'use strict'; import { withTiming } from '../../animation'; import type { SharedTransitionAnimationsFunction, SharedTransitionAnimationsValues, CustomProgressAnimation, ProgressAnimation, LayoutAnimationsOptions, } from '../animationBuilder/commonTypes'; import { LayoutAnimationType, SharedTransitionType, } from '../animationBuilder/commonTypes'; import type { StyleProps } from '../../commonTypes'; import { ReduceMotion } from '../../commonTypes'; import { ProgressTransitionManager } from './ProgressTransitionManager'; import { updateLayoutAnimations } from '../../UpdateLayoutAnimations'; import { getReduceMotionFromConfig } from '../../animation/util'; const SUPPORTED_PROPS = [ 'width', 'height', 'originX', 'originY', 'transform', 'borderRadius', 'borderTopLeftRadius', 'borderTopRightRadius', 'borderBottomLeftRadius', 'borderBottomRightRadius', ] as const; type AnimationFactory = ( values: SharedTransitionAnimationsValues ) => StyleProps; /** * A SharedTransition builder class. * * @see https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/shared-element-transitions/overview * @experimental */ export class SharedTransition { private _customAnimationFactory: AnimationFactory | null = null; private _animation: SharedTransitionAnimationsFunction | null = null; private _transitionDuration = 500; private _reduceMotion: ReduceMotion = ReduceMotion.System; private _customProgressAnimation?: ProgressAnimation = undefined; private _progressAnimation?: ProgressAnimation = undefined; private _defaultTransitionType?: SharedTransitionType = undefined; private static _progressTransitionManager = new ProgressTransitionManager(); public custom(customAnimationFactory: AnimationFactory): SharedTransition { this._customAnimationFactory = customAnimationFactory; return this; } public progressAnimation( progressAnimationCallback: CustomProgressAnimation ): SharedTransition { this._customProgressAnimation = (viewTag, values, progress) => { 'worklet'; const newStyles = progressAnimationCallback(values, progress); global._notifyAboutProgress(viewTag, newStyles, true); }; return this; } public duration(duration: number): SharedTransition { this._transitionDuration = duration; return this; } public reduceMotion(_reduceMotion: ReduceMotion): this { this._reduceMotion = _reduceMotion; return this; } public defaultTransitionType( transitionType: SharedTransitionType ): SharedTransition { this._defaultTransitionType = transitionType; return this; } public registerTransition( viewTag: number, sharedTransitionTag: string, isUnmounting = false ) { if (getReduceMotionFromConfig(this.getReduceMotion())) { return; } const transitionAnimation = this.getTransitionAnimation(); const progressAnimation = this.getProgressAnimation(); if (!this._defaultTransitionType) { if (this._customAnimationFactory && !this._customProgressAnimation) { this._defaultTransitionType = SharedTransitionType.ANIMATION; } else { this._defaultTransitionType = SharedTransitionType.PROGRESS_ANIMATION; } } const layoutAnimationType = this._defaultTransitionType === SharedTransitionType.ANIMATION ? LayoutAnimationType.SHARED_ELEMENT_TRANSITION : LayoutAnimationType.SHARED_ELEMENT_TRANSITION_PROGRESS; updateLayoutAnimations( viewTag, layoutAnimationType, transitionAnimation, sharedTransitionTag, isUnmounting ); SharedTransition._progressTransitionManager.addProgressAnimation( viewTag, progressAnimation ); } public unregisterTransition(viewTag: number, isUnmounting = false): void { const layoutAnimationType = this._defaultTransitionType === SharedTransitionType.ANIMATION ? LayoutAnimationType.SHARED_ELEMENT_TRANSITION : LayoutAnimationType.SHARED_ELEMENT_TRANSITION_PROGRESS; updateLayoutAnimations( viewTag, layoutAnimationType, undefined, undefined, isUnmounting ); SharedTransition._progressTransitionManager.removeProgressAnimation( viewTag, isUnmounting ); } public getReduceMotion(): ReduceMotion { return this._reduceMotion; } private getTransitionAnimation(): SharedTransitionAnimationsFunction { if (!this._animation) { this.buildAnimation(); } return this._animation!; } private getProgressAnimation(): ProgressAnimation { if (!this._progressAnimation) { this.buildProgressAnimation(); } return this._progressAnimation!; } private buildAnimation() { const animationFactory = this._customAnimationFactory; const transitionDuration = this._transitionDuration; const reduceMotion = this._reduceMotion; this._animation = (values: SharedTransitionAnimationsValues) => { 'worklet'; let animations: { [key: string]: unknown; } = {}; const initialValues: { [key: string]: unknown; } = {}; if (animationFactory) { animations = animationFactory(values); for (const key in animations) { if (!(SUPPORTED_PROPS as readonly string[]).includes(key)) { throw new Error( `[Reanimated] The prop '${key}' is not supported yet.` ); } } } else { for (const propName of SUPPORTED_PROPS) { if (propName === 'transform') { const matrix = values.targetTransformMatrix; animations.transformMatrix = withTiming(matrix, { reduceMotion, duration: transitionDuration, }); } else { const capitalizedPropName = `${propName .charAt(0) .toUpperCase()}${propName.slice( 1 )}` as Capitalize; const keyToTargetValue = `target${capitalizedPropName}` as const; animations[propName] = withTiming(values[keyToTargetValue], { reduceMotion, duration: transitionDuration, }); } } } for (const propName in animations) { if (propName === 'transform') { initialValues.transformMatrix = values.currentTransformMatrix; } else { const capitalizedPropName = (propName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + propName.slice(1)) as Capitalize; const keyToCurrentValue = `current${capitalizedPropName}` as const; initialValues[propName] = values[keyToCurrentValue]; } } return { initialValues, animations }; }; } private buildProgressAnimation() { if (this._customProgressAnimation) { this._progressAnimation = this._customProgressAnimation; return; } this._progressAnimation = (viewTag, values, progress) => { 'worklet'; const newStyles: { [key: string]: number | number[] } = {}; for (const propertyName of SUPPORTED_PROPS) { if (propertyName === 'transform') { // this is not the perfect solution, but at this moment it just interpolates the whole // matrix instead of interpolating scale, translate, rotate, etc. separately const currentMatrix = values.currentTransformMatrix; const targetMatrix = values.targetTransformMatrix; const newMatrix = new Array(9); for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) { newMatrix[i] = progress * (targetMatrix[i] - currentMatrix[i]) + currentMatrix[i]; } newStyles.transformMatrix = newMatrix; } else { // PropertyName == propertyName with capitalized fist letter, (width -> Width) const PropertyName = (propertyName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + propertyName.slice(1)) as Capitalize; const currentPropertyName = `current${PropertyName}` as const; const targetPropertyName = `target${PropertyName}` as const; const currentValue = values[currentPropertyName]; const targetValue = values[targetPropertyName]; newStyles[propertyName] = progress * (targetValue - currentValue) + currentValue; } } global._notifyAboutProgress(viewTag, newStyles, true); }; } // static builder methods i.e. shared transition modifiers /** * Lets you create a custom shared transition animation. Other shared transition modifiers can be chained alongside this modifier. * * @param customAnimationFactory - Callback function that have to return an object with styles for the custom shared transition. * @returns A {@link SharedTransition} object. Styles returned from this function need to be to the `sharedTransitionStyle` prop. * @see https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/shared-element-transitions/overview * @experimental */ public static custom( customAnimationFactory: AnimationFactory ): SharedTransition { return new SharedTransition().custom(customAnimationFactory); } /** * Lets you change the duration of the shared transition. Other shared transition modifiers can be chained alongside this modifier. * * @param duration - The duration of the shared transition animation in milliseconds. * @see https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/shared-element-transitions/overview * @experimental */ public static duration(duration: number): SharedTransition { return new SharedTransition().duration(duration); } /** * Lets you create a shared transition animation bound to the progress between navigation screens. Other shared transition modifiers can be chained alongside this modifier. * * @param progressAnimationCallback - A callback called with the current progress value on every animation frame. It should return an object with styles for the shared transition. * @see https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/shared-element-transitions/overview * @experimental */ public static progressAnimation( progressAnimationCallback: CustomProgressAnimation ): SharedTransition { return new SharedTransition().progressAnimation(progressAnimationCallback); } /** * Whether the transition is progress-bound or not. Other shared transition modifiers can be chained alongside this modifier. * * @param transitionType - Type of the transition. Configured with {@link SharedTransitionType} enum. * @see https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/shared-element-transitions/overview * @experimental */ public static defaultTransitionType( transitionType: SharedTransitionType ): SharedTransition { return new SharedTransition().defaultTransitionType(transitionType); } /** * Lets you adjust the behavior when the device's reduced motion accessibility setting is turned on. Other shared transition modifiers can be chained alongside this modifier. * * @param reduceMotion - Determines how the animation responds to the device's reduced motion accessibility setting. Default to `ReduceMotion.System` - {@link ReduceMotion}. * @see https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/docs/shared-element-transitions/overview * @experimental */ public static reduceMotion(reduceMotion: ReduceMotion): SharedTransition { return new SharedTransition().reduceMotion(reduceMotion); } }