import * as React from 'react'; import { StyleProp, View, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; declare type Props = React.ComponentPropsWithRef & PaginationControlsProps & PaginationDropdownProps & { /** * Label text to display which indicates current pagination. */ label?: React.ReactNode; /** * AccessibilityLabel for `label`. */ accessibilityLabel?: string; /** * Label text for select page dropdown to display. */ selectPageDropdownLabel?: React.ReactNode; /** * AccessibilityLabel for `selectPageDropdownLabel`. */ selectPageDropdownAccessibilityLabel?: string; style?: StyleProp; /** * @optional */ theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme; }; declare type PaginationDropdownProps = { /** * The current number of rows per page. */ numberOfItemsPerPage?: number; /** * Options for a number of rows per page to choose from. */ numberOfItemsPerPageList?: Array; /** * The function to set the number of rows per page. */ onItemsPerPageChange?: (numberOfItemsPerPage: number) => void; }; declare type PaginationControlsProps = { /** * The currently visible page (starting with 0). */ page: number; /** * The total number of pages. */ numberOfPages: number; /** * Function to execute on page change. */ onPageChange: (page: number) => void; /** * Whether to show fast forward and fast rewind buttons in pagination. False by default. */ showFastPaginationControls?: boolean; }; /** * A component to show pagination for data table. * *
* *
* * * ## Usage * ```js * import * as React from 'react'; * import { DataTable } from 'react-native-paper'; * * const numberOfItemsPerPageList = [2, 3, 4]; * * const items = [ * { * key: 1, * name: 'Page 1', * }, * { * key: 2, * name: 'Page 2', * }, * { * key: 3, * name: 'Page 3', * }, * ]; * * const MyComponent = () => { * const [page, setPage] = React.useState(0); * const [numberOfItemsPerPage, onItemsPerPageChange] = React.useState(numberOfItemsPerPageList[0]); * const from = page * numberOfItemsPerPage; * const to = Math.min((page + 1) * numberOfItemsPerPage, items.length); * * React.useEffect(() => { * setPage(0); * }, [numberOfItemsPerPage]); * * return ( * * setPage(page)} * label={`${from + 1}-${to} of ${items.length}`} * showFastPaginationControls * numberOfItemsPerPageList={numberOfItemsPerPageList} * numberOfItemsPerPage={numberOfItemsPerPage} * onItemsPerPageChange={onItemsPerPageChange} * selectPageDropdownLabel={'Rows per page'} * /> * * ); * }; * * export default MyComponent; * ``` */ declare const DataTablePagination: { ({ label, accessibilityLabel, page, numberOfPages, onPageChange, style, theme, showFastPaginationControls, numberOfItemsPerPageList, numberOfItemsPerPage, onItemsPerPageChange, selectPageDropdownLabel, selectPageDropdownAccessibilityLabel, }: Props): JSX.Element; displayName: string; }; declare const _default: React.ComponentType & PaginationControlsProps & PaginationDropdownProps & { /** * Label text to display which indicates current pagination. */ label?: React.ReactNode; /** * AccessibilityLabel for `label`. */ accessibilityLabel?: string | undefined; /** * Label text for select page dropdown to display. */ selectPageDropdownLabel?: React.ReactNode; /** * AccessibilityLabel for `selectPageDropdownLabel`. */ selectPageDropdownAccessibilityLabel?: string | undefined; style?: StyleProp; /** * @optional */ theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme; }, "label" | keyof import("react-native").ViewProps | keyof React.RefAttributes | "selectPageDropdownLabel" | "selectPageDropdownAccessibilityLabel" | keyof PaginationControlsProps | keyof PaginationDropdownProps> & { theme?: import("@callstack/react-theme-provider").$DeepPartial | undefined; }> & import("@callstack/react-theme-provider/typings/hoist-non-react-statics").NonReactStatics & PaginationControlsProps & PaginationDropdownProps & { /** * Label text to display which indicates current pagination. */ label?: React.ReactNode; /** * AccessibilityLabel for `label`. */ accessibilityLabel?: string | undefined; /** * Label text for select page dropdown to display. */ selectPageDropdownLabel?: React.ReactNode; /** * AccessibilityLabel for `selectPageDropdownLabel`. */ selectPageDropdownAccessibilityLabel?: string | undefined; style?: StyleProp; /** * @optional */ theme: ReactNativePaper.Theme; }> & { ({ label, accessibilityLabel, page, numberOfPages, onPageChange, style, theme, showFastPaginationControls, numberOfItemsPerPageList, numberOfItemsPerPage, onItemsPerPageChange, selectPageDropdownLabel, selectPageDropdownAccessibilityLabel, }: Props): JSX.Element; displayName: string; }, {}>; export default _default; export { DataTablePagination };