element to display on the left side. */ left?: (props: { size: number; }) => React.ReactNode; /** * Style for the left element wrapper. */ leftStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. */ right?: (props: { size: number; }) => React.ReactNode; /** * Style for the right element wrapper. */ rightStyle?: StyleProp; /** * @internal */ index?: number; /** * @internal */ total?: number; style?: StyleProp; /** * @optional */ theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme; }; /** * A component to show a title, subtitle and an avatar inside a Card. * *
* *
* * ## Usage * ```js * import * as React from 'react'; * import { Avatar, Card, IconButton } from 'react-native-paper'; * * const MyComponent = () => ( * } * right={(props) => {}} />} * /> * ); * * export default MyComponent; * ``` */ declare const CardTitle: { ({ title, titleStyle, titleNumberOfLines, subtitle, subtitleStyle, subtitleNumberOfLines, left, leftStyle, right, rightStyle, style, }: Props): JSX.Element; displayName: string; }; declare const _default: React.ComponentType & { /** * Text for the title. Note that this will only accept a string or ``-based node. */ title: React.ReactNode; /** * Style for the title. */ titleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Number of lines for the title. */ titleNumberOfLines?: number | undefined; /** * Text for the subtitle. Note that this will only accept a string or ``-based node. */ subtitle?: React.ReactNode; /** * Style for the subtitle. */ subtitleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Number of lines for the subtitle. */ subtitleNumberOfLines?: number | undefined; /** * Callback which returns a React element to display on the left side. */ left?: ((props: { size: number; }) => React.ReactNode) | undefined; /** * Style for the left element wrapper. */ leftStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. */ right?: ((props: { size: number; }) => React.ReactNode) | undefined; /** * Style for the right element wrapper. */ rightStyle?: StyleProp; /** * @internal */ index?: number | undefined; /** * @internal */ total?: number | undefined; style?: StyleProp; /** * @optional */ theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme; }, "title" | "left" | "right" | keyof import("react-native").ViewProps | keyof React.RefAttributes | "titleStyle" | "titleNumberOfLines" | "index" | "total" | "subtitle" | "subtitleStyle" | "subtitleNumberOfLines" | "leftStyle" | "rightStyle"> & { theme?: import("@callstack/react-theme-provider").$DeepPartial | undefined; }> & import("@callstack/react-theme-provider/typings/hoist-non-react-statics").NonReactStatics & { /** * Text for the title. Note that this will only accept a string or ``-based node. */ title: React.ReactNode; /** * Style for the title. */ titleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Number of lines for the title. */ titleNumberOfLines?: number | undefined; /** * Text for the subtitle. Note that this will only accept a string or ``-based node. */ subtitle?: React.ReactNode; /** * Style for the subtitle. */ subtitleStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Number of lines for the subtitle. */ subtitleNumberOfLines?: number | undefined; /** * Callback which returns a React element to display on the left side. */ left?: ((props: { size: number; }) => React.ReactNode) | undefined; /** * Style for the left element wrapper. */ leftStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Callback which returns a React element to display on the right side. */ right?: ((props: { size: number; }) => React.ReactNode) | undefined; /** * Style for the right element wrapper. */ rightStyle?: StyleProp; /** * @internal */ index?: number | undefined; /** * @internal */ total?: number | undefined; style?: StyleProp; /** * @optional */ theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme; }> & { ({ title, titleStyle, titleNumberOfLines, subtitle, subtitleStyle, subtitleNumberOfLines, left, leftStyle, right, rightStyle, style, }: Props): JSX.Element; displayName: string; }, {}>; export default _default; export { CardTitle };