import React, { Component, ComponentType, useEffect, useMemo, useState, } from 'react'; import Rect from './elements/Rect'; import Circle from './elements/Circle'; import Ellipse from './elements/Ellipse'; import Polygon from './elements/Polygon'; import Polyline from './elements/Polyline'; import Line from './elements/Line'; import Svg from './elements/Svg'; import Path from './elements/Path'; import G from './elements/G'; import Text from './elements/Text'; import TSpan from './elements/TSpan'; import TextPath from './elements/TextPath'; import Use from './elements/Use'; import Image from './elements/Image'; import Symbol from './elements/Symbol'; import Defs from './elements/Defs'; import LinearGradient from './elements/LinearGradient'; import RadialGradient from './elements/RadialGradient'; import Stop from './elements/Stop'; import ClipPath from './elements/ClipPath'; import Pattern from './elements/Pattern'; import Mask from './elements/Mask'; import Marker from './elements/Marker'; export const tags: { [tag: string]: ComponentType } = { svg: Svg, circle: Circle, ellipse: Ellipse, g: G, text: Text, tspan: TSpan, textPath: TextPath, path: Path, polygon: Polygon, polyline: Polyline, line: Line, rect: Rect, use: Use, image: Image, symbol: Symbol, defs: Defs, linearGradient: LinearGradient, radialGradient: RadialGradient, stop: Stop, clipPath: ClipPath, pattern: Pattern, mask: Mask, marker: Marker, }; function missingTag() { return null; } export interface AST { tag: string; style?: Styles; styles?: string; priority?: Map; parent: AST | null; children: (AST | string)[] | (JSX.Element | string)[]; props: { [prop: string]: Styles | string | undefined; }; Tag: ComponentType; } export interface XmlAST extends AST { children: (XmlAST | string)[]; parent: XmlAST | null; } export interface JsxAST extends AST { children: (JSX.Element | string)[]; } export type AdditionalProps = { onError?: (error: Error) => void; override?: Object; }; export type UriProps = { uri: string | null } & AdditionalProps; export type UriState = { xml: string | null }; export type XmlProps = { xml: string | null } & AdditionalProps; export type XmlState = { ast: JsxAST | null }; export type AstProps = { ast: JsxAST | null } & AdditionalProps; export function SvgAst({ ast, override }: AstProps) { if (!ast) { return null; } const { props, children } = ast; return ( {children} ); } export const err = console.error.bind(console); export function SvgXml(props: XmlProps) { const { onError = err, xml, override } = props; const ast = useMemo(() => (xml !== null ? parse(xml) : null), [ xml, ]); try { return ; } catch (error) { onError(error); return null; } } export async function fetchText(uri: string) { const response = await fetch(uri); return await response.text(); } export function SvgUri(props: UriProps) { const { onError = err, uri } = props; const [xml, setXml] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { uri ? fetchText(uri) .then(setXml) .catch(onError) : setXml(null); }, [onError, uri]); return ; } // Extending Component is required for Animated support. export class SvgFromXml extends Component { state = { ast: null }; componentDidMount() { this.parse(this.props.xml); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: { xml: string | null }) { const { xml } = this.props; if (xml !== prevProps.xml) { this.parse(xml); } } parse(xml: string | null) { try { this.setState({ ast: xml ? parse(xml) : null }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } render() { const { props, state: { ast }, } = this; return ; } } export class SvgFromUri extends Component { state = { xml: null }; componentDidMount() { this.fetch(this.props.uri); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: { uri: string | null }) { const { uri } = this.props; if (uri !== prevProps.uri) { this.fetch(uri); } } async fetch(uri: string | null) { try { this.setState({ xml: uri ? await fetchText(uri) : null }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } render() { const { props, state: { xml }, } = this; return ; } } const upperCase = (_match: string, letter: string) => letter.toUpperCase(); export const camelCase = (phrase: string) => phrase.replace(/[:-]([a-z])/g, upperCase); export type Styles = { [property: string]: string }; export function getStyle(string: string): Styles { const style: Styles = {}; const declarations = string.split(';'); const { length } = declarations; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const declaration = declarations[i]; if (declaration.length !== 0) { const split = declaration.split(':'); const property = split[0]; const value = split[1]; style[camelCase(property.trim())] = value.trim(); } } return style; } export function astToReact( value: AST | string, index: number, ): JSX.Element | string { if (typeof value === 'object') { const { Tag, props, children } = value; return ( {(children as (AST | string)[]).map(astToReact)} ); } return value; } // slimmed down parser based on function repeat(str: string, i: number) { let result = ''; while (i--) { result += str; } return result; } const toSpaces = (tabs: string) => repeat(' ', tabs.length); function locate(source: string, i: number) { const lines = source.split('\n'); const nLines = lines.length; let column = i; let line = 0; for (; line < nLines; line++) { const { length } = lines[line]; if (column >= length) { column -= length; } else { break; } } const before = source.slice(0, i).replace(/^\t+/, toSpaces); const beforeExec = /(^|\n).*$/.exec(before); const beforeLine = (beforeExec && beforeExec[0]) || ''; const after = source.slice(i); const afterExec = /.*(\n|$)/.exec(after); const afterLine = afterExec && afterExec[0]; const pad = repeat(' ', beforeLine.length); const snippet = `${beforeLine}${afterLine}\n${pad}^`; return { line, column, snippet }; } const validNameCharacters = /[a-zA-Z0-9:_-]/; const whitespace = /[\s\t\r\n]/; const quotemarks = /['"]/; export type Middleware = (ast: XmlAST) => XmlAST; export function parse(source: string, middleware?: Middleware): JsxAST | null { const length = source.length; let currentElement: XmlAST | null = null; let state = metadata; let children = null; let root: XmlAST | undefined; let stack: XmlAST[] = []; function error(message: string) { const { line, column, snippet } = locate(source, i); throw new Error( `${message} (${line}:${column}). If this is valid SVG, it's probably a bug. Please raise an issue\n\n${snippet}`, ); } function metadata() { while ( i + 1 < length && (source[i] !== '<' || !validNameCharacters.test(source[i + 1])) ) { i++; } return neutral(); } function neutral() { let text = ''; let char; while (i < length && (char = source[i]) !== '<') { text += char; i += 1; } if (/\S/.test(text)) { children.push(text); } if (source[i] === '<') { return openingTag; } return neutral; } function openingTag() { const char = source[i]; if (char === '?') { return neutral; } // ') { error('Expected >'); } if (!selfClosing) { currentElement = element; ({ children } = element); stack.push(element); } return neutral; } function comment() { const index = source.indexOf('-->', i); if (!~index) { error('expected -->'); } i = index + 2; return neutral; } function cdata() { const index = source.indexOf(']]>', i); if (!~index) { error('expected ]]>'); } children.push(source.slice(i + 7, index)); i = index + 2; return neutral; } function closingTag() { const tag = getName(); if (!tag) { error('Expected tag name'); } if (currentElement && tag !== currentElement.tag) { error( `Expected closing tag to match opening tag <${currentElement.tag}>`, ); } if (source[i] !== '>') { error('Expected >'); } stack.pop(); currentElement = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (currentElement) { ({ children } = currentElement); } return neutral; } function getName() { let name = ''; let char; while (i < length && validNameCharacters.test((char = source[i]))) { name += char; i += 1; } return name; } function getAttributes(props: { [x: string]: Styles | string | number | boolean | undefined; style?: string | Styles | undefined; }) { while (i < length) { if (!whitespace.test(source[i])) { return; } allowSpaces(); const name = getName(); if (!name) { return; } let value: boolean | number | string = true; allowSpaces(); if (source[i] === '=') { i += 1; allowSpaces(); value = getAttributeValue(); if (!isNaN(+value) && value.trim() !== '') { value = +value; } } props[camelCase(name)] = value; } } function getAttributeValue(): string { return quotemarks.test(source[i]) ? getQuotedAttributeValue() : getUnquotedAttributeValue(); } function getUnquotedAttributeValue() { let value = ''; do { const char = source[i]; if (char === ' ' || char === '>' || char === '/') { return value; } value += char; i += 1; } while (i < length); return value; } function getQuotedAttributeValue() { const quotemark = source[i++]; let value = ''; let escaped = false; while (i < length) { const char = source[i++]; if (char === quotemark && !escaped) { return value; } if (char === '\\' && !escaped) { escaped = true; } value += escaped ? `\\${char}` : char; escaped = false; } return value; } function allowSpaces() { while (i < length && whitespace.test(source[i])) { i += 1; } } let i = 0; while (i < length) { if (!state) { error('Unexpected character'); } state = state(); i += 1; } if (state !== neutral) { error('Unexpected end of input'); } if (root) { const xml: XmlAST = (middleware ? middleware(root) : root) || root; const ast: (JSX.Element | string)[] =; const jsx: JsxAST = xml as JsxAST; jsx.children = ast; return jsx; } return null; }