import * as React from 'react'; import { AccessibilityRole, Animated, ColorValue, GestureResponderEvent, PressableAndroidRippleConfig, StyleProp, TextStyle, View, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; import type { $Omit, ThemeProp } from '../../types'; import { IconSource } from '../Icon'; import Surface from '../Surface'; export declare type Props = $Omit, 'mode'> & { /** * Mode of the button. You can change the mode to adjust the styling to give it desired emphasis. * - `text` - flat button without background or outline, used for the lowest priority actions, especially when presenting multiple options. * - `outlined` - button with an outline without background, typically used for important, but not primary action – represents medium emphasis. * - `contained` - button with a background color, used for important action, have the most visual impact and high emphasis. * - `elevated` - button with a background color and elevation, used when absolutely necessary e.g. button requires visual separation from a patterned background. @supported Available in v5.x with theme version 3 * - `contained-tonal` - button with a secondary background color, an alternative middle ground between contained and outlined buttons. @supported Available in v5.x with theme version 3 */ mode?: 'text' | 'outlined' | 'contained' | 'elevated' | 'contained-tonal'; /** * Whether the color is a dark color. A dark button will render light text and vice-versa. Only applicable for: * * `contained` mode for theme version 2 * * `contained`, `contained-tonal` and `elevated` modes for theme version 3. */ dark?: boolean; /** * Use a compact look, useful for `text` buttons in a row. */ compact?: boolean; /** * @deprecated Deprecated in v5.x - use `buttonColor` or `textColor` instead. * Custom text color for flat button, or background color for contained button. */ color?: string; /** * Custom button's background color. */ buttonColor?: string; /** * Custom button's text color. */ textColor?: string; /** * Color of the ripple effect. */ rippleColor?: ColorValue; /** * Whether to show a loading indicator. */ loading?: boolean; /** * Icon to display for the `Button`. */ icon?: IconSource; /** * Whether the button is disabled. A disabled button is greyed out and `onPress` is not called on touch. */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Label text of the button. */ children: React.ReactNode; /** * Make the label text uppercased. Note that this won't work if you pass React elements as children. */ uppercase?: boolean; /** * Type of background drawabale to display the feedback (Android). * */ background?: PressableAndroidRippleConfig; /** * Accessibility label for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. */ accessibilityLabel?: string; /** * Accessibility hint for the button. This is read by the screen reader when the user taps the button. */ accessibilityHint?: string; /** * Accessibility role for the button. The "button" role is set by default. */ accessibilityRole?: AccessibilityRole; /** * Function to execute on press. */ onPress?: (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void; /** * Function to execute as soon as the touchable element is pressed and invoked even before onPress. */ onPressIn?: (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void; /** * Function to execute as soon as the touch is released even before onPress. */ onPressOut?: (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void; /** * Function to execute on long press. */ onLongPress?: (e: GestureResponderEvent) => void; /** * The number of milliseconds a user must touch the element before executing `onLongPress`. */ delayLongPress?: number; /** * Style of button's inner content. * Use this prop to apply custom height and width and to set the icon on the right with `flexDirection: 'row-reverse'`. */ contentStyle?: StyleProp; /** * Specifies the largest possible scale a text font can reach. */ maxFontSizeMultiplier?: number; style?: Animated.WithAnimatedValue>; /** * Style for the button text. */ labelStyle?: StyleProp; /** * @optional */ theme?: ThemeProp; /** * testID to be used on tests. */ testID?: string; }; declare const _default: import("../../utils/forwardRef").ForwardRefComponent; export default _default; //#