import * as React from 'react'; import { StyleProp, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; import TouchableRipple from '../TouchableRipple/TouchableRipple'; import type { $RemoveChildren } from '../../types'; declare type Props = $RemoveChildren & { /** * Content of the `DataTableCell`. */ children: React.ReactNode; /** * Align the text to the right. Generally monetary or number fields are aligned to right. */ numeric?: boolean; /** * Function to execute on press. */ onPress?: () => void; style?: StyleProp; }; /** * A component to show a single cell inside of a table. * *
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* * * ## Usage * ```js * import * as React from 'react'; * import { DataTable } from 'react-native-paper'; * * const MyComponent = () => ( * * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * * ); * * export default MyComponent; * ``` * * If you want to support multiline text, please use View instead, as multiline text doesn't comply with * MD Guidelines ( */ declare const DataTableCell: { ({ children, style, numeric, }: Props): JSX.Element; displayName: string; }; export default DataTableCell;