import React, { Component } from "react"; import { StyleProp, ViewStyle } from "react-native"; declare const fractionsType: any; export declare type SwipeRatingProps = { /** * Graphic used for represent a rating * * Default is 'star' */ type?: string; /** * Pass in a custom image source; use this along with type='custom' prop above */ ratingImage?: React.ReactNode; /** * Pass in a custom fill-color for the rating icon; use this along with type='custom' prop above * * Default is '#f1c40f' */ ratingColor?: string; /** * Pass in a custom background-fill-color for the rating icon; use this along with type='custom' prop above * * Default is 'white' */ ratingBackgroundColor?: string; /** * Number of rating images to display * * Default is 5 */ ratingCount?: number; /** * Color used for the text labels */ ratingTextColor?: string; /** * The size of each rating image * * Default is 50 */ imageSize?: number; /** * Callback method when the user starts rating. */ onStartRating?: Function; /** * Callback method when the user finishes rating. Gives you the final rating value as a whole number */ onFinishRating?: Function; /** * Displays the Built-in Rating UI to show the rating value in real-time * * Default is false */ showRating?: boolean; /** * Exposes style prop to add additonal styling to the container view */ style?: StyleProp; /** * Whether the rating can be modiefied by the user * * Default is false */ readonly?: boolean; /** * Whether the text is read only * * Default is false */ showReadOnlyText?: boolean; /** * The initial rating to render * * Default is ratingCount/2 */ startingValue?: number; /** * The number of decimal places for the rating value; must be between 0 and 20 */ fractions?: typeof fractionsType; /** * The minimum value the user can select * * Default is 0 */ minValue?: number; /** * Callback method when the user is swiping. */ onSwipeRating?: (number: any) => void; /** * Color used for the background */ tintColor?: string; /** * The number to jump per swipe * Default is 0 (not to jump) */ jumpValue?: number; }; declare type SwipeRatingState = { isComponentMounted: boolean; position: any; value?: number; centerX?: number; display: boolean; panResponder: any; }; export default class SwipeRating extends Component { static defaultProps: { type: string; ratingImage: any; ratingColor: string; ratingBackgroundColor: string; ratingCount: number; showReadOnlyText: boolean; imageSize: number; minValue: number; jumpValue: number; }; ratingRef: any; constructor(props: any); componentDidMount(): void; componentDidUpdate(prevProps: any): void; handleLayoutChange(): void; getPrimaryViewStyle(): { backgroundColor: any; width: any; height: number; }; getSecondaryViewStyle(): { backgroundColor: any; width: any; height: number; }; renderRatings(): any; getCurrentRating(value: any): number; setCurrentRating(rating: any): void; displayCurrentRating(): JSX.Element; render(): JSX.Element; componentWillUnmount(): void; } export {};