import type { RegisteredStyle, StyleProp } from 'react-native'; import type { AnimatedStyle, SharedValue, TransformArrayItem } from './commonTypes'; import type { BaseAnimationBuilder } from './layoutReanimation/animationBuilder/BaseAnimationBuilder'; import type { EntryExitAnimationFunction, LayoutAnimationFunction } from './layoutReanimation/animationBuilder/commonTypes'; import type { ReanimatedKeyframe } from './layoutReanimation/animationBuilder/Keyframe'; import type { SharedTransition } from './layoutReanimation/sharedTransitions'; type EntryOrExitLayoutType = BaseAnimationBuilder | typeof BaseAnimationBuilder | EntryExitAnimationFunction | ReanimatedKeyframe; type PickStyleProps = Pick; type AnimatedStyleProps = { [Key in keyof PickStyleProps]: StyleProp>; }; /** Component props that are not specially handled by us. */ type RestProps = { [K in keyof Omit | 'style'>]: Props[K] | SharedValue; }; type LayoutProps = { /** * Lets you animate the layout changes when components are added to or removed * from the view hierarchy. * * You can use the predefined layout transitions (eg. `LinearTransition`, * `FadingTransition`) or create your own ones. * * @see */ layout?: BaseAnimationBuilder | LayoutAnimationFunction | typeof BaseAnimationBuilder; /** * Lets you animate an element when it's added to or removed from the view * hierarchy. * * You can use the predefined entering animations (eg. `FadeIn`, * `SlideInLeft`) or create your own ones. * * @see */ entering?: EntryOrExitLayoutType; /** * Lets you animate an element when it's added to or removed from the view * hierarchy. * * You can use the predefined entering animations (eg. `FadeOut`, * `SlideOutRight`) or create your own ones. * * @see */ exiting?: EntryOrExitLayoutType; }; type SharedTransitionProps = { /** * Lets you animate components between two navigation screens. * * Assign the same `sharedTransitionTag` to [animated * components]( * on two different navigation screens to create a shared transition. * * @experimental * @see */ sharedTransitionTag?: string; /** * Lets you create a custom shared transition animation. * * Used alongside `SharedTransition.custom()` method. * * @experimental * @see */ sharedTransitionStyle?: SharedTransition; }; type AnimatedPropsProp = RestProps & AnimatedStyleProps & LayoutProps & SharedTransitionProps; export type AnimatedProps = RestProps & AnimatedStyleProps & LayoutProps & SharedTransitionProps & { /** * Lets you animate component props. * * @see */ animatedProps?: Partial>; }; /** @deprecated This type is no longer relevant. */ export type Adaptable = T | ReadonlyArray> | SharedValue; /** @deprecated This type is no longer relevant. */ export type AdaptTransforms = { [P in keyof T]: Adaptable; }; /** @deprecated Please use {@link TransformArrayItem} type instead. */ export type TransformStyleTypes = TransformArrayItem; /** @deprecated This type is no longer relevant. */ export type AnimatedStyleProp = AnimatedStyle | RegisteredStyle>; /** @deprecated Please use {@link AnimatedProps} type instead. */ export type AnimateProps = AnimatedProps; export {}; //#