import type { ShareableRef, StyleProps, TransformArrayItem, EasingFunction } from '../../commonTypes'; export type LayoutAnimationsOptions = 'originX' | 'originY' | 'width' | 'height' | 'borderRadius' | 'globalOriginX' | 'globalOriginY'; type CurrentLayoutAnimationsValues = { [K in LayoutAnimationsOptions as `current${Capitalize}`]: number; }; type TargetLayoutAnimationsValues = { [K in LayoutAnimationsOptions as `target${Capitalize}`]: number; }; interface WindowDimensions { windowWidth: number; windowHeight: number; } export interface KeyframeProps extends StyleProps { easing?: EasingFunction; } type FirstFrame = { 0: KeyframeProps & { easing?: never; }; from?: never; } | { 0?: never; from: KeyframeProps & { easing?: never; }; }; type LastFrame = { 100?: KeyframeProps; to?: never; } | { 100?: never; to: KeyframeProps; }; export type ValidKeyframeProps = FirstFrame & LastFrame & Record; export type MaybeInvalidKeyframeProps = Record & { to?: KeyframeProps; from?: KeyframeProps; }; export type LayoutAnimation = { initialValues: StyleProps; animations: StyleProps; callback?: (finished: boolean) => void; }; export type AnimationFunction = (a?: any, b?: any, c?: any) => any; export type EntryAnimationsValues = TargetLayoutAnimationsValues & WindowDimensions; export type ExitAnimationsValues = CurrentLayoutAnimationsValues & WindowDimensions; export type EntryExitAnimationFunction = ((targetValues: EntryAnimationsValues) => LayoutAnimation) | ((targetValues: ExitAnimationsValues) => LayoutAnimation) | (() => LayoutAnimation); export type AnimationConfigFunction = (targetValues: T) => LayoutAnimation; export type LayoutAnimationsValues = CurrentLayoutAnimationsValues & TargetLayoutAnimationsValues & WindowDimensions; export interface SharedTransitionAnimationsValues extends LayoutAnimationsValues { currentTransformMatrix: number[]; targetTransformMatrix: number[]; } export type SharedTransitionAnimationsFunction = (values: SharedTransitionAnimationsValues) => LayoutAnimation; export declare enum LayoutAnimationType { ENTERING = 1, EXITING = 2, LAYOUT = 3, SHARED_ELEMENT_TRANSITION = 4, SHARED_ELEMENT_TRANSITION_PROGRESS = 5 } export type LayoutAnimationFunction = (targetValues: LayoutAnimationsValues) => LayoutAnimation; export type LayoutAnimationStartFunction = (tag: number, type: LayoutAnimationType, yogaValues: Partial, config: (arg: Partial) => LayoutAnimation) => void; export interface ILayoutAnimationBuilder { build: () => LayoutAnimationFunction; } export interface BaseLayoutAnimationConfig { duration?: number; easing?: EasingFunction; type?: AnimationFunction; damping?: number; dampingRatio?: number; mass?: number; stiffness?: number; overshootClamping?: number; restDisplacementThreshold?: number; restSpeedThreshold?: number; } export interface BaseBuilderAnimationConfig extends BaseLayoutAnimationConfig { rotate?: number | string; } export type LayoutAnimationAndConfig = [ AnimationFunction, BaseBuilderAnimationConfig ]; export interface IEntryExitAnimationBuilder { build: () => EntryExitAnimationFunction; } export interface IEntryAnimationBuilder { build: () => AnimationConfigFunction; } export interface IExitAnimationBuilder { build: () => AnimationConfigFunction; } export type ProgressAnimationCallback = (viewTag: number, progress: number) => void; export type ProgressAnimation = (viewTag: number, values: SharedTransitionAnimationsValues, progress: number) => void; export type CustomProgressAnimation = (values: SharedTransitionAnimationsValues, progress: number) => StyleProps; /** * Used to configure the `.defaultTransitionType()` shared transition modifier. * * @experimental */ export declare enum SharedTransitionType { ANIMATION = "animation", PROGRESS_ANIMATION = "progressAnimation" } export type EntryExitAnimationsValues = EntryAnimationsValues | ExitAnimationsValues; export type StylePropsWithArrayTransform = StyleProps & { transform?: TransformArrayItem[]; }; export interface LayoutAnimationBatchItem { viewTag: number; type: LayoutAnimationType; config: ShareableRef | undefined; sharedTransitionTag?: string; } export {}; //#